Premiering at 9am PST:

Then login to PushPress to do YOGA with IVAN.MVMT at 10am on Zoom.

WORKOUT for Saturday 5/22/2021


Until told otherwise rotate through:
250m row
20 air squats
10 pushups
5 pullups

Feel free to work on variations like pistols, c2b/mu, HSPU, etc.


every 90 seconds do 2 thrusters, ascending in weight


Max total reps in 20 minutes:
20 plank pullover
20 med ball cleans
20 Russian twists
20 slam ball

Post score to whiteboard!

WATCH: Rogue Fitness has another online competition ready for those who want it!

MURPH is coming this Memorial Day and we’ll be running a special holiday schedule. Click here to learn more about how we’re handling it this year.

WORKOUT for Friday 5/21/2021


Until told otherwise rotate between:
5 wide-grip pullups
10 close-grip pushups
20 light goblet squats
250m NO-LEG row
50 running jump rope


every 2 minutes on the minute for 40 minutes:
a. 20 calorie row
b. 40 box jumps, 4/8/12”
c. 80 double unders
d. Some muscle-ups
e. 2 sets of the deadlift + clean + jerk complex

Goal is to finish each interval as quickly as possible. Post heaviest barbell load to whiteboard!

WATCH: Here’s the PairUP ThrowDOWN event for this year. Did anyone sign up? We can make time for the workout in-gym this weekend if so.

MURPH is coming on Monday 5/31!

+ + +

We plan to have a handful of sessions to complete this long workout:

  • 8am
  • 9:30am
  • and 11am
  • (If we max out RSVPs we’ll add more sessions.)

Speaking of RSVPs you’ll notice TWO classes per session. One session has a limit of 6 athletes, while the other session has a limit of 12.

  • SINGLE-OCCUPANT LANE: For the 6-athlete session each athlete will be put into a lane like we currently do in our ongoing Strength & Conditioning classes.
  • OPEN FLOOR PLAN: For the 12-athlete session each athlete will be able to use the pullup rig on the other side of the gym however they need to, without the need of the current lane system.

RSVPs are open now on PushPress. Reserve your spots and keep training to be better prepared!

CONDITIONING for Thursday 5/20/2021


AMRAP in 3:00
3 pushups
6 burpees
9 squats

Rest 1:00 and repeat for a total of 5 rounds. Post scores to comments!


Are your shoulders forward of your hips in the catch when you row?

WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/19/2021


Until told otherwise:
250m row
20 jumping lunges
10 T-pushups
5 pullups

Feel free to work on variations like pistols, c2b/mu, HSPU, etc.


4:00 max reps of each:

Back squats
(BtN) shoulder-to-overhead
Barbell curls
JM press (aka neck/chin crusher)


CONDITIONING for Tuesday 5/18/21


for max total reps:
5:00 of lunges
4:00 of situps
3:00 of rocket launchers
2:00 of hand-release pushups
1:00 of burpees

Post score to comments!

READ: Let’s Talk About Health – Just Move