Today you get yet another taste of a CGOpen workout. We don’t just like to represent and participate in the world wide competition, we do our own in-house event to keep everyone accountable while having tons of fun. Look for the official rules later today!



+ Anaerobic Lactate Training: Pushing Out the Red Line with Killer Training – TrainHeroic

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 2/18

CGO 12.3

as many rounds (and reps) as possible in 18 minutes:
15 box jumps, 24/20″
12 shoulder-to-overhead, 53/35kg
9 toes-to-bar

Compare here. Post results to comments!

Competition CrossFit

Team row/box jump/db cleans, snatch % ladder, PSn+WB, deadlift/hspu, midline

The gym is a great place to destress, work out, and spend time with friends. It’s our safe haven! We are thankful and lucky to have an awesome cleaning crew. They come in on a weekly basis to clean the bathrooms, garbage & recycling, and over the weekend they sweep/vacuum and use a RugDoctor on our gym floor. You see them. Make sure to let them know how much you appreciate them!

We all work hard to keep a safe environment for everyone and would like to use this opportunity to remind you to keep our facilities clean.

  • Keep your personal items in cubbies to keep the gym space for gym equipment.
  • Keep chalk inside of the bucket!
  • Wipe down your equipment with disinfecting wipes and return to their home after use.
  • Wipe down your pull up area/barbell (especially if you accidentally ripped a callous).
  • Stay home if you’re sick!

And now, a message from Coach/RN Mark

Hey everyone!

You’d think you would be ok with surviving this last flu season, but alas, microorganisms never sleep #RW3. There has been increased reports of norovirus in the Seattle area and we’d like to keep you informed on what that might mean for you!

What is norovirus?
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus and can cause sudden onset of vomiting and diarrhea. One of the most common ways it is spread is through contaminated food and water or through contact with contaminated surfaces.

What are the symptoms?
The most common signs of norovirus are vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. You would also see an increase in temperature (low grade) and possibly muscle pain (probably masked by all the WOD’s you’ve been doing). Symptoms usually begin 12-48 hours after initial infection and most feel better after 1-3 days. Keep hydrated!

Practice proper hand hygiene! Wash your hands, thoroughly, with soap and water especially after you use the bathroom. If you suspect that you have norovirus, stay home! Avoid going to work or coming to the gym.

For more information please visit:
Mayo Clinic

Sheena C and her Level 2 CrossFit Trainer crew at CrossFit Belltown (courtesy

She was so excited she couldn’t help but blink.


+ Drunk On Sugar? – CrossFit Journal

The decision has been made. We will be stopping sales of water and KILL CLIFF and instead now only serve Michelob Ultra as a post-workout beverage:

How many popular CrossFitters did you spot?

CrossFit WOD for Monday 2/5

bench press 5x5x75%


3 rounds for time:
20 wall ball, 20/14#
20 burpees


3 rounds for time:
20 2-for-1 wall ball, 20/14#
20 plate jump burpees

Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Test Week!

Monday: back squat, snatch max
Wednesday: front squat, clean & jerk max
Friday: overhead squat, power snatch, power clean & jerk

Kettlebell WOD

Ground Force
Skills: Cleans
Review: TGU
Simple and Sinister Test

You Go, I Go partner workouts are great for keeping athletes honest about staying accountable and going hard when it’s your turn to work.


Introducing FCF Bingo for February – Foundation CrossFit
17 Health Benefits of Cinnamon – Jen Reviews

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 2/2

– double dumbbell/kettlebell press 3×12
– dumbbell/kettlebell row 3×12/side

10 rounds for time YGIG
150m row
15 kettlebell snatch 24/16kg
15 burpees

Post teams and times to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


for time:
100m walking lunges
90 KBS
80 double unders
70 KBS
60 double unders
50 KBS
40 push-ups
30 pull-ups/ring rows
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups/ring rows
5 ramp sprints

