Tag Archive for: breathing

WORKOUT for Wednesday 7/14/2021


Coach-led movement patterns then the handstand pushup (HSPU) strength ladder: 6 rounds of 1-2-1 reps


back squat 5 sets of 5 at 70-75%


as many reps as possible in 15:00
30 toes-to-bar
45 kettlebell swings, 20/32kg
60 (unbroken) double unders

Post score to whiteboard!

READ: Time-Efficient Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training Lowers BP and Improves Function – Journal of the American Heart Association


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CONDITIONING for Thursday 7/1/2021


As many reps as possible in 10 minutes:
30 plate hops
20 Russian twists
10 ground-to-overhead

For the hops you can simply use a line on the ground. Use a weight of any sort for the twists and g2o. Post score to comments!

WATCH: How Breathwork Can Change Your Training – Active Life HQ

Starting next Wednesday we’ll begin a weekly squat cycle!

WORKOUT for Friday 6/4/2021


3:00 of a plank then 3:00 of lunge variations then our HSPU Strength Ladder: 4 rounds of 1-2-1



for total overall time do 1:00 working towards 100 burpee box jump overs (12/20/28″), 1:00 rest, until complete

22:00 limit. Immediately int 50 strict presses for time (15/32/50kg)

READ: Don’t Freak Out! Why Keeping Calm and Carrying On Exercising Can Help Back Pain – The Guardian

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 5/15/2021


Row until coach says otherwise, then movement patterns!


5 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 DB squats
1:00 DB hang clean & jerks (5/5), 20/35/50lbs
1:00 box jumps, 12/20/24”
1:00 alt DB snatch
1:00 calorie row
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard!


Elbows should break outwards on the way down to keep the bar close for better barbell cycling.

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 4/6/2021


21-15-9 reps for time:
goblet squats
pogo burpees

3:00 rest then

15-12-9 reps for time:
goblet squats
pogo burpees

Post times to comments!

READ: 9 Healthy, Frozen Bulk Foods That Save Families Money – US Foods

Using your journal allows you a better understanding of your progress as well as your

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Monday 4/5/2021

EMOM x 24 minutes
a. 8/12/18 calories
b. 12 box jumps, 12/20/28”
c. 3 cleans + 1 jerk, increasing weight every round

Post heaviest CCCJ loading to your journal and the whiteboard.

READ: The Trader Joe’s Cleaning Supply Everyone Should Be Buying- Even If You Don’t Shop There – Kitchn

CONDITIONING for Wednesday 2/10/2021

READ: Why Was It Easier to Be Skinny in the 1980s? – The Atlantic

Too often do people complain about not being able to breath. Was the workout hard? Probably. Was the athlete efficient in taking in air and utilizing it for energy? Probably not. With more-focused respiration practice see how you can improve your physical, mental, and emotional states by taking the same care in breathing as you would the setup and execution of a barbell lift.

I started the book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art last week and I’ve been using the STATE app for a couple of years now. I’m actually really surprised more people aren’t talking about it- it provides you four different breathing routines after you take some initial tests and adapts said routines to your current level. Check them out below!

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Tuesday 2/9/2021

a. Warmup

1:00 stations. Move consistently throughout.
– Burpee complex
– Slam ball
– Pogo hop
– Cossack squats
– Med ball clean
– Plank pull over

b. Strength

E2MOM x2 do 1-2-3-2-1 pullups as strict as possible then

Every 1:30 for 8 sets perform 3-5 snatch-grip push presses
* Scale down to proper push press
** Can add an overhead squat at the end of each set if you want a challenge

c. MetCon

AMRAP in 15:00
10-20-30-40-50-etc row calories
5-10-15-20-25-etc t2b

The goal here to pull strong and fast when on the rower, then manage your grip and reps for the t2b. You have to go hard and fast to see how far you can get. Post score to blog comments or your journal.

READ: Breath: the New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

** Download the STATE app which I use everyday (and have forced people to do with me during CompEx and Zoom sessions!)

Day 10 of the 12 Days of FOUNDATION: do 10 Devil’s Presses!

or do 10 Devil’s presses, 9 situps, 8 burpees, 7 high pulls, 6 v-ups, 5-second handstand, 4 hang squat cleans, 3 handstand/hand-release pushups, 2 wall walks, and a 100m run

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 12/29/2020

10:00 AMRAP
10 ground-t0-shoulder
10 double pogo hops
10 shoulder-to-overhead

Ground-to-shoulder and shoulder-to-overhead can be done with any sort of loading: a single or pair of dumbbells, kettlebells, a medicine ball, a sandbag, or a backpack. Double pogo hops can be done into and over a mat or with simple markings on the ground.

Post score to comments!

READ: The Lungs: Gas Exchange – CrossFit


The top limit of our pullup standard at FCF is ‘chin higher than hands’. Note how even scaling pullups to ring rows we can accomplish this range of motion for every rep.

We have a BRING-A-FRIEND CrossFit class this Saturday at noon. RSVP!

BINGO Cards are due by the end of next Monday.

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 1/2/2020

back squat 12x3x60 then 100 gymnastics-style pullups for time

Share time to whiteboard! Post workout should be side rolling for 2-3:00 per side. Follow it up with a underhand sink stretch for 2:00 for the bicep/elbow joint.

READ: Learning From the Bears – MDC Berlin