WORKOUT for Working Womxn’s Wednesday 12/28/2022
“12 Days of CrossFit”
in cumulative song format, for time:
100m run/150m row
2x 25′ bear crawl
:03 handstand
4 DB clean & jerks, 2×20/35/50lbs
5 dive-bomber pushups
6 knees-to-elbows
7 kettlebell swings, 12/16/24kg
8 toes-to-bar
9 (ring) dips
10 squat thrusts/burpees
11 pullups
12 rocking pistols
or make up a 40-minute EMOM rotating through 4-5 stations! Post time to whiteboard!
ENGINE for Wed 12/28
for time:
50 calorie row
30 push press
50 burpee over rower
30 thruster
50 calorie bike
30 power clean
Rx = 30/50/70kg. Post time to whiteboard.
BODYBUILDING for Wed 12/28
3-4 rounds
8 one-arm DB chest fly/side
8 one-arm DB lat pullover/side
2-3 rounds
12 one-arm row/side
12 one-arm rear delt fly/side
1-2 rounds
15 drag curl negatives (or KB towel curls)
15 JM press
SKILLS for Tuesday 12/27/2022 is the CLEAN
CompEx for Tues 12/27
3 sets
40-80 double unders
1-2 rope climbs
:30 freestanding or wall-facing handstand march
3 sets
8-10 tempo split squats @3011
4-6 tempo nordic curls @4011
8-10 tempo double-kettlebell bent over rows @2111
EMOM x20
a. :45 wall sit
b. 15 wall ball
c. :45 strict pullup
d. 26 seated banded row
GYMNASTICS for Tues 12/27
E2MOM x16
6 (strict) pullups
12 single leg squats
24 shoulder taps (plank > wall HS)/24′ handstand walk
core finisher
CrossFit and GT for 9/10/11am only!
WORKOUT for Monday 12/26/2022
every 7 minutes for 21 minutes:
20 DB bent-over row, 2×20/35/50lbs
30 DB step-ups, 12/20/24
400m run (or equivalent)
Rest the remainder of the interval before going again. Post attendance to whiteboard!
CONDITIONING for Mon 12/26
Hope you and yours are having a warm and safe holiday weekend!
CONDITIONING for Sunday 12/25/2022
MOBILITY for Sun 12/25
Some funky weather we’re having, huh? Just in case we can’t run classes again we’ll share some options below, but definitely check out YouTube for tons of “Follow-Along” videos for workouts, stretching, rolling out, and more.
SKILLS for Saturday 12/24/2022 is the CLEAN
WORKOUT for Sat 12/24
AMRAP in 20:00
5 wall walks
200m farmer’s carry
then maybe a lift!
CONDITIONING for Sat 12/24
CORE for Sat 12/24
MOBILITY for Sat 12/24
Be safe out there! Weather looks to be pretty bad come the morning so we’ve cancelled all classes and GT hours until 12pm.
WORKOUT for Friday 12/23/2022
establish a 1RM shoulder-to-overhead (shoulder press, push press, jerk, etc) in 20:00 then
for time:
30 push press
30 thruster
30 power clean
Rx = 30/50/70kg. Post time to whiteboard!
ENGINE for Fri 12/23
5 rounds for time:
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
3:00 rest
BODYBUILDING for Fri 12/23
3-4 rounds
8 one-arm DB chest fly/side
8 one-arm DB lat pullover/side
2-3 rounds
12 one-arm row/side
12 one-arm rear delt fly/side
1-2 rounds
15 drag curl negatives (or KB towel curls again)
15 JM press
GYMNASTICS for Fri 12/23
EMOM x15
a. 2 pike walk clocks
b. 12 single leg squats
c. 6 box jump burpee, high
4 rounds
20 weighted crunch
30 supine oblique crunch
5 parallette shoot through
SKILLS for Thursday 12/22/2022 is the DEADLIFT
CompEx for Thurs 12/22
E2MOM x6 do 2 front squats at 80%
every 5:00 for 5 rounds
250/300m row
6 power cleans, 34/52/70kg
250/300m row
9 burpee-over-rower
3 sets
16 reverse lunge
20 banded face pulls
MOBILITY for Thurs 12/22