Tag Archive for: EMOM30

Moving forward we’ll be programming running into our Saturday workouts, with an option to stay inside on the rower if preferred.

WORKOUT for Friday 6/11/2021


:30 work, :10 rest x 8 rounds
– (Goblet) curtsy lunge
– KB sumo deadlift high pull

then the HSPU Strength Ladder: 2x 1-2-3-2-1

Nov – Strict Pushup, (Banded) Mountain-Butt Pushup, Pike Pushup
Int – Pike Pushup, One-leg Pike Pushup, HSPU Negative
Adv – HSPU Negative, 2/1 ab-mats HSPU (strict > kip), Parallette


every minute on the minute for 30 minutes
a. 9 snatches, 25/43kg
b. 15 burpees
c. 21 situps
d. 15 calories
e. 9 sumo deadlift high pulls

The barbell should be the same for both the snatches and sumo deadlift high pulls. Post results to comments!


Coach Sarah

If you didn’t already see our weekly email here’s our schedule this week:

Also if you didn’t see our IG Live Q&A we have a ton planned for release on our social channels, thanks to you all and your continued support.

WORKOUT for Monday 4/20/2020 (LIGHT UP!)

Use this clock!

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 jumping lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 step up burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings

Using a bag or backpack with books or cans of food:
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 jumping air squats
– Min 3: 15 push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings or SDHP, depending on the complexity of the weighted implement

Post your score to comments!

2nd Serving – Need More Work? (-Bias)

If you didn’t do yesterday’s 5k for time, do that instead. Our every-other-day-Endurance-bias-work will train specifically to improve your 5k time. You can adapt this into rowing and skiing as well.

  • Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
  • Run 10 minutes at an easy effort to warm up.
  • Run 8 x 1 minute at a hard but controlled effort in the red zone (see chart below).
  • Follow every minute of hard running with one minute walking to catch your breath and recover.
  • Cool down by running five minutes at an easy effort and walking three minutes.

HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x 4 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Some Thoughts About COVID-19 and Weightlifting – Catalyst Athletics