Tag Archive for: FGB

WORKOUT for Friday 10/21/2022

3 rounds for max total reps. 1:00 stations of
– wall ball, 8/14/20lbs
– KB SDHP, 2×8/12/16kg
– box jumps, 12/20/24″
– KB jerk, 2×8/12/16kg
– calorie row
– rest

Post score to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 10/21

15 strict pullups
70 calorie row
50 toes-to-bar
50 ring rows
70 hip extensions
15 strict pullups

BODYBUILDING for Fri 10/21

AMRAP in 7:00
7 DB hang muscle clean
7 Gorilla row/side

AMRAP in 7:00
7 push press
7 weighted (or ring) dips

AMRAP in 7:00
7 Viper press
7 dive-bomber pushups

GYMNASTICS for Fri 10/21

hamstring mobility, hip flexor strengthening, press handstand work, headstand development

EMOM x 12
4 HSPU/HSPU negative
8 burpees

WORKOUT for Monday 3/21/2022

3 rounds for max total reps
1:00 stations of
– wall ball, 8/14/20lbs
– power snatch, 15/25/35kg
– box jump, 12/20/24″
– calorie row
– rest

Post score to whiteboard!

READ: Why Success Can Feel So Bitter – The Atlantic

WORKOUT for Friday 11/12/2021

Championship FIGHT GONE BAD

5 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 max wall ball, 14/20lbs
1:00 max double kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull, 2×12/16kg
1:00 max box jumps, 20″
1:00 max dumbbell push press, 2×20/35lbs
1:00 max calorie row
1:00 rest

Post scores to whiteboard!


What is Labor Day?

Labor Day is a federal holiday in the US to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.

WORKOUTS for Labor Day Monday 9/6/2021

10am: Kinda TUMILSON

8 rounds for time:
200m run/250m row
12 “dumbbell burpees”, 2×35/50lbs

Post time to whiteboard.

11am: TOM

AMRAP in 25 minutes:
7 muscle-ups
11 thrusters, 50/70kg
14 toes-to-bar

Post score to whiteboard.

12pm: Championship FIGHT GONE BAD

5 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 max wall ball shots, 14/20lbs
1:00 max SDHP, 2×12/16kg kettlebells
1:00 max box jumps, 20/24″
1:00 max push press, 25/35kg
1:00 max calorie row

Post score to whiteboard.

READ: Hero and Tribute Workouts – CrossFit

Today’s classes:

  • 8:30am CompEx
  • 10am Strength & Conditioning
  • 11am Strength & Conditioning
  • 12pm Strength & Conditioning
  • 1pm Guided Training
  • 2pm Guided Training

We’re back to open lanes beginning today. Thank you for taking care of each other!

WORKOUT for Monday 7/5/2021


3 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 max wall ball, 14/20lbs
1:00 max SDHP, 25/35kg
1:00 max box jumps, 20/24”
1:00 max push press, 25/35kg
1:00 max calorie row
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard.

WATCH: Is the PNW Heat Wave the New Normal? – Crooked Media

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 5/15/2021


Row until coach says otherwise, then movement patterns!


5 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 DB squats
1:00 DB hang clean & jerks (5/5), 20/35/50lbs
1:00 box jumps, 12/20/24”
1:00 alt DB snatch
1:00 calorie row
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard!


With the gym open yet again, and our YouTube Library featuring 100+ workout videos since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ll be slowing our production of new videos down. Rather than the 3x/week Follow-Along workouts, we’ll be posting two next week, then one for the next couple of weeks.

The blog will feature the workouts we do in class on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays. On Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays we will continue sharing the programming we’d want you doing at home!

CONDITIONING for Friday 1/15/2021


3 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 goblet squats
1:00 (kettlebell) swings
1:00 pogo hops
1:00 high pulls
1:00 object-facing burpees
1:00 rest

Whatever piece of equipment you’re using should be used for each exercise. Post score to comments!


When MMA athlete BJ Penn needed to up his conditioning for his fights he turned to CrossFit. Even though the coaching staff had never participated in the sport, they need what the demands of the sport were and created a format accordingly. They asked themselves rather than some footwork and feints what would it be like to actually work for the entirety of the 5:00-round?

After combining 5 different exercise stations and demanding maximum repetition throughout the CrossFit staff put BJ through the workout. At the end of it all they asked him how it felt. He said it was “like a fight gone bad“, and that’s where this staple workout protocol came from.

CONDITIONING for Wednesday 11/25/2020

3 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 thruster
1:00 burpee
1:00 push press
1:00 box jumps
1:00 SDHP
1:00 rest

3 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 thruster, 20/15/15kg
1:00 SDHP, 35/25/15kg
1:00 box jumps, 24/20/16″
1:00 push press, 35/25/15kg
1:00 row
1:00 rest

3 rounds for max total reps:
1:00 jumping squat
1:00 burpee
1:00 hand-release pushups
1:00 tuck jumps
1:00 prone snow angels
1:00 rest

Move through each 1:00 station accumulating as many repetitions as possible, resting when necessary. Score = total reps completed through 3 rounds. Modify equipment and movement as needed.

Post score to comments!

READ: Loneliness and Hunger Light Up Brain Activitiy in Similar Ways – Inverse

CONDITIONING for Election Day 11/3/2020


3 rounds for max total reps
1:00 max thrusters
1:00 max pogo hops
1:00 max step-ups
1:00 max alternating Devil’s press
1:00 rest

Post score to comments!

READ: What to Stress-Watch, and How to Watch It, on Election Night – Vulture

FCF doing “CINDY” at Greenlake Park, April 2009

WORKOUT for Wednesday 3/25/2020

3 rounds for max total reps:
 1:00 thruster
 1:00 burpee
 1:00 push press
 1:00 box jumps
 1:00 SDHP
 1:00 rest

FULLY EQUIPPED (Find me in that video!)
3 rounds for max total reps:
 1:00 wall ball, 20/14/8lbs to 10/9/9′
 1:00 SDHP, 35/25/15kg
 1:00 box jumps, 20/16/12″
 1:00 push press, 35/25/15kg
 1:00 calorie row
 1:00 rest

3 rounds for max total reps:
 1:00 jumping squat
 1:00 burpee
 1:00 hand-release pushups 
 1:00 tuck jumps
 1:00 prone snow angels
 1:00 rest

Join us at 7am on Zoom, 12pm on Zoom and Instagram Live, and on YouTube at 6pm we’ll premiere yet another Follow Along Workout video:

Share total reps completed to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

400m walking lunge. Give yourself a 15:00 time limit. Scale to 300m or 200m if needed.

READ: Fitness Industry Fights for Inclusion in Third Stimulus Package – Club Industry
WATCH: Did you purchase THE FITTEST like I did? Shall we watch party?