+ The 3 Building Blocks to Performing a Proper Dip – Breaking Muscle
CrossFit WOD for Skills Wednesday 1/4
front squats 3x5x70, then
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 ring rows
10 ring Dips
15 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
Day 2: front squat, 3-position clean, BtN jerk, GHD work. Day 1 if this is your first workout.
Kettlebell WOD
Planks/Halos warmup
TGU work 15 minutes
Single Arm Strength Day 2
6/6 reps emom 12 minutes
We are offering a free Community CrossFit class this Saturday!
Are you a member here? Bring your friends, family, and/or co-workers to join us for a workout appropriate for them! It’s a great opportunity to finally bring that person you’ve been annoying with your “PRs”, “tabatas”, and untimely stretching. Show them what FCF has to offer.
Not a member, but interested in what we do here? Come on by anyway. Also feel free to bring some friends along. We’ll show you all the things you’ve been watching us do online!
These are scheduled to lead up to our Foundations On-Ramp program. The purpose of this program is to introduce interested athletes to our facility, our community, and the CrossFit methodology. It also prepares them and their “toolbox” to be ready to be released into our ongoing group classes.
These class are open to members, non-members, experienced, non-experienced CrossFit athletes. Depending on your fitness level it can also be ‘just sweaty’ or ‘super tough’. We’ll guide you through regardless. The workouts are definitely approachable and relatively non-technical, but most importantly, fun! Don’t we look like a fun group!?
You can RSVP on our online scheduling system, or just show up! (Members who RSVP to the class, we will return the class to you so that it doesn’t count against you.)
Our next On-ramp will run January 17th through February 11th. The full course is 12 classes, 4-weeks. Click here for details.
Choose one of the following series:
– 7:00am Tuesday, Thursday & 10:00am on Saturdays
– 11:00am Tuesday, Thursday & 10:00am on Saturdays
– 7:30pm Tuesday, Thursday & 10:00am on Saturdays
Check out our free Community CrossFit Class to get a feel for what we offer!
The complete Foundations Program is a 4-week, 12-class course for $275. Take the first 3 classes for $100. After the completion of the first week, you have the option of completing the remaining classes in the course for an additional $175.
If the legs drive first and foremost, and the shoulders stay in front of the hips for as long as possible, then you potentially get more use out of the hamstrings and glutes. If you can engage these muscles then you shouldn’t have to feel like your back takes the brunt of it. The arms simply finish the movement.
+ Destroy Open Workout 16.4 – BoxRox
+ CrossFit Open 16.4 Tips, Tricks, & Strategies – CrossFit Portland
CrossFit WOD for Skills Tuesday 1/3
back squat
CGO 16.4
AMRAP in 13 minutes:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups
Compare previous results. Post score to whiteboard.
HellaFit WOD
50 of each:
bent over rows
reverse lunges
squats (optional: goblet, OH, air, etc.)
1 ramp sprint BEFORE each movement.
…And new us! Welcome to the new Foundation CrossFit website and blog. Really weird how the old one crashed a couple of days before we planned to roll this version out. Oh well, screw 2016…2017 in the house!
Hope you guys had a fantastic time celebrating the new year. Here’s to many goals crushed and dreams realized.
Time to get back at it!
+ The Power of Setting Absolutely Huge Goals –
CrossFit WOD for Skills Monday 1/2
bench press 5x8x65% + ab work, then
50-40-30-20-10 for time:
double unders
push ups
Post time to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
back squat, 3-position snatch, snatch-grip RDL, russian twists, hanging leg lifts
no Kettlebell WOD today
(we’ll be back Wednesday)
Flashback Friday featuring Foundation CrossFit 3.0:
(3.0 is located next door to where we currently are, now home to PLAY Doggie Daycare)
CrossFit WOD for Friday 10/14
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
3 power cleans, 61/43kg
6 push-ups
9 squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles.
Barbell Club WOD – Week 4, Day 3: MOCK MEET!
