This Saturday at 12pm we will be running a KIPPING Skills class to learn how to use proper mechanics to improve your pullups, toes-to-bar, muscle-ups, and more! Open to all levels we’ll be covering the basic positions and transitions, and seeing how to apply it appropriately.

RSVP via PushPress!

WORKOUT for Friday 8/13/2021


2 rounds of 1-2-3-2-1 reps of the wall walks and still ring strength progressions then


“Nasty Girls”

3 rounds for time:
50 air squats
7 muscle-ups
10 power cleans, 43/61kg

Post time to whiteboard!

WATCH: The original Nasty Girls workout footage from 2008 or so

Here’s the progression we’ve been working on for STILL RINGS strength:
– 10-count tuck half hang
– tuck half hang pullup negative
– false-grip 10-count tuck half hang
– false-grip tuck half hang pullup negative
– 10-count support
– dip negative (plus hold in tuck dip support)
– strict muscle-up negative

WORKOUT for Wednesday 8/10/2021


3 rounds of 1-2-1 wall walks and our still ring strength progressions


CrossFit Games Semifinals 21.1

3 rounds for time:
21 thrusters, 29/43kg
21 chest-to-bar pullups

Post time to whiteboard!

READ: 10 Most Popular CrossFit Workouts – Gym Lion

WORKOUT for Tuesday 8/10/2021


WORKOUT for Monday 8/9/2021


3 rounds of 1-2-1 wall walks then still ring progressions


as many rounds as possible in 30:00
30 double unders
300m row
300m run

Post-workout should be foam rolling your entire lower body, taking 10second passes or longer. Post score to whiteboard!

READ: Is Life Better When You’re Busy? – Scott Young

No classes on Zoom today but checkout this new video by IVAN.MVMT

YOGA for Sunday 8/8/2021

The equivalents we use for cardio training: a 400m run = a 500m row = a 500m ski = a 1000m air bike = approx 2:00 of jump roping.

WORKOUT for Saturday 8/7/2021

back squat 6 sets of 5 reps (50/5, 65/5, 75/5, 85/5 (2), 85/5+), then

Every 4:00 for 24:00
50’ dumbbell mixed rack lunge, 2×35/50lbs
25 wall ball, 14/20lbs
200m medicine ball run, 14/20lbs

Post results to whiteboard!

READ: How to Advocate For Yourself at the Doctor – Women’s Health

WORKOUT for Friday 8/6/2021

Rack jerk 6 sets of 2 (50-60-70-80/3) then

CGO 21.1

for time/15:00 cap:
1-3-6-9-15-21 wall walks
10-30-60-90-150-210 double unders

Post-workout do some calf stretching, lax ball to front/side/back of shoulder. Post time or reps to whiteboard!

READ: 3 Killer Strategies For CrossFit Open Workout 21.1 – WODprep

Sometimes you don’t want to see the monitor.

CONDITIONING for Thursday 8/5/2021

READ: Consistency Is Key: Justin Medeiros’ Performance at the Games Mirrors CrossFit Methodology – Morning Chalk Up

The Hawaiian Squat is a great movement pattern for learning how to sit back as well as a great stretch for the posterior muscles.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 8/4/2021

every 2 minutes on the minute for 5 rounds do 3 sumo deadlifts, then


as many reps as possible in 20 minutes:
2 (ring) muscle-ups
4 handstand pushups
8 kettlebell swings, 24/32kg (heavy)

Mobility post-workout should be elevated pigeon and tricep SMR. Post score to whiteboard!

READ: Should You Follow the Ketogenic Diet While Strength Training? – BarBend