Beginning this month we will begin our new HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) Classes, replacing HellaFit on Tuesdays 12pm/5:30pm and on Thursdays 12pm/5:30pm. There is no change to HellaFit on Sundays.
1. In the snatch, you pull the weight from the ground, rotate the bar through the shoulders, then push the bar to lock it out and receive the bar.
2. In the muscle-up, you pullup so strongly that you land on top of the implement (rings, bar), then must dip out to finish the rep.
3. In the clean & jerk, you pull the bar up from the ground to the rack position, take a breath and reset the midline, then push the bar up as you push your body down into a power or split position.
+ A Lesson From the Biggest Losers: Exercise Keeps Off the Weight – NY Times
CrossFit WOD for Wednesday, November 1st
AMRAP in 22 minutes:
200m run
8 hang power cleans, 61/43kg
8 muscle-ups
200m run
8 snatches, 61/43kg
8 muscle-ups
Post scores to whiteboard! (run doesn’t count for anything! just reps)
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Buffer Week, Day 2/3
3-position clean, front squat max
Powerlifting WOD – Week 6/7, Day 2/4
pause squat, deficit deadlift, GHRs, box jumps, front-elevated split squat, kettlebell swings, banded plank
Kettlebell WOD
Primal mobility
Turkish Getup focus
Swings and lunges to finish class