3 attempts at a max snatch
3 attempts at a max clean & jerk
Tomorrow we will have a contingent of athletes participating in the FESTIVUS GAMES down in Lacey, WA:
A photo posted by Foundation CrossFit (@foundationcrossfit) on
The CrossFit Open is a worldwide online CrossFit competition and we’ve done it every year as a gym since its inception in 2011. This year we’re copying a fantastic idea from Catalyst Fitness’ Intramural Open idea… and I’m going to plagiarize the hell out of it! IT’S THAT GOOD OF AN IDEA.
(Actually I’ll just their entire post and change the details as I see fit)
Our goals at Foundation: to educate and inspire. Competition helps with the ‘inspire’ part: the pressure to perform pushes you to train harder; the social boost of dozens of your best friends cheering for you will help you reach a higher plane. Heck, watching your teammates GO is inspiring!
Can we bring that worldwide thrill home? Can we deliver all the fun of competition without causing any anxiety attacks? We think so.
I’ve chosen four people to be Team Captains (who also chose another four to be Co-Captains). We will have a private draft and you’ll be put onto a team. These Teams will go through the Open which will ultimately lead us to our intergym throwdown VERSUS 8. Who will win the Golden Hammer?
Registration for the Open can be done until 5pm on Monday 2/29 at, Choose Foundation CrossFit as your Affiliate.
Coaches and the rest of the registered FCF fam will be ‘drafted’ onto an Intramural team. They won’t lose their spot on our Regional team, and their points will still count toward our Affiliate score worldwide, but we want to ensure even distribution of our most competitive athletes.
Once drafted onto a team you’ll be entered onto the public Team Rosters.
If you’re reading this and you haven’t registered for the CGO you’ll probably be courted by one of our Team Captains to join their team – probably more than one. Pick the most fun team!
+1 Point – Attendance: every member of a team that completes an Open workout at Foundation each week earns one point. Maximum one point per athlete per workout. This goes for Rx AND Scaled competitors!
+1 Point – Podium: Top 3 males AND Top 3 female athletes on the leaderboard at Foundation for each workout (Rx Division only) gets an extra point for their team.
+1 Point – Pride: Wear any of our FCF/CFSLU gear during the Open Events on Saturdays and earn another point for your team!
+3 Points – Skills: If you perform your first-ever skill when grinding in a workout, your team will be awarded three extra points! Think chest-to-bar pullups, a new max snatch/CJ, handstand pushups, the elusive muscle-up, etc.
+3 Point – Personal Records: Been in the Open before and this week it’s a repeat of a past event? Set a PR and earn a 3-pointer for your team!
+5 Points (team) – Spirit: Who stands out and represents the spirit of Foundation CrossFi? The team with the most encouragement, noise, pride, and PRESENCE each week will receive 5 points per standout action.
+5 Points – Bonus: Who goes above and beyond, representing not just your team, but the community of Foundation CrossFit and the CrossFit philosophy? Earn 5 points for standing out to FCF HQ.
It’s possible to earn more points as we (FCF HQ) determine what things we want to see. This list is secret from all athletes and captains. Essentially this is like when the Hogwarts professors award (and take away) points to the houses.
Points will be awarded by FCF HQ after every event.
Athletes competing in the Open will have only four days to complete each workout. We haven’t yet set our schedule for competition. The Open will have five workouts over five weeks, with the fifth week including VERSUS 8, where your team points entering the event may sway some things. Think about it this way: the Open is a sport season and VERSUS are the playoffs (and championship).
As usual, you can be tested at any CrossFit class on the predetermined CGO days, which are all day Friday, and the special 11am’s on Saturday. Make-ups are to be done on Sundays during our business hours. You’ll need to check in with the trainers on duty and have a certified judge with you to watch your work.
We’ll have some random draws each week for prizes, including gear, socks, water bottles, supplements like Vaper, clothing, training packages, and more! The top team will also earn a GRAND prize. Details released later!
Our focus is on FUN. We want participation because it will make you more fit, and it will get you high-fives and you’ll be happy and love life more and glow and glisten and stuff.
Register online at the CrossFit Games site, and let’s start this party!