It begins! I did the workout with a 24kg kettlebell yesterday at 3:30pm on a YouTube/Instagram Livestream:

WORKOUT for Saturday 4/4/2020

Support Your Local Box Fundraiser – Event 1

AMRAP in 10:00
10 squats
9 right-arm snatches, 50/35/20lbs
10 pushups
9 left-arm snatches, 50/35/20lbs

Post results here. There’s still time to register for the $free.99/$20/$whateverthef*ckyouwant online fundraiser event, which can benefit Foundation if you choose it to.

2nd Serving: Need More Work? Endurance-Bias

10k run, row, or ski for time. 20k bike ride. Today was supposed to be the Spartan Race, so you can add some obstacles in if you’d like. Just be mindful of what you touch.

HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOM x 5 do 1-2-1

READ: SYLBF – Event 1 Demo & Standards –
WATCH: Workout standards and movement demo

WORKOUT for Friday 4/3/2020

every minute on the minute for 15:00
50′ overhead carry
5 front squats

Ideally done with a pair of kettlebells/dumbbells at 50/35/20lbs, or a barbell at around 50% of your 1RM clean. The more awkward the object, the better. Finish both the carry and front squats within the minute, resting until the top of the next minute. Here’s a nifty timer if you’d like to use it.

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

for time:
40 handstand pushups
40 power cleans, 80/60/40kg

HSPU Strength Ladder: E2MOM x2 do 1-2-3-2-1

READ: Support Your Local Box Fundraiser – Foundation CrossFit

Paraphrased from CrossFit HQ:

The Support Your Local Box Fundraiser is a CrossFit event for the benefit of CrossFit affiliates affected by COVID-19 around the globe, including your very own FCF. The temporary closures and distance between us cannot keep this community apart. Affiliates around the world have demonstrated this through their actions over the past few weeks. Now, the entire CrossFit community has an opportunity to come together in support of our affiliates.

Event Format

Over the next 3 weeks, will release

  • 3 classic and accessible workouts
  • Workouts can be performed by participants of any ability level.
  • Everyone who participates will have their name displayed on the community leaderboard and will be able to create smaller leaderboards among friends, family, and other members of their affiliate using leaderboard hashtags.
  • FCF will use our usual #HYFRsquad
  • HYFR = Hell Yeah, F*cking Right

Registration began on 4/1 at, and will remain open for the duration of the competition.

The first workout will be released on Friday, April 3.


Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

How to Get Involved

Anyone can participate in the Support Your Local Box Fundraiser. Payment is not required. We understand that many face financial difficulties at this time and want everyone to have the opportunity to participate without barriers. Your participation is, in itself, a strong form of support and encouragement to the affiliate community.

When you register, you will have the option to select a contribution amount ranging from $20 to $1,000 -OR- participate at no cost.

Participants can also select the affiliate they would like to receive their contribution. When the competition closes, the proceeds will be distributed to affiliates in accordance with their roster of supporters. CrossFit, Inc. will distribute all registration funds to the designated affiliates.


How to Contribute

Every CrossFit affiliate, trainer, and participant has been impacted by COVID-19, but we recognize some gyms will have greater needs than others in the coming weeks and months. All participants can use social media to direct and encourage contributions to their own affiliate or another affiliate in the community that needs our help. This is also an opportunity to rally family and friends to participate in this accessible event.

Support Your Affiliate: Select ‘Foundation CrossFit’ as your affiliate in the registration process to have your registration pass directly to us so that we can reopen when this is all over.

For all of us, this is also a chance to share the benefits of CrossFit with friends and family. Not only do we have an opportunity to raise funds for affiliates and trainers in need, but we can use this charitable event to bring CrossFit into the garages and living rooms of our loved ones. We encourage everyone to share the free and accessible scaled versions of the event workouts with those in their lives for whom this could be an entry point into improving their own fitness and health as part of the global CrossFit community.

Note: Registration fees and additional contributions to the Support Your Local Box event are not tax deductible. 


