We plan to add the 4:30pm Zoom class permanently on Monday and Wednesday. We’re also looking at adding a 6:30pm class multiple days a week.. and maybe an 8am?
Any particular Zoom, YouTube, or Instagram classes you’d like to see from us? Tell us in the comments.
WORKOUT for Wednesday 4/15/2020
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time:
double unders
No Equipment Variation
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time
jumping jacks
Post time to comments!
2nd Serving: Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)
3x 20:00 efforts for max distance, resting no more than 5:00 between efforts. Try to accumulate more total distance than you did on Sunday.
HSPU Strength Ladder: every 2:00 for two rounds do 1-2-3-2-1
Parallettes are easy to make and can be a large part of your bodyweight control training. You can also use dumbbell handles in a pinch, but the taller heights and better stability allow for more variance with the proper tools. We just made four more pairs in addition to what we already had for member equipment take-out!
The year is flying by and though it may not seem like it, Autumn is just around the corner.
HYFR Squad at the 2018 Big Climb For Leukemia
What have you accomplished in 2018? What WILL you accomplish by the end of 2018?
Let’s take a look at what we’ve done so far this year:
January – Our Annual Post-Holidays party.
February – the start of the CrossFit Games Open + the start of our nutrition challenge
March – the end of the CrossFit Games Open, The Big Climb 2018
April – celebrated the end of the nutrition challenge
May – CrossFit Games Regionals and Singlet Saturdays
June – PRIDE! We had our first PRIDE community day and raised money to benefit GSBA Scholarship Fund. Thanks again to those who dropped in and donated to this fund.
July – the thick of summer! Sun and fun and not a lot of clothing because the gym gets HOT
Lots of things are happening around here! You guys are working out hard.. as summer comes to an end (we think) – start to think about training goals for the fall – when the sun isn’t out as much. It’s important to keep goals fresh especially during fall/winter season, where it’s tempting to stay indoors often. We’re excited to put in that work with you all the rest of the year and gearing up for 2019!
Many of us live busy lives. You make the bed you sleep in. Where you are in life is a result of all the daily choices you make. Are you being efficient?
The way I see it, there are three sides to CrossFit: CrossFit the Sport where being competitive about performance is paramount, CrossFit the Philosophy where being prepared for the known and unknowable is the name of the game, and CrossFit the Lifestyle where you live your life AHAP (as healthy as possible): become responsible for your own activity, nutrition, rest/recovery, and all other life habits. Get into one and it can easily bleed over into the others.
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars now for all these events creeping up!
Joe, AB, Sheena, and Tobias
Sheena’s Farewell Shift Friday, 8/17 from 3:30 til 7:30pm
Come celebrate our First Lady as she embarks onto a new journey. Plenty of KILL CLIFF, rosé, and Half-Seas Sparkling Cocktails (thanks Miles) for everyone!
Tony at last year’s meet
Olympia Fall Open Saturday, 9/1 at Fortis Sports USA in Olympia, WA
Watch as some of your fellow FOUNDATION BARBELL athletes complete in a local weightlifting meet.
The Tough Mudder is 10-mile 20-obstacle race in the mud that can be pretty grueling, but with a team of fun CrossFitters it’s hella fun. “With no podiums, winners, or clocks to race against, Tough Mudder isn’t about how fast you can cross the finish line. It’s about pushing yourself — and your team — to discover what you’re really made of.” More details here.
Robyn in 2017, qualified again for 2018!
Cascade Classic 2018 Saturday 9/22 and Sunday 9/23 at Magnuson Park
A fitness expo put on by our friends downtown at Riot Athletics (formerly Xplore CrossFit) there are Elite individual events, Team events, and a Weightlifting Meet all in the same weekend. Plenty of things to watch, and plenty of vendors to buy fitness gear from (my favorite part!)
http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/BigClimb2018-5.jpg10001500Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2018-08-16 21:53:392018-08-17 00:09:18Articles and Other News
pause front squats 12×2. Last set is for max reps (minimum of 2 reps), then
21-15-9 reps for time:
hang clean, 52/38kg
push press
Performance: 70/50kg
Fitness: 40/25kg
Post times to whiteboard!
50/50 Intervals
Endurance WOD
9x 300m run, alternating speeds between efforts. One is at a medium intensity, the other is a medium-high intensity. Difference should be about :08 to :12 apart. Walking back to the beginning of the 300m is the rest period.
http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/FCF-201310-2-2.jpg6671000Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2018-06-04 20:10:042018-06-06 12:51:23More rings, more back squats, more tabata!
