Tag Archive for: 21point1

WORKOUT for Friday 1/14/2022

every :90 do 8 back squats AHAP, for 9:00 (6 sets) then

“CGO 21.1”
for time/15:00 cap
1-3-6-9-15-21 wall walks
10-30-60-90-150-210 double unders

Compare to 8/6/2021, 3/12&13/2021 . Post total completed reps to whiteboard.

READ: How Olympic Weightlifting Changed My Career and Life – Paul Stroup on Medium

WORKOUT for Friday 9/24/2021

posterior accessories then 5 sets of a snatch + overhead squat

CGO 21.1
for time/15:00 cap
1-3-6-9-15-21 wall walks
10-30-60-90-150-210 double under

Post total completed reps to whiteboard.

WATCH: The 2014 CrossFit Games

WORKOUT for Friday 8/6/2021

Rack jerk 6 sets of 2 (50-60-70-80/3) then

CGO 21.1

for time/15:00 cap:
1-3-6-9-15-21 wall walks
10-30-60-90-150-210 double unders

Post-workout do some calf stretching, lax ball to front/side/back of shoulder. Post time or reps to whiteboard!

READ: 3 Killer Strategies For CrossFit Open Workout 21.1 – WODprep

First off, great job to everyone who came by and threw down on Saturday- so much effort in doing wall walks in a fashion we don’t practice: off the ground and for higher volumes! Thanks for not shattering your kneecaps!

Second of all, we heard you and want to make it a little more clear: we’re using the CrossFit Games Open as a testing opportunity, along with specific workouts during the week. Then our programming beginning in April will be designed to improve most aspects of what we tested.

Third, we have opened up two spots on Mondays during GT Hours for those who need to makeup or redo their work. RSVP!


So if you’re officially registered to play worldwide, make sure you submit your scores as soon as possible each time you do the weekly event!

CONDITIONING for Monday 3/15/2021

AMRAP in 10:00 of
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 RIGHT-arm presses (shoulder-to-overhead)
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 LEFT-arm presses (shoulder-to-overhead)

READ: CrossFit Open 21.1 Preliminary Analysis & Strategies – BWTB
WATCH: If you’re legs are still sore for double unders or line hops try this out!


HIIT for Saturday 3/13/2021

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 3/13/2021


for time:
1 wall walk
10 double-unders
3 wall walks
30 double-unders
6 wall walks
60 double-unders
9 wall walks
90 double-unders
15 wall walks
150 double-unders
21 wall walks
210 double-unders

Time cap: 15 min. Post results to comments/whiteboard!


CONDITIONING for Friday 3/12/2021

AMRAP in 10:00​ of
10 ground-to-shoulder
10 double pogo hop
10 shoulder-to-overhead

Ground-to-shoulder and shoulder-to-overhead can be done with any sort of loading: a single or pair of dumbbells, kettlebells, a medicine ball, a sandbag, or a backpack. Double pogo hops can be done into and over a mat or with simple markings on the ground.

READ: The CrossFit Games