WORKOUT for Thursday 4/2/2020

6 rounds for total exercise reps:
1:00 max calorie row
1:00 max burpees
1:00 max double unders
1:00 rest

Post total calories, total burpees, and total double unders to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

1000m row/ski (2k bike) for time. Establish a “goal split” by dividing your goal time (ex: 3:00) in half (1:30/500m goal split). Pace is as follows:

0-150 meters: goal pace -1
150-400 meters: goal pace
400-600 meters: goal place +.5
600-700 meteres: goal pace
700-900 meters goal pace -1
900-1000 meters: FULL SEND

HSPU Strength Ladder: every 2 minutes on the minute complete 1-2-3-2-1

READ: Registration For SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BOX Fundraiser Now Open – CrossFit HQ
WATCH: Yesterday’s 2nd Serving was also pre-filmed at Chophouse Row

by FCF athlete Maia Kurnik
MPH, Registered Dietitian, ACSM-Certified Exercise Physiologist

Faster than a speeding sneeze cloud (ew)! Stronger than your boss’ germy handshake (remember handshakes?). Able to stop a stampeding rhinovirus with a single cell! Protecting you in planes, trains, and automobiles…

It’s your IMMUNE SYSTEM! *Trumpet fanfare*

Your immune system is a silent superhero – defending your body against infectious bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other invaders right this very moment. An impressive collection of tissues, cells, and proteins, your immune system wields physical shields, as well as chemical and guerilla warfare, to keep you healthy. It’s the hero we deserve and the hero we need during a global pandemic.

Your body is well-equipped to fend off most bugs that would seek to make you sick, but it could use a little extra help from a trusty sidekick armed with the following five immune-boosting habits:

1. Wash your hands and avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth.

Seriously. Just do it. Many diseases, not just COVID-19, are spread by not washing our hands. Our skin forms a physical barrier against harmful bugs, but our eyes, nose, and mouth are weak points in that armor where viruses and bacteria can enter. Handwashing can reduce respiratory illnesses, like colds, by 16 percent to 21 percent in your community1,2.

Pro tip: Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” the “Alphabet Song,” or “Happy Birthday” twice through while annihilating your germy foes with warm, soapy water. As Kanye West says, “Every superhero need his theme music.”

2. Get enough sleep.

Experts agree that most adults need at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night3.  Studies show people who don’t get enough quality sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus like the common cold4,5. Furthermore, getting enough sleep can help you recover faster if you do get sick6. To make your Fortress of Solitude more conducive to sleep, avoid electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime, finish exercise and your last meal three-ish hours before bedtime, and develop a consistent and relaxing bedtime routine7. This is especially important for my swolemates trying to get those gains. Your body releases growth hormone in the deepest stages of sleep, which is critical for building muscle mass. Get enough Zzz’s to hit those Kg’s. 

3. Manage your stress.

Chronic stress is your immune system’s kryptonite. Stress weakens your immune system by reducing the number of white blood cells available to fight off infection8. Meditation and deep breathing help to counteract the effects of stress by reducing cortisol, a stress-related hormone, and improve mental focus10,11.

Try this simple, one-minute meditation: In a comfortable seat, breathe in for four counts, pause, and breathe out for four counts. Repeat the cycle and notice where you feel your breath – your nose, your chest, your belly. 

Now is the time to make stress management habits into a regular practice. Like your glutes, these habits work better the more you use them. Journaling, yoga, petting cute dogs, listening to music, breathing, connecting (virtually) with loved ones, exercise… pick a few that feel good and make them a daily habit. In addition, set down social media, turn off the news, and unfollow your weird uncle who keeps posting inflammatory BS. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life, honey.

4. Nourish your body.

One of the most frequently asked questions I get as a dietitian is, “What specific food can I eat to ________?” But, just as Captain America couldn’t defeat Loki and his Chitauri army alone – he needed the whole Avengers team – no single food is super all on its own. Similarly, individual nutrients from a variety of whole foods work together to defeat bacteria and viruses. Meet your own Immunity Avengers12:

  • Brightly colored fruits and veggies provide vitamins A and C, in addition to dozens of other phytonutrients and antioxidants. For the most benefit, eat from the entire rainbow of colors each day. 
  • Protein is a necessary building block for your body’s defenses. Food-forms of protein are best, and most of us can get by without shakes, bars, or powders. Eat a protein-rich food at least 2-3 times each day.
  • Zinc is an immune-boosting superhero found in oysters, chicken, beans and peas, almonds, cashews, yogurt, and oats13.
  • Stay Hydrated to keep every component of your physiology running well. How much is enough? Drink ‘til you pee nearly clear

The goal here is progress, not perfection. It’s a weird time right now, so your eating habits might feel a little off, or you might notice yourself snacking more than usual. That’s very okay, and very human. Focus on one or two small ways that you can nourish yourself well today. 

5. Trust in the power of lifestyle habits, not supplements.

Put down the “immune booster” supplement. While it could help, it’s no match for the evils of poor nutrition, chronic stress, and not enough sleep. Here’s the truth: not all supplements are created equal, and very few are tested for safety and efficacy. Instead, make handwashing, quality sleep, stress management, and solid nutrition daily habits. With these powers combined, your immune system can shine like the superhero it is!


