Elbows “high and outside” is a powerful posterior exercise that develops strength in the biceps tendon, the biceps, all parts of the deltoids (shoulder caps), and the traps. This helps undo “tech neck”, but also helps develop better strength and coordination in the olympic lifts.
Commonly used in body building the high-pull, or upright row, can develop hypertrophy in the yoke area, keeping it strong and healthy. It’s also good for our athletes as that’s the place you rack a barbell for a back squat- the more meat for cushion, the better!
Day 12 of the 12 Days of FOUNDATION: do 12 rocking pistols
Or do 12 rocking pistols, 11 thrusters, 10 Devil’s press, 9 situps, 8 burpees, 7 high pulls, 6 v-ups, 5-second handstand, 4 hang squat cleans, 3 handstand/hand-release pushups, 2 wall walks, and a 100m run.
OR do the entire workout in cumulative song format (the same way the “12 Days of Christmas” song is sung)- which is how we’ll do the 8am Zoom workout!
Ideally done with an empty barbell, you can do this with any loading you might have- a backpack works well! If you don’t have a box or anything to step-up on then just do lunges. Goal is at least one round. Post results to comments!
WATCH: The workout is mislabeled, but it IS the correct workout.
Our current restrictions are working, but we can’t let up yet. Today I announced I’m extending our current restrictions one additional week.
We’re starting a fun new challenge to keep you moving at home: welcome to the 12 Days of FOUNDATION
Everyday on our instagram we will be posting a picture along with some exercises to do that day, creating a long form variant of our usual 12 Days of CrossFit workout that learned from CrossFit Seattle way back in the day.
We’ll also be posting the exercises here. Speaking of which today is 2 WALL WALKS. Go check out our instagram for the entire post including exercise demos!
CONDITIONING for Monday 12/21/2020
AMRAP in 15:00
70-50-30 push press, 20/15kg
60-40-20 step-ups, 20/15kg
Ideally done with an empty barbell, you can do this with any loading you might have- a backpack works well! If you don’t have a box or anything to step-up on then just do lunges. Goal is at least one round. Post results to comments!
WATCH: Skills, Workout, and Cool down of today’s workout in the video below