max alternating rounds in 20:00
1 power clean
3 push jerks
5 deadlifts
7 hand-release pushups
Barbell Rx = 30/45/64kg. Athlete A does one full round before tagging Athlete B for them to do the same round. How many rounds can the pair complete in 20 minutes?
We just released the details about our Winter Training Camp! Basically it’s a new Tuesday/Friday class that’s not necessarily based in CrossFit (but it’s definitely inspired by it) to prepare those into winter sports or just develop stronger legs and core.
Early: row! Then another 4 minutes with coach at 24, 28, 32, and 36 s/m
27 squats, 27 pushups, 27 kb deadlifts then on trainer’s count do 10 of each: toe touches, boot strappers, inch-worms + down dog, T-pushups
1:00 Green light, 1:00 Red light complete:
100 burpee box jump overs
– Do as many burpee box jumps over as possible in 60 seconds, then you must rest for 60 seconds. Repeat until 100 reps are complete.
– Boxes at 12/20/28″
– Post time to whiteboard/journal/comments!
+ + +
Tony, a Chinese-American, and myself, a Filipino-American have been in this fitness space for over a decade. We’ve had so many great people in our gym and have met so many fantastic friends along the way.
2008 at FCF 1.0 on Lake City Way (this is entire “gym”)
We’re in a very difficult time at the moment, along with all the other AAPI and BIPOC family and friends who are, and have been suffering. Targeted for hate crimes and worse.
There’s no need to check-in with us. Check in with your own friends and family and talk about the recent events, and specifically the tragedy in Atlanta. If you’re not sure yourself, do some research. Discuss amongst yourselves how you can be better allies and friends.
We all wanted to do better after George Floyd. What will you do for
Delaina Ashley Yaun
Paul Andre Michels
Xiaojie Tan
Daoyou Feng
Julie Park
Hyeon Jeong Park
and the two other names that have yet to be released?
Let’s do our best to educate each other. To keep each other safe and healthy.
Today is the start of our Nutrition Journal Challenge! Participation is simple: a.) Log what and when you ate in the comments b.) Repeat for every blog post for February.
This week we’ll be sharing how the team at FCF eats, starting with Ryan (aka Moonboots) and Tony.
Ryan’s Goals My current goal is to lose 5kg. Because I travel a lot I frequently eat in restaurants where I try to choose the healthiest thing on the menu. While at home, I want to avoid eating out. I’d like to reduce my alcohol intake and get back to a place where I can completely cut-out processed sugar. When I go to the office, breakfast is a nightmare — they only have baked goods. I want to cut out baked goods entirely and get back to a mostly paleo situation.
What Ryan Eats and Drinks Small breakfast (e.g. half avocado, cottage cheese and coffee), then a pretty sizable lunch and dinner. Usually 1-2 whiskeys in the evening. I eat lots of mexican (e.g. meat, corn shells, salsa), salads, avocados, steak… I really enjoy shrimp. Steak. Ice cream. Arugula. Watermelon.
I go through about a liter of sparkling water and half-liter of still water each day. Sleep is variable based on travel circumstances. If possible, I like to go to bed around 10pm and wake at 6am.
Ryan’s Kryptonite Ice cream. I don’t have a system, but I generally try to limit to 1 pint every two weeks. Occasionally, I’ll keep yogurt in the fridge as a substitute.
How Ryan Thinks about Food, Health, and Training I’ve been disciplined about food in the past. I take a slightly more relaxed attitude these days. I know when I’m eating poorly and the consequences it will have to my mood/performance/training. It’s a trade-off.
Tony’s Goals My dietary goals support my training and competition lifestyle. I allow myself break periods after meets, knowing that I still need to be moderate in the foods I eat.
Tony’s Habits I eat lean protein, all meats, eggs, lots of green veggies. I avoid sugars, pastries, dairy. I usually eat in the morning, midday after training, dinner, and a small snack before bed. I eat less than an American portion. Probably 6 ounces of protein and a plate/bowl full of cooked veggies. When I’m leaning out, I would drop out about 25% of overall calories for about 4-8 weeks.
Tony’s Kryptonite Soda. The new batch of seltzer waters have been a good substitute for the fizzies.
Tony’s Advice on How He Reaches His Training Goals I find it useful to have a training goal in mind – strengthening and leaning out. I will tend to hover around a training weight and then lean out to competition weight when needed.
Come back for more tomorrow!
CrossFit WOD for Monday 2/3/2020
“HOLLEYMAN” 30 rounds for time: 5 wall ball, 20/14/8lbs 3 strict hspu 1 power clean, 102/70/45kg
with Carl Paoli at the FreeStyle Connection Seminar
On the agenda this week:
CrossFit classes – This week our focus is on volume! Make sure you wear the appropriate attire for the jump roping and running days, and be mindful of the condition of your hands. Workouts include the “40/40”, double unders/bear crawls, kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls, t2b/hspu/pistols, du/deadlifts/du/hang power cleans/du/power snatches, LYNNE, box jumps/wall ball/burpees, and a reverse CGO 14.5
Olympic Weightlifting classes – We begin our new winter cycle. Focus on learning to pull under the barbell, and we’ll also increase that leg strength so we can get you prepared for our In-House FCF Weightlifting Meet on Saturday 12/2.
Powerlifting classes – With just one week left we’ll hit a handful of new lifts, reinforce some accessories and their engines, and get you prepared for next week’s max retests.
HIIT & HellaFit classes – Our new High-Intensity Interval Training class will leave you feeling accomplished but tired, so try it out. HellaFit has some real nice burners planned for the weekend too!
Kettlebell classes – Another week of quality and consistency! Use the hips! Brace the core!
Gymnastics Strength classes – Muscle-up strength and skill work is still the main agenda so expect conditioning the engines necessary for the skill, strength work surrounding the pullup and dip, and stretching all of the body!