EMOM x 15
a. 5-8 calorie sprint
b. 5-8 pullups (work into kipping skills)
c. 5-8 dips (or bar/ring muscle-up into dips)
d. 5-8 pogo burpee
e. Up to SNATCH PULL + SNATCH x3, increasing in weight each round
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 toes-to-bar
10 hang power snatch, 20/35/50kg
20 box jumps, 12/20/24”
Then 5 attempts at a heavy 3-rep snatch-grip deadlift
– Lower body: CHAIR STRETCH
– Upper body: SINK STRETCH
– Extra challenge: German hang
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 jumping lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 step up burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings
Using a bag or backpack with books or cans of food:
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 jumping air squats
– Min 3: 15 push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings or SDHP, depending on the complexity of the weighted implement
Post your score to comments!
2nd Serving – Need More Work? (-Bias)
If you didn’t do yesterday’s 5k for time, do that instead. Our every-other-day-Endurance-bias-work will train specifically to improve your 5k time. You can adapt this into rowing and skiing as well.
Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
Run 10 minutes at an easy effort to warm up.
Run 8 x 1 minute at a hard but controlled effort in the red zone (see chart below).
Follow every minute of hard running with one minute walking to catch your breath and recover.
Cool down by running five minutes at an easy effort and walking three minutes.
HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x 4 do 1-2-1 reps
Since we had so much fun (and were inspired so much) watching FITTEST ON EARTH: A DECADE OF FITNESS a couple of weeks back we decided to do it again!
Friday night we’ll watch “Golden Girl : Mattie Rogers”, a film based on one of USA’s top Olympic Weightlifters (who started as a teen CrossFit Games champion) talks about her sports background including competitive Cheerleading, her introduction to CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting, and how she decided to pursue weightlifting full time. The movie shows her preparing for and competing at Jr. Pan Ams in Colombia.