Tag Archive for: Nivi C


CONDITIONING for Friday 9/25/2020

27-21-15-9 reps for time:

Ideally done with 43/29/20kg, or 1/3 of your max back squat. Obviously a single dumbbell or kettlebell works, just be mindful each round is an odd number of reps! Post time to whiteboard.

READ: Breonna Taylor’s Case and Death Murder – NY Times (fixed it for them)
RESEARCH: What is a Class D Felony? – Legal Match

CONDITIONING for Thursday 9/10/2020


EMOM x 40:00
a. 40 toe taps
b. 20 v-ups
c. 10 pogo burpees
d. 5 SDHP
e. 40 shoulder taps
f. 20 leg lifts
g. 10 T-pushups
h. 5 hang clean & jerks

Adjust loading and reps as necessary. We’re essentially looking for :20 to :40 of work each round. Post results to comments!

READ: Zoom is Failing Teachers. Here’s How They Would Redesign It – Fast Company