Tag Archive for: 8x200m run

Are you journaling your workouts?

If you aren’t taking data points about yourself then how do you know if you’re making progress? Recording the variables can allow you better training protocols as well: are you recovering well enough? Did you bite off more than you can chew in the beginning of the workout, only to burn out and try to survive until the end? What if you just slowed down and paced it out more intelligently? Writing notes down like that can definitely help you out the next time some similar flavor comes around.

Also: earn your WODclub membership!


+ FUEL: Ballerina – VICE

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 5/9

EMOM 10 minutes: 2 clean & jerks, ascending


4 rounds for time:
100 double unders
20 dips
15 hang power clean, 25/15kg
10 hanging knee raise


4 rounds for time:
80 double unders
20 ring dips
15 hang power clean, 40/25kg
10 toes-to-bar

Post time to whiteboard!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

Focus: static HS, L-sit development. Line drills, Torso Stretching, Compression conditioning, Handstand kickup skills, Plank conditioning

Endurance WOD

RUN: 8x 200m, :60 rest between efforts