WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/18/2022
AMRAP in 20:00
2 (strict) muscle-ups
8 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings
Compare to 3/22/2022. Post scores to whiteboard!
WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/18/2022
AMRAP in 20:00
2 (strict) muscle-ups
8 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings
Compare to 3/22/2022. Post scores to whiteboard!
The Hawaiian Squat is a great movement pattern for learning how to sit back as well as a great stretch for the posterior muscles.
WORKOUT for Wednesday 8/4/2021
every 2 minutes on the minute for 5 rounds do 3 sumo deadlifts, then
as many reps as possible in 20 minutes:
2 (ring) muscle-ups
4 handstand pushups
8 kettlebell swings, 24/32kg (heavy)
Mobility post-workout should be elevated pigeon and tricep SMR. Post score to whiteboard!
READ: Should You Follow the Ketogenic Diet While Strength Training? – BarBend
And just like that we’re halfway through January!
Remember: no 5:30pm or 6:30pm class tonight due to a staff meeting. Guided Training athletes will have access… as long as they bring champagne to share.
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
2 muscle-ups
4 handstand pushups
8 kettlebell swings, 32/24kg
Post score (total reps completed) to whiteboard!
READ: This 80-Year-Old CrossFit Stud Can Probably Outlift You – Men’s Health
No not that one..
Not that one either…
Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, courtesy
+ A Competitor’s Guide to the Open – Beyond the Whiteboard
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 2/20
Rx & Scaled: NATE
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
2 muscle-ups
4 handstand pushups
8 perfectly-vertical kbs, 32/24kg
10 rounds for time:
4 strict muscle-ups
7 strict handstand push-ups
12 kettlebell snatches
Gymnastics Strength WOD – 84
muscle-up development!
HIIT WOD – 12pm
Long Interval
3:00 on, 1:00 off
– 1 stair run
– 3 limbo
– 6 bench over & under
– 9 evil wheel
For 16:00
5:00 on, 2:00 off twice
– knuckle drag sb
– body drag sb
– fast feet onto plate
:90 on, :30 off for 8:00
MB up & over
HIIT WOD – 5:30pm
Long Interval
Set 1: 3 rounds w/ Dynamax ball, 1:00 each
– wall ball
– side toss (R)
– toe taps
– burpee + chest pass
– side toss (L)
Set 2: 3 rounds w/ box, 1:30 each
– dips
– split squats (R)
– pushup
– split squats (L)
– burpee box jump
Set 3: 5 rounds w/ dumbbells, 10 reps each
– lunges
– burpee over dumbbell
– weighted situp
– deadlifts
– skull crushers
Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.
We’re asking the CrossFit community to make donations to the “Nate Hardy Memorial Fund” in care of the Navy Federal Credit Union, Building 200, FTC Dam Neck, Virginia Beach, VA, 23461.
Description and photo courtesy of
+ The Men Behind Each Hero WOD: MURPH and NATE – BoxRox
CrossFit WOD for Friday 7/7
as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
2 muscle-ups
4 handstand pushups
8 kettlebell swings, 32/24kg
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
snatch complex, clean complex
Powerlifting WOD
back squat, bench press, deadlift
Kettlebell WOD
– Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility
– Carries and single leg deadlifts
– Swings, Lunges and Abs
Gymnastics Strength WOD
handstands, HS mobility test, HS kick ups, stretching, compression conditioning, midline conditioning
The June 2017 Foundations Graduates!
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/4
Regionals NATE
10 rounds for time:
4 strict muscle-ups
7 strict handstand push-ups
12 kettlebell snatches, 32/24kg
Time cap is 20 minutes. Test the original version of NATE this Friday.
Post time/rounds to whiteboard.
5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts, 70/50kg
9 hang power cleans, 70/50kg
6 jerks, 70/50kg
Performance can attempt Double DT or Heavy DT. Time cap is 30 minutes.
Post time to whiteboard.
for time:
1600m run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1600m run
Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats as needed. If you have a 20lbs vest/backpack/ruck WEAR IT! No time cap.
Post time to whiteboard.
Mailing Address
1122 E Pike St. #1385
Seattle, WA 98122
Physical Address
1415 12th Ave
Seattle, WA, 98122