Now that January is over we think we need something to keep the goal-setting and goal-finishing fires going. We’re not ‘resolutionaries‘. The 2017 CrossFit Games Open season is among us and what better way to kick off February by playing a new game…
Introducing FCF BINGO!
Here’s how we’re going to get geared up for the season and get a head start preparing for the 2017 Intramural Open (yup, we’re doin’ that again) at FCF.
– Starting tomorrow 2/2/17, FCF Bingo cards will be available for you to pickup and place in your journal.
– For the entire month of February, your goal is to complete as many tasks as possible!
– This is a completely optional game.
– Everyone is invited to grab a Bingo card, write your name on it, and start working on getting boxes checked off by your coaches until February 28th. It will have various tasks such as attending an array of classes and classtimes, posting selfies in the gym, and tagging us in social media, doing burpees, etc.
– After submitting in your card, you will be entered into a raffle for different prizes. The more you have filled out, the more entries you get BUT you are only allowed to win one prize.
One Bingo: 5 winners
Three Bingos: 3 winners
Blacked-out card: 1 winner
– You will be responsible for keeping your bingo cards with you or in your journals. If you lose it, you lose your checked boxes- no resigning past accomplishments!
– You may submit your bingo cards before February 28th.
– Cards will be checked at the end of classes on Feb 28 and the winners will be announced on Saturday, March 4th during the CGO 17.2 morning event!

Flashback Friday: Colin B doing HSPU back at FCF 3.0

Some random things:
– Tomorrow we are hosting a FREE COMMUNITY WORKOUT at 12pm SHARP. Bring anyone you want! Just show up!
– Not this coming Saturday, but NEXT Saturday is our Holiday Party at Optimism Brewery.
– Registration for the 2017 CrossFit Games Open is up! This year will be like last year at FCF w/ the Intramural Open starting with VERSUS X and ending with VERSUS XI!
– Apparently if you purchase a pair of the new Reebok CrossFit Nano 7’s then you get a free 2017 CrossFit Games Open registration!

Also: I already registered myself AND Team Foundation CrossFit:


+ China Facing Weightlifting Ban as IOC Sanctions More Athletes Over Doping – BBC Sports

CrossFit WOD for Skills Friday 1/13


5 rounds for time:
9 Z-press, 20/15kg
9 pushups
9 dips


5 rounds for time:
9 hspu
9 pushups
9 ring dips

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

overhead squat, snatch + snatch balance, 2 cleans + 1 jerk

This is a repost of an email sent to all of our current athletes on January 11, 2017.

We have had an incredible year of growth and improvement as we complete our 7th year of service to the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Foundation CrossFit continues to cement itself as the leader in fitness and exercise, with a strong emphasis on community, virtuosity, and technical skill. This year has seen a welcome growth in the classes we offer, numbering more than any other gym in the neighborhood. We now offer over 85 classes per week, in multiple class types:

  • We offer CrossFit strength & conditioning classes 7 days a week, what we consider our cornerstone fitness program, including a Competitive CrossFit class (formerly Level 2).
  • We added a Olympic Weightlifting program focusing on skill/power/strength development and technical training.
  • We have multiple Fitness classes including HellaFit, Kettlebell, and Mobility, with more to come (Gymnastics perhaps?).

We strive to be a successful fitness program for our athletes by continuing to evolve. We pride ourselves not on how many athletes fill a class at once, but on how long our athletes have been training with us. The tenure of our athletes range from the most recent Foundations Program graduates in the past year to 5-, 6-, and even 7-year veterans of Foundation CrossFit. It is incredibly rewarding to provide an ever evolving fitness and performance program that meets the changing needs of our community.

Our current policy is as follows:

+ RSVP is required for all classes.

+ If you do not plan to attend a class, you may remove your RSVP before class starts.

+ Any no-shows are counted against your monthly allotment of classes.

