Tag Archive for: Andrea V

Sleepy Andrew, Sheena, Tony, Carl, Andrea, Ann-Marie, and Dave. We’re missing Scott!


+ Bad Heart? Time to Hit the Gym – CNN

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/17

pause front squats 12×2. Last set is for max reps (minimum of 2 reps), then

21-15-9 reps for time:
hang clean, 52/38kg
push press

Performance: 70/50kg
Fitness: 40/25kg

Post times to whiteboard!


50/50 Intervals

Endurance WOD

9x 300m run, alternating speeds between efforts. One is at a medium intensity, the other is a medium-high intensity. Difference should be about :08 to :12 apart. Walking back to the beginning of the 300m is the rest period.

Carl Paoli and Andrea


+ Mini-Challenge FOUR: Iron Chef – Foundation CrossFit Nutrition

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 3/13


Rx – AMRAP in 30 minutes:
6 dips
9 c2b pullups
12 pistols, alternating
15′ handstand walk

Scaled – AMRAP in 30 minutes:
3 cast wall walks
6 dip negatives
9 c2b pullup negatives
12 rolling pistols

Consider today active recovery/skill development if you’d like. Otherwise push it to the limit. Post score to whiteboard!

CompEx WOD – 6am

MFT #1409

Gymnastics Strength WOD

handstand pushup development



EMOM x 10
2 shuttle runs
4 ring rows/jumping pull-ups
6 reverse lunges
8 jumping jacks



3 rounds 1:00 hold/:30 active recovery

  • plank/plate walk overs
  • arch hold/bird dog
  • wall sit/squat jacks
  • hollow body/sit ups
  • glute bridge/single leg hip extension


YGIG for 15:00
4 pushup + wall ball pass
6 wall balls
8 dynamax sit ups

Andrea during the Seattle Affiliate League 2014


+ Your Life Is Not an Endless PR. Stop Treating Your Training That Way – Athlete Daily
+ Olympic Weightlifting and Powerlifting programs begin this coming Monday. Registration for the either cycle ends IN ONE WEEK so you have a chance to try out the class and see the new formats. If you’d like to continue past the first week you must be registered. Overviews coming soon.
+ The Foundation CrossFit Post-Holiday Party is on Saturday 1/27 at The Garage (on Broadway). 6pm until last call probably…

CrossFit WOD for Friday 1/5


for time:
1000m row
50 thrusters, 20/15kg
30 pullups


20 minutes to establish a back squat 1RM

Performance = unbroken thrusters and c2b pullups. Post results to whiteboard!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

single leg strength development!

Kettlebell WOD

Movement patterns, Rack and OH work, Shoulder and hip mobility, Swings, presses and squats.

Andrea V and Victor M

Props to all those who showed up for yesterday’s NANCY and didn’t allow the cherry-picking side of yourself to take over! The grit in choosing to show up for training, whether you’re great at it or it’s THE limit to your capacity, makes the biggest difference in your fitness.

Nice work- really proud of y’all. Now let’s see if the legs hold up for today.


+ Rainier Beach Businesses Attempt to Thwart Crime With Beautified Storefronts – South Seattle Emerald

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 4/11


27-21-15-9 reps for time:
hang squat snatch, 43/29kg

Rx = 43/29kg, Fitness/Health = 25/15kg, Performance = 52/38kg

Compare to Monday 27FEB2017. Post results to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD


Also: Mark your calendars. Our GYMNASTIC STRENGTH class will be tested next Tuesday at 7am, then added to the calendar in May.