Tag Archive for: Weightlifting House

YOGA for Sunday 10/16/2022


Washington Prepares For Influx of Abortion Patients After Roe Vs. Wade Reversal – Axios

WORKOUT for Friday 7/1/2022

3 rounds for time:
36 burpees
24 pullups
12 thrusters, 30/50/70kg

Post time to whiteboard!


Another new class is joining the schedule on Tuesdays! Read all about it here.

WORKOUT for Monday 6/6/2022

for time:
400m run
40 line-facing burpee
30 toes-to-bar
15 DB Devil’s press, 2×20/35/50lbs
400m run
15 DB Devil’s Press
30 pullups
40 line-facing burpees
400m run

Post time to whiteboard!


Although we’re still going to program team options on Saturdays, you can always opt-out and do an individual version!

WORKOUT for Saturday 1/8/2022

(Team) “JENNY”

AMRAP in 30:00
20 overhead squats, 20kg
20 back squats, 20kg
400m run

YGIG for as many squats as possible.

If alone then 1:1 work:rest per round for the 30:00. Post total reps to whiteboard!


PARTNER WORKOUT for Saturday 11/6/2021

“You Go I Go” deadlift to a heavy triple

In teams of 3/4 complete:
200 arm jumps
300 med ball situps, 14/20lbs
400m med ball run
500 med ball squats

Two people must be working at any given moment. Post scores to whiteboard.


WORKOUT for Wednesday 9/15/2021

wall walks, KOT split squats, calf raises, tibialis raises

6 sets of 3 FRONT SQUATS, as heavy as possible

21-15-9 reps for time:
push press
pistols, R
hang clean
pistols, L

Post times to whiteboard.

WATCH: NAIM, one of the greatest weightlifters who ever lived

WORKOUT for Saturday 8/14/2021

snatch 6 sets of 3 reps (55/3, 65/3, 75/3, 85/3 (3)) then

CGO 21.2

for time:

10-20-30-40-50 alternating dumbbell snatches, 35/50lbs
15 burpee box jump overs, 20/24″

20:00 cap. Compare to .

LISTEN: Dan John on 10k Kettlebell Swings & Strength Origins – BarBend Podcast on Spotify

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 5/25/2021


READ: Three Reasons You’ll Never Buy Salad Dressing Again – CrossFit

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Friday 4/30/2021


AMRAP until coach says stop
15 air/goblet squats
12 calorie sprint
9 hand-release pushups (or HSPU)
6 toes-to-bar
3 muscle-up (practice)


Tabata front squats, 25/35/44kg, then

5 rounds for time:
500m row
30 slam ball, 10/20/30lbs
30 box jumps, 12/20/24”

Post time to whiteboard/comment!


CONDITIONING for Friday 2/5/2021

for time:
50-40-30-20-10 double unders (Penguin jumps)
25-20-15-10-5 sumo deadlift high pulls

Post times to comments!

READ: Working Out with Mariners Strength & Conditioning Director James Clifford – Lookout Landing