Week of 11/26 through 12/2

When December rolls around we’ll see the return of FCF Bingo!


Cyber Monday 11/26

WODAPALOOZA Online Qualifier 18.4
AMRAP in 16 minutes:
devil press
alternating dumbbell step-up

Rx = 2×50/35lbs, 24/20″
Scaled = 1×30/20lbs, 20/12″

Post score to whiteboard.

Taco Tuesday 11/27

starting with an empty barbell every :90 perform a SNATCH for as long as possible adding 2-5kg every time. when you can no longer snatch you will CLEAN & JERK for as long as possible, still adding weight every successful lift. when you can no longer clean & jerk you will DEADLIFT for as long as possible.

Post heaviest load for each lift to the whiteboard.

Working Womxn’s Wednesday 11/28


3 rounds for time:
75 air squats
25 pullups
15 handstand pushups


3 rounds for time:
75 air squats
25 jumping chest-to-bar pullups
15 perfect pushups


3 rounds for time:
50 pistols, alternating
25 chest-to-bar pullups
15 strict handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard.

Thursday 11/29

10 rounds for time:
12 medicine ball cleans, 20/14lbs
6 ring dips
3 bar muscle-ups
1 rope climb

Post times to whiteboard.

Benchmark Friday 11/30


6 rounds, each for max reps:
1:00 calorie row
1:00 burpees
1:00 double unders
1:00 rest

Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score.

Post separate totals of calories rowed, burpee reps and double under reps completed to whiteboard.

Team Saturday 12/1

in teams of two or three, for time:
90 jerks, 85/61kg
80 ab-mat situps
70 dips
60 kettlebell swings, 32/24kg
50 front squats, 85/61kg
40 burpee over bar
30 sumo deadlifts, 85/61kg
20 rope climbs

Post teams and times to whiteboard.

 Sunday 12/2

back squat 7×4
push press 6×4
power clean 5×4

Post attendance to whiteboard.


+ Sorry, Hipsters. CBD Will Not Solve All Your Problems – Mother Jones
+ Breathing Through the Nose May Offer Unique Brain Benefits – NY Times
+ One Mother’s Journey: From Olympic Trials to CrossFit Games – Morning Chalk Up