Tag Archive for: follow along workouts

Join us for YOGA live on Zoom at 10am with IVAN.MVMT

RSVP via PushPress for meeting room info

CONDITIONING for Sunday 10/17/2021


CONDITIONING for Tuesday 10/5/2021

READ: Revenge Bedtime Procrastination – Culture Study

Did you know that MEMBERS can rent equipment as part of their membership? We have a list of some smaller items like single dumbbells or kettlebells, bands, ab-wheels, and more! Use these to do the Follow Along Workouts if you can’t make it into the gym!

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 9/21/2021


Throwback Thursday: we did media for CrossFit.com back in the day. Here’s a workout video filmed at FCF 3.0 (which is now our neighbor Little Dog Garden)


CONDITIONING for Thursday 9/9/2021


First off, great job to everyone who came by and threw down on Saturday- so much effort in doing wall walks in a fashion we don’t practice: off the ground and for higher volumes! Thanks for not shattering your kneecaps!

Second of all, we heard you and want to make it a little more clear: we’re using the CrossFit Games Open as a testing opportunity, along with specific workouts during the week. Then our programming beginning in April will be designed to improve most aspects of what we tested.

Third, we have opened up two spots on Mondays during GT Hours for those who need to makeup or redo their work. RSVP!


So if you’re officially registered to play worldwide, make sure you submit your scores as soon as possible each time you do the weekly event!

CONDITIONING for Monday 3/15/2021

AMRAP in 10:00 of
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 RIGHT-arm presses (shoulder-to-overhead)
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 LEFT-arm presses (shoulder-to-overhead)

READ: CrossFit Open 21.1 Preliminary Analysis & Strategies – BWTB
WATCH: If you’re legs are still sore for double unders or line hops try this out!


Rolling out the triceps or praying the workout is over sooner than later?

CONDITIONING for Wednesday 2/3

READ: Mat Fraser: “Why I’m Retiring” – Morning Chalk Up


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A post shared by A. Bueno (@kneesout)

RSVP for class info on PushPress!

CONDITIONING for Monday 2/1/2021


Max reps in 7 Minutes of
30 jumping jacks
20 (weighted) dips
10 Devil’s presses

If you have the room and equipment for it, try double unders in place of the jumping jacks. Single dumbbell would be easiest for both the weighted dips and the Devil’s presses. Share score to comments!

READ: The Best Face Mask is the One That Fits – Vox

It begins! I did the workout with a 24kg kettlebell yesterday at 3:30pm on a YouTube/Instagram Livestream:

WORKOUT for Saturday 4/4/2020

Support Your Local Box Fundraiser – Event 1

AMRAP in 10:00
10 squats
9 right-arm snatches, 50/35/20lbs
10 pushups
9 left-arm snatches, 50/35/20lbs

Post results here. There’s still time to register for the $free.99/$20/$whateverthef*ckyouwant online fundraiser event, which can benefit Foundation if you choose it to.

2nd Serving: Need More Work? Endurance-Bias

10k run, row, or ski for time. 20k bike ride. Today was supposed to be the Spartan Race, so you can add some obstacles in if you’d like. Just be mindful of what you touch.

HSPU Strength Ladder: EMOM x 5 do 1-2-1

READ: SYLBF – Event 1 Demo & Standards – CrossFit.com
WATCH: Workout standards and movement demo

GET IT?! Catch it at 10am on Instagram LIVE or at the YouTube LIVE video above.

(Yes we’re serious- a 3-year-old will be leading a stretching/kids yoga class. Probably 30 minutes or so. I’ll be in the back doing the “serious” versions of the stretches)

WORKOUT for Saturday 3/28/2020

1-to-13 reps for time:
handstand pushup
pullup/table row/bent-over row

Post time to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

3 rounds for quality:
21s front raises
21s bicep curls
21s tricep extensions

HSPU Ladder: every 2 minutes on the minute do 1-2-3-2-1 (1:00 work, 1:00 rest)

READ: THIS IS A FRIEND I GREW UP WITH: Survivor Urges Cooperation, Unity in Fight Against COVID-19 – NW Asian Weekly
WATCH: Yesterday’s workout on YouTube LIVE: