We are proud to feature the 2nd Shadowboxing class from Manny! Enjoy:

WORKOUT for Saturday 5/24/2020

200 jumping jacks, EMOM do 5 (pogo) burpees over a line

200 bicycle crunches, EMOM do 10 frog pumps

200 mountain climbers, EMOM do 5 (plyo) pushups

These efforts aren’t necessarily for time, but every minute on the minute you’ll have to do some extra work!

Share experiences to comments.

HSPU Strength Ladder: do 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 reps one time through

READ: Breaking: Details Announced For Mayhem Madness – Morning Chalk Up

Check your email for the announcement about our Memorial Day Walk-Through! You can do “MURPH” or “CINDY” on your own afterwards (;

WORKOUT for Friday 5/22/2020

a. 3 rounds of 8-12 1/2 kneeling one-arm DB press
(rest 30 seconds between sides, rest 1:00 between sets)

b. 3 rounds of 8-12 one-arm DB overhead squats
(rest 30 seconds between sides, rest 1:00 between sets)

c. 3 rounds of 8-12 single-arm DB snatch
(rest 30 seconds between sides, rest 1:00 between sets)

d. 6:00 of freestyle jump rope (start and EMOM :15 of high knees)
– Try butt kickers, bell, scissor, skier, straddle, straddle cross

e. (bottom-to-bottom) tabata air squats

f. 6:00 of freestyle jump rope (start & EMOM :15 of high knees)

Warming up includes squat and shoulder prep for all of the overhead positions today. Cooling down with static positions and twisting.

NO EQUIPMENT? NO PROBLEM! If you don’t have a jump rope you can practice penguin jumps and still change up your footwork. All of the dumbbell work can be done with a backpack loaded to medium-heavy weight, but be mindful of your pack’s security. Alternatively you could use a jug of water, or a really strong shopping bag loaded lightly- focus on technique and control rather than intensity.

NOTES: Body building pieces at the beginning. The presses need to be light, if tool being used is too light, tempo the eccentric (negative portion). The idea is that the pressing will activate the entire shoulder to maintain stability for the rest of the day. Might find some biases between sides. Presses will help with that. The kneeling part is for stability. If you are standing, likely you will shift from one side to the other. Go as strict as possible. Overhead squats are suppose to be difficult, it is hard to squat and hold your hands over your head, these will help alleviate those biases and strengthen the midline and shoulder/hip girdles. Putting them on a timer will force athletes to move, and focus on the task at hand. This will also be good teaching moment to focus on good positions and cues. Snatching is for power development and stamina. Move on to the skipping rope to bottom to bottom squats then back around to the skipping rope to round out the day.

2nd Serving: Need More Work? (Strength-Bias)

3:oo of band high pulls
3:00 of bicep curls
3:00 of overhead tricep extensions

HSPU Strength Ladder: 1 round of 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 reps

READ: Fruits & Vegetables Are Trying to Kill You – Pocket

The few kettles we had left at the gym yesterday. Come rent one!

WORKOUT for Thursday 5/21/2020

every 3 minutes on the minute x 4
12 double dumbbell push press
12 double dumbbell front squats
12 double dumbbell deadlifts


every 4 minutes on the minute x 3 do 12 Devil’s Press


2 rounds: every 5 minutes on the minute do 9 Hellmakers

NO EQUIPMENT? NO PROBLEM! Load a backpack up to the appropriate stimulus today and make sure your straps are tidy so you don’t get whipped in the face.

Warmup is midline stamina and stability work, cool down is hip flexor stretching.

2nd Serving: Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)

6x400m at 70% effort. 2:00 rests between, then

6x “long hill”- find a hill that you know has a mean incline, but is doable as long as you apply your strength into climbing hard. Reset walk to recover and repeat.

800m cool down jog. Stretch arches, calves, and hip flexors.

HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x6 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Two Gyms that Defy Stay-at-Home Orders Sued by State Attorney General – Seattle Times
WATCH: In June’s programming you’ll want to make sure you have a kettlebell (or similar) at home!

Sneak peak of how we’re changing up the space and preparing for our eventual reopening!

(Which will occur when it’s legal to do so, and we feel it’s safe enough to operate.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/20/2020

for quality:
– accumulate 70 pike pushups, start & EMOM with 3-5 shooter pushups
– accumulate 70 one-arm Arnold Z-Press, start & EMOM 20 flutter kicks
– accumulate 70 v-ups, start & EMOM 20 shoulder taps (plank run)

NO EQUIPMENT OPTION: Load up a backpack to a medium-heavy weight, or you can use your biggest water bottle filled up for a lighter weight.

Warm up involves joint prep and a roundabout set of exercises. Cool down

READ: Memorial Day Murph: Who, What, Why? – BTWB

WORKOUT for Tuesday 5/12/2020

Warmup with intervals of movement patterns and bodyweight exercises to get the blood pumping through them muscles! Followed by a little mobility work to check the positional patterns we’ll challenge in today’s workout.

21-15-9 reps for time:
med ball squat cleans
med ball thrusters
med ball overhead squats
med ball sumo deadlift high pull

2nd Serving: Need More Work? (Strength-Bias)

With a pair of dumbbells hold one arm at half range then complete 8 full range-of-motion reps on the other arm. Alternate sides for 3 total sets per side.

Then complete 12 to 15 dips on whatever you can do dips on. Rest 1:00 minute and repeat for a total of 3 sets.

Finally complete 12-15 reps of the forward delt raise. Rest 1:00 then repeat for two more sets.

NO EQUIPMENT? NO PROBLEM! Load a backpack up to the appropriate stimulus today and make sure your straps are tidy so you don’t get whipped in the face.

HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOM x6 do 1-2-1 reps.

READ: The Last True Hermit Was Alone for 27 Years – The Atlantic

Anyone else get outside this weekend?

For the full at-home guided session please sign up for the Workout Prep videos on ZenPlanner!

SESSION for Monday 5/18/2020

Death by Devil’s Press, medium-loading

immediately into

Death by Thruster, medium-loading

Share weight used and further completed minutes to comments.


Warm up is a plethora of bumper plate core exercises and the post-workout after the second serving is 30 supine Scorpions with 3-second pause at end range.

The “Death By” format is using a clock and doing one rep through minute one, two reps through minute two, three reps by minute three, and so on and so forth until you cannot complete the required amount of reps before the beginning of the next minute.

2nd Serving- Need More Work? (Strength-Bias)

3 x 8-12reps Glute Bridge DB Press (light)
rest 30s between arms, 30s between sets
3 x 8-12reps Single arm Z-Press (light)
rest 30s between arms, 30s between sets
3 x 60s Banded Plank (thin)
rest 30s between sets

HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOM x5 of 1-2-1 reps

READ: The Fitness Industry is Failing You – Morning Chalk Up

Join our 10am Zoom class for Yoga with Ivan

WORKOUT for Sunday 5/17/2020

for time:
1600m run
50 air squats
1200m run
40 air squats
800m run
30 air squats
400m run
20 air squats
200m run
10 air squats

Share time to comments!

READ: Dan John: 10k KBS and Strength Origins – BarBend Podcast