Tag Archive for: anatomy

Remember taking group pictures?

WORKOUT for Wednesday 7/7/2021


Listen to your coaches instructions then our HSPU Strength Ladder: 5 rounds of 1-2-1 reps


as many reps as possible in 12:00
hang power clean, 45/70kg
HSPU / weighted pushup (10/20kg)

Post score (total reps completed) to whiteboard.


For our purposes the most solid bottom position for the pushup and the burpee has the hand flat and the forearm vertical from any angle. This puts the stress primarily in the chest, with some loading in the front deltoid and triceps.

Further reading: Shoulder Muscles: Part 1: Anterior Musculature by CrossFit

CONDITIONING for Friday 2/19/2021


Day 10 of the 12 Days of FOUNDATION: do 10 Devil’s Presses!

or do 10 Devil’s presses, 9 situps, 8 burpees, 7 high pulls, 6 v-ups, 5-second handstand, 4 hang squat cleans, 3 handstand/hand-release pushups, 2 wall walks, and a 100m run

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 12/29/2020

10:00 AMRAP
10 ground-t0-shoulder
10 double pogo hops
10 shoulder-to-overhead

Ground-to-shoulder and shoulder-to-overhead can be done with any sort of loading: a single or pair of dumbbells, kettlebells, a medicine ball, a sandbag, or a backpack. Double pogo hops can be done into and over a mat or with simple markings on the ground.

Post score to comments!

READ: The Lungs: Gas Exchange – CrossFit


CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 7/24

Establish a 1RM strict press in 10:00 then on a running clock do 1 strict press when the clock reads 1:00, 2 presses on 2:00, 3 on 3:00, etc. continuing for as long as possible. Barbell to be loaded at 60% of the established 1RM.

Post successful minutes completed and meters rowed to whiteboard.


+ What is Evidence-Based About Myofascial Chains? – Anatomy Trains
+ Imbalanced Microbiome Related to Symtoms of Pain and Mood – Clinical Advisor

photo by Artur

This week: squats/pullups/bench or floor presses, back squat max, KAREN (wall ball), deadlift max, power snatch/calories, bench max, ANNIE (double unders, situps), Fight Gone Bad*, Battle at the Ballpark run-throughs, and the SEATTLE PRIDE PARADE march!

Remember that this Friday we’ll be celebrating the weekend by having COMMUNITY CROSSFIT classes all day! That means every class is open to everyone: members, non-members, friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc! Tell everyone- just RSVP for your spots!


+ The Skinny on Bone Thinning and Why Milk Isn’t Enough – Right As Rain (by our very own Kelsi A!)

CrossFit WOD for Monday 6/18

3 rounds for time:
75 squats
25 pullups
15 floor press, 2×24/16kg or 2×50/35lbs

3 rounds for time:
75 squats
25 c2b
15 bench press, 70/50kg

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

Off-week. Register for the new programs here.

Powerlifting WOD

Off-week. Register for the new programs here.

Kettlebell WOD

Joint prep, Farmers carry

5 rounds 60 seconds on/60 seconds off:
1 Round consists of the following complex:
– 5 x Double KettleBell Deadlifts (Inside the Legs)
– 9 x Double KettleBell Swings
– 6 x Double KettleBell Cleans


AMRAP 10 minutes:
– 15 box jumps
– 10 double KB push presses
– 15 pull-ups



Don’t Worry About Your Workout, Just Get Up and Keep Moving – Nicole Tsong for the Seattle Times

CrossFit WOD for Champagne Friday 6/16


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 push press, 52/38kg
10 kettlebell swings 24/16kg
10 box jumps, 24/20″

Post score to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

snatch, clean & jerk, HEAVY

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility
– Rack walks depending on weather.
– Pressing and Squat focus on the workout. With lots of swings to get our work in.

Gymnastics Strength WOD

scap warmup, muscle-up strength development, Jefferson curls, static/dynamic conditioning