Experienced CrossFit
Our Experienced Athlete Transfer process is for athletes with previous CrossFit experience at other CrossFit affiliates. Please email us if you would like to get started and include how long you have been doing CrossFit as well as the name of your home box. Our Experienced CrossFit Athlete Week is $125 and includes a week of classes as well as your Orientation and Movement Checklist.
The purpose of the Movement Checklist is to have you demonstrate the fundamental movements that we use in our gym. We expect all incoming athletes to have the same level of understanding as our graduating Foundations athletes. If the Movement Checklist has not been completed at the end of the introductory week, an additional week will be offered at our visitor rate of $75/week. Personal Training Sessions may be required prior to entering regular classes ($85/ hour + tax, per session).
*For those with less than 6 months of experience, we suggest joining our Foundations Program.*
We use the transfer week as an opportunity to begin a dialogue about mechanics and technique. It is also an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of the movements we use in class and for us to get to know you as an athlete.
“Our Transfer Week allows new athletes an opportunity to sample our classes, meet our coaches, and get to know our community!“