Tag Archive for: Ashley R

Ashley holding a bell overhead


+ WSP Sergeant Single-Handedly Clears Fallen Tree Off I-405 – KOMO 4 News

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 7/18

as many reps as possible in 40 minutes:
200m farmer’s walk, 2×24/16kg
60 situps
400m suitcase walk, 24/16kg
60 barbell hip bridges, 43/29kg
200m farmer’s walk, 2×24/16kg
60 slam ball, 20/10lbs
400m suitcase walk, 24/16kg
60 jumping squats

Post score to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 4/4, Day 2/3.

No Olympic Weightlifting classes all next week as much of staff will be out on vacation.

SNATCH + OHS then establish a heavy SNATCH

midline, 200 reps

Powerlifting WOD – Week 4/4, Day 2/3. No Powerlifting classes all next week.

No Powerlifting classes all next week as much of staff will be out on vacation.

two rounds of 4 sets of 6 throws
bench press 6×5 at 70%
400m kettlebell rack walk
floor press 5×15
Fifty tricep extensions 5×10

Kettlebell WOD

**KettleBell LP (Double Bell): Final week**
5 Rounds, 60 seconds on 60 seconds off. 1 Round consists of the following Complex:
– 4x Double KettleBell Cleans
– 10 x Double KettleBell Front Squats
– 6 x Double KettleBell Thrusters

Complexes should be performed with the heaviest bell for you. If you fail to complete your complex in two separate rounds, lower one bell weight. Ideally the complexes are completed unbroken, but not required.

12 min AMRAP
– 10 Double Swings
– 8 DB front squats
– 6 DB Jerk

– 3×20 Press
– 3×20 Floor press
– 3×10 Windmill to press
– 3×20 DKB sidebands


Ashley R

Hmm… doesn’t the top of a kettlebell swing look like a plank?!


+ The 1 Exercise That Fixes 99 Problems – Onnit

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 11/28


as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
100m run
2 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
100m run
4 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
100m run
6 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg

Continue adding 2 more reps to each round of the kettlebell swings. Post total swings to whiteboard!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

Muscle-Up Development:
– Crossover Symmetry IRON SCAP protocol
– hang check
– pull check
– gymnastics shoulder routine
– hang check
– pull check
– kipping drills

for 15 minutes:
1-2 banded muscle-up
3-4 dips
5-6 parallette pushups + shoot through

HIIT WOD – 12pm

Short Interval

Bring Sally Up – pushup variation

EMOM for 7 minutes:
7-10 burpees
long ladder

1:00 each
– wall sit
– one-arm plank/side
– glute bridge
– hang
– hollow
– rest

HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

Short Interval

Movement patterns

Wall ball “soccer

12:00 45on/15off
15 Slamball toe taps
10 Slams
10 slamball sit-ups
10 slamball plank passes

10:00 45on/15off alternative between A and B

Set A:
10 Lunges
8-10 push ups
10 Cossack squats

Set B:
Row/ bike