We have received feedback regarding the situations when classes fill up and there are no more spots available. With our lenient RSVP policy, we have seen that some athletes reserve multiple class spots even though they may not be able to attend, as they are willing to lose the class out of their monthly membership. It is unfortunate for us two-fold: if Athlete A does not show up, their class spot is not only lost to them, but that unused reservation also prevents Athlete B from registering if the class is full.

Our updated RSVP policy is as follows:

+ RSVP is required for all classes.

+ If you do not plan to attend a class, you must remove your RSVP at least 2 hours before class starts.

+ Any no-shows are counted against your monthly allotment of classes. If your RSVP is for a spot in a FULL class and you do not attend, you have essentially taken a class away from another athlete and you will be charged a $10 RSVP fee.

This implementation will allow our athletes to plan their day around their fitness and health, and will reduce the confusion we see when classes fill up. Ultimately, we hope to not charge anyone, and we won’t need to as long as everyone respects the rules.

The Zenplanner interface has been updated with the 2-hour cancellation limit. These RSVP policies, including implementation of the $10 RSVP fee will be enforced as of February 1, 2017.

As always contact us if you have any other questions, comments, or concerns.



We have received feedback from athletes who are not able to attend class due to the RSVP being full, and we find that a handful of athletes do not show up after reserving a spot. Requiring a release of the RSVP allows more athletes to attend their preferred class time.

We are implementing a requirement to remove your RSVP at least 2 hours before a class starts. We chose this timeframe because it generally provides an athlete enough time to decide if they can attend a class. It also provides another athlete ample time to be add take that open spot. A $10 RSVP fee for no-shows to a full class will also be implemented.

This is simply an enforcement of the rule. We have considered and tried multiple options, and so far none have worked very well.

If you are currently following the RSVP policy, you are asked to remove your RSVP for a class that you do not attend. This new policy requires you to remove your RSVP two hours before class begins. Furthermore, the RSVP fee will only apply in the situation where we have a class fill to capacity and your reserved spot has prevented someone else from attending the class.

We will be happy to make some exceptions for situations that arise from emergencies or illness. Please send us an email.

No. We actually do not intend for this to be a revenue generator. We have raised our rates just 2 times in the 7 years we have been in business on Capitol Hill (compare this to how many times your local coffee shops and restaurants have raised prices). Even as our costs continue to increase every year, we review our prices annually and do our best to maintain our pricing structure, while continuing to improve our coaches education, classes offered, facility improvements, and equipment.


Personally these two topics are the most important parts about any type of training, whether it be for weightlifting, kettlebell, mobility, or CrossFit. You first and foremost have to understand that to reap the benefits of any programming, you have to be both consistent and honest with all the factors that go into your training. Those factors include (but are not limited to): preparation, attitude, knowing your numbers and abilities, focus, effort, recovery, attendance, reflection and taking notes.

Preparation: It’s not just about showing up physically. Will you show up ready to put in work for the goals that you’ve set out for yourself? If not, how will you get yourself into that headspace ready to train? If you know you can’t then why show up and waste time?  Build that champion mindset. Are you spending your extra time before class to do the mobilizing/stretching you know you need? Did you eat a snack beforehand so that you have enough energy? Are you staying positive and aggressive about the workout for the day, or did you put yourself in a bad headspace because you tend to be pessimistic about your own performance/abilities? Are you carrying the correct gear with you?

Attitude: After coming up with your plan for your workout, what are you doing to prepare for what’s in store? Yeah, your day before the gym was crap, but this session is for you to forget everything else, do something for yourself, and spend time with really good people. Get your mind right. Read. Meditate. Do what’s necessary to bring your best game available.

Knowing Your Numbers and Abilities: Do you track all of your max numbers in your notebook and are they recent? When prescribed to work with certain percentages are you using the proper numbers? Or have you moved it up simply because it’s what your partner already has on the bar? Are you adding weight that you just WANT versus the weight that you NEED? You should be exact with your numbers (rounding up/down to nearest whole number) to ensure you’re able to do the necessary work the way it needs to be done.

