Tag Archive for: CONFIRMATION

As Washington state approaches June 30th, the deadline to full reopen, we’ll be doing our best to continue providing our athletes the best experience possible.

When all athletes in a class are fully-vaccinated, meaning 100% of all those in the gym are at least two weeks out from their second Pfizer/Modera or single J&J, then that class can go MASK-OPTIONAL. If a class can be mask-optional, the coach will announce it during or after your warm-up. If there’s no announcement, then we are not at 100%. We still require masks upon entry to the gym.

When we believe we can increase class capacity due to high attendance, then we may move to a Single-Occupant Lane / Open-Lane format:
– SINGLE-OCCUPANT: one athlete per lane (A through E or 1 through 6).
– OPEN-LANE: no specific lanes (just as we operated before the pandemic), with athletes being mindful of physical distance.

There may be instances where both formats (Single-Occupant and Open-Lane Mask-Optional classes) can happen, so be mindful of the class format when you RSVP via PushPress and before attending.

CompEx will start this Saturday as a dual Single-Occupant/Open Lane and will continue this format moving forward, including Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

CONDITIONING for Thursday 6/17/2021


EMOM x 21:00
– 21 (kettlebell) high pulls
– 14 (kettlebell-facing) burpees
– 14 (kettlebell) swings

Adjust the volume as needed depending on your equipment. Goal is to work just past the :30 mark of every minute, resting and catching your breath before the next minute’s exercises. Post results to comments!

READ: Statement on Reopening, Staying the Course – WA Governor Jay Inslee