  1. Rabie T and Curtis V. Handwashing and risk of respiratory infections: a quantitative systematic review.Trop Med Int Health. 2006 Mar;11(3):258-67.
  2. Aiello AE, Coulborn RM, Perez V, Larson EL. Effect of hand hygiene on infectious disease risk in the community setting: a meta-analysis.Am J Public Health. 2008;98(8):1372-81.
  3. Watson NF, Badr MS, Belenky G, et al. Joint Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society on the Recommended Amount of Sleep for a Healthy Adult: Methodology and Discussion. Sleep. 2015 Aug;38(8):1161-1183.
  4. Cohen S, Doyle WJ, Alper CM, Janicki-Deverts D, Turner RB. Sleep Habits and Susceptibility to the Common Cold. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(1):62–67. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2008.505
  5. Ibarra-Coronado EG, Pantaleon-Martinez AM, Velazquez-Moctezuma J, et al. The Bidirectional Relationship between Sleep and Immunity against Infections. J Immunol Res. 2015 Aug; 678164
  6. Imeri L and Opp MR. How (and why) the immune system makes us sleep. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2010 Mar; 10(3):199-210
  7. “Healthy Sleep Habits.” Sleep Education. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Web. 10 Oct 2018.
  8. Sorrells SF and Sapolsky RM. An Inflammatory Review of Glucocorticoid Actions in the CNS. Brain Behav Immun. 2007 Mar; 21(3):259-272.
  9. Vitlic A, Lord JM, Phillips AC. Stress, ageing and their influence on functional, cellular, and molecular aspects of the immune system. Age (Dordr) 2014; 1169–1185. Available from:
  10. Vago DR and Silbersweig DA. Self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-transcendence (S-ART): a framework for understanding the neurobiological mechanisms of mindfulness. Front Hum Neurosci. 2012; 6:296 Available from:
  11. Eckberg DL. The human respiratory gate. J Physiol (2003); 548(2): 339-352.
  12. “Protect Your Health with Immune-boosting Nutrition.” Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Web. 17 Oct 2018.
  13. “Zinc.” Fact Sheet for Health Professionals. National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. Web. 17 Oct 2018.

Paolo setting up for medicine ball cleans

WORKOUT for Wednesday 4/1/2020

AMRAP in 9:00
30 box jump overs
60 push press
90 med ball cleans
– rest 3:00 then –
AMRAP in 6:00
30 box jumps
60 hang cleans
90 v-ups

30 pogo burpees
60 close-grip pushups
90 v-ups
– then –
30 pogo burpees
60 tuck jumps
90 v-ups

Post total reps completed to comments.

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

At-Home “JT”
21-15-9 reps for time:

HSPU Skill Ladder: EMOM x4 do 1-2-1

READ: 5 Tips to Keep Your Immune System Heroic During COVID-19 – Maia K for Foundation CrossFit

Here are some of the things you may have missed from Dave’s Instagram Live from Sunday in how to break down a chicken (with very little waste)!

Chicken Stock
– Chicken bones, Mirepoix (2 parts onion, 1 part carrots, 1 part celery, thyme, parsley stem, peppercorn, bay leaf )
– Just cover with water, bring to simmer (DO NOT BOIL), drop heat to light percolation, skim funk as it cooks.  3-4 hours on stove/1 hour in pressure cooker.  Let cool, strain, store (you can freeze)

Roasted Chicken Breast
– Marinade is whole grain mustard, salt & pepper, extra virgin olive oil, herbs (best to let sit overnight)
– Sear both sides on medium heat then throw in oven until cooked thoroughly

Drums & Thighs
– Braise is soy sauce, ginger, garlic, chicken stock.
– Place everything in pyrex, loose cover, cook at 325. 

Roasted Wings
– Marinate in fish sauce, red wine vinegar, garlic, and honey overnight.
– Roast at 375 degrees.

Crispy Chicken Skin
– Place on sheet tray, stretch them out, season with salt.
– Roast at 350.
– Adds texture to anything (use in place of bacon)

WORKOUT for Tuesday 3/31/2020


On a running clock

Complete 3 rounds of
20 jumping lunges
20 single-arm snatch

Complete 3 rounds of
20 jumping lunges
20 single-arm power clean

14:00-21:00 or faster
Complete 3 rounds of
20 jumping lunges
20 single-arm thrusters

Dumbbell is ideally 50/35/20lbs. Kettlebell would be 24/16/12kg.

2nd Serving – Need More Work?

5:00-4:00-3:00-2:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00 for max total calories on a rower/ski/bike. Rest 1:00 between each interval.

READ: Support Your Local Box Fundraiser – CrossFit
WATCH: Where today’s 2nd Serving came from (via Owen):