Tag Archive for: 17point5

Tony and Robyn are both in Buffalo, NY to lift at the 2018 Masters Nationals Weightlifting Championships!


* Robyn lifts Friday 4/6 at 7am Pacific/10am Eastern
* Tony lifts Saturday 4/7 at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern

Support and watch online!

Today is also a special Champagne Friday. We’ll be celebrating the hard work and efforts of those that participated in the Nutrition Challenge! Everyone is welcome. Come workout at 6:30pm and hangout afterward as we’ll be providing food and kudos!


+ Live From New York, It’s the Stream of the 2018 Masters Nationals Weightlifting Championships! – Masters Weightlifting

CrossFit WOD for Friday 4/6

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 52/38kg
35 double unders

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 35/25kg
35 single unders

25 min cap. Compare/contrast to 24MAR2017. This is heavier than 17.5 so it is not CGO 17.5.

Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 3/3

clean & jerk
front squat

Powerlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 3/3

back squat
power clean

Kettlebell WOD

Banded Deadlift 10×2@ 50-55% of 1RM


From CF Kettlebell:
Perform the following complex every 90 seconds for 21 minutes:
3 double kettlebell snatches
7 double kettlebell front squats
100 ft farmer’s walk

You can watch the events at games.crossfit.com

In celebration of this past weekend we’ll be doing our own versions of a lot of these events. Get ready!


+ The 2017 CrossFit Games Events – CrossFit Games

CrossFit WOD for Monday 8/6

CGO 17.5 (Rx)

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 43/29kg
35 double unders

CGO 17.5 (Scaled)

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 29/20kg
35 single unders

Compare to 24MAR2017. Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Max Week

snatch percentage ladder, clean & jerk percentage ladder

Powerlifting WOD – Week 10 of 12

squats, press, weighted pullups

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal mobility
– Clean and snatch skill work