A couple of quick hits:
– Robyn S competed at the National Masters Weightlifting Championships in Buffalo, NY. Took a Bronze home.
– Tony L also competed at the National Masters Weightlifting Championships in Buffalo, NY. Also took a Bronze home.
– Paul S competed in his first-ever Weightlifting meet at the Industrious WL Championships. PR’ed his snatch, his clean & jerk, and his total.
– Adrian T also competed at Industrious and PR’ed his clean.
– BONUS: Nathan M, Lauren B, and Nathan’s parents ran an easy 10k.
* Robyn lifts Friday 4/6 at 7am Pacific/10am Eastern
* Tony lifts Saturday 4/7 at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern
Support and watch online!
Today is also a special Champagne Friday. We’ll be celebrating the hard work and efforts of those that participated in the Nutrition Challenge! Everyone is welcome. Come workout at 6:30pm and hangout afterward as we’ll be providing food and kudos!
10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 35/25kg
35 single unders
25 min cap. Compare/contrast to 24MAR2017. This is heavier than 17.5 so it is not CGO 17.5.
Post times to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 3/3
clean & jerk
front squat
Powerlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 3/3
back squat
power clean
Kettlebell WOD
Banded Deadlift 10×2@ 50-55% of 1RM
From CF Kettlebell:
Perform the following complex every 90 seconds for 21 minutes:
3 double kettlebell snatches
7 double kettlebell front squats
100 ft farmer’s walk
http://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/17point2classes-17.jpg10001500Andrewhttp://www.foundationcrossfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FOUNDATION-header-768x352.pngAndrew2018-02-05 20:15:552018-02-05 22:48:01Running Bar Muscle-Ups
in teams of 4; for time:
300 pullups
400 pushups
500 situps
600 squats
* Only 2 team members can work at a time, complete each exercise in order before moving on as a team
** If teams are less than four, use 75/100/125/150 reps per person
Post time to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
snatch complex, clean & jerk complex
Powerlifting WOD
power clean, squat, floor press
Kettlebell WOD
– Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility
– Carries
– Swings (lots of them), lunges (some of them), presses (quite a few) and squats
Gymnastics Strength WOD
movement games, wrists and shoulder strengthening, core conditioning, handstands, core conditioning, handstands, stretching
Balance is important as it demonstrates the control in the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base. This is obviously important as we grow older, but it improves function and athleticism in sports and activities as well. Slack lining isn’t just for college kids! Try it out and feel the deep burn in the hips!
Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach.
Post max and time to whiteboard / comments!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
snatch complex, clean complex OR power snatch complex, power clean complex
Powerlifting WOD
power clean, back squat, press, weighted planks, good mornings, and barbell suitcase holds
Gymnastics Strength WOD
Kettlebell WOD
– Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility
– Carries
– We will be working on perfecting the two handed swing and increasing the weight of our swings.
– Lunges, presses and single leg deadlifts will be added to make sure we are still working with asymmetrical loads to build a strong core.
Last week’s programming was all about volume, squats, and squat volume. This week will see more variance: pullups, (full) cleans/toes-to-bar/box jumps, the Jon Zimmerman Memorial WOD, deadlifts, burpees/situps/front & back lunges, thrusters and double unders, the hero workout KUTSCHBACH, a row/russian kettlebell swing/wall sit TEAM WORKOUT, more pullups, and a dumbbell chipper!
The way I see it? Most CrossFit athletes, even at the highest level, don’t practice virtuosity on the some of the gymnastics-based movements. A full lockout on the rings for a proper gymnast means a fully locked out elbow, using external rotation to keep the strap away from touching the arms. It would be a point deduction in the Still Rings event. Athletes who only practice a quick elbow lockout don’t get the full meal deal from the use of rings, which could lead to potential injury when driven beyond the point of exhaustion.
The same thing happened a couple of years back with the achilles/box jumps stuff. The lack of adequate plyometric training left the achilles not ready to be pushed that hard on game day, then POP.
Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1, Day 1: Today we start a new cycle!
kneeling snatch turnovers, snatch presses, hang snatch high pulls, muscle snatches, strict presses, and back squats!
Kettlebell WOD
– Primal mobility warmup
– Shoulder stability and core work through Get-Up positions to the hand.
– Snatch drills to continue improvement focusing on proper drop