Focus: When you’re up for your lift, are you thinking about how you need to move to accomplish the lift? Are you trying to feel the things coaches are referring to in cues they give you? When you attempt the next set/rep, are you focused on trying to make the rep better than the last? Or are you simply just moving and hoping that you do it they way it should be done? Are you paying attention and being present, or thinking about work? Get your head in the game.

Effort: Effort is the direct product of focus. If you want something and have focused on what needs to be done, then the next thing you need is to make sure you do everything in your power to complete the work. Are you making an effort to understand how your body needs to set up, where/when you should be feeling things, listening to the cues to make the next rep better, and pushing yourself to hit each rep?

Recovery: It’s one of the most neglected factors when it comes to training. Are you getting enough sleep at night? Are you feeding your body with a proper nutrition before/during/after working out? Are you mobilizing, rolling out, etc before and after training sessions? On your off days are you getting treated by bodywork professionals (massage, chiro, PT, Leslie, etc), taking epsom salt/ice baths to help make your body feel better? Taking the correct supplements if any.

Attendance: If you’re not showing up and putting in the work you won’t get the goals. Be here, and know there will good and bad days.

Notes/Reflection: This can be anything from cues that work/didn’t work (tell us if a cue doesn’t work for you or you don’t understand it), what you felt/didn’t feel during a lift, the exact cue provided by the coach, an observation from a lifting partner, motivational quotes, etc. Andrew is a fan of recording the working weight lifts on the phone for reference later. Paper, video, etc. are whatever you need to understand why things went right and why things went wrong. These help make cues become habits. They help you become conscious of what you’re doing physically and mentally.

To help with your consistency and honesty, Andrew and I have worked together to move over to in-house programming that we will put together. It is timed specifically to peak at the time of weightlifting meets, whether you compete in them or not, meaning that the cycles will consistently be longer- five or weeks long (instead of four). The way the days are set up is to ensure growth in all the major lifts along with supplemental exercises during the length of the program. We’ve also made it easier for everyone to get the work they need for their specific goals (technique vs strength vs competition) with the following template below.

+ If you attend Olympic Weightlifting Class 1x/wk, you will do DAY 3’s workout, which includes both snatch and clean and jerk.

+ If you attend 2x/wk, you will do DAY 1 your first day that week & DAY 2 the second time you attend (not whichever one you want to do on a given day).

+ If you attend all 3 classes in the week, then you’ll do DAY 1, 2, 3 in that order.

Lastly, we’ll be keeping track of your attendance in classes to make sure you’re the right workouts. This is especially important if you miss a week and hadn’t worked with the lifts at the percentages from the week prior, creating a deficit in your training. Instead of just pushing you along to the higher percentages every week, you will have to earn them. If we get to test out week and you’ve only finished up to 85%, guess what?! You will just have to settle with where you get to with weight when we test out with everyone.

There will be absolutely no room to complain about why numbers aren’t going up- we will all be honest about our consistency, and it will be proven when we lift.

AT coaching AB through a weightlifting meet

As usual if you have any questions email us at or speak to me or Andrew directly at the gym. Our hope is to build our USA Weightlifting club (#FoundationBarbell) to a solid level with a potential for much more.

If the legs drive first and foremost, and the shoulders stay in front of the hips for as long as possible, then you potentially get more use out of the hamstrings and glutes. If you can engage these muscles then you shouldn’t have to feel like your back takes the brunt of it. The arms simply finish the movement.


+ Destroy Open Workout 16.4 – BoxRox
+ CrossFit Open 16.4 Tips, Tricks, & Strategies – CrossFit Portland

CrossFit WOD for Skills Tuesday 1/3

back squat

CGO 16.4

AMRAP in 13 minutes:
55 deadlifts
55 wall-ball shots
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

Compare previous results. Post score to whiteboard.

HellaFit WOD


50 of each:

bent over rows
reverse lunges
squats (optional: goblet, OH, air, etc.)

1 ramp sprint BEFORE each movement.