Grab your own sheet at the gym and you can fill out up to two per day.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 12/1/2021

for time:
50 calorie row
75 pullups
100 wall ball
125 (anchored) situps
150 double unders

Post time to whiteboard!

WATCH: Three Gym Throwdown by Pao Sanchez for Foundation Gym x CrossFit SLU x Rocket Community Fitness – Vimeo

We’d love to bring back in-gym competitions when it is safe to do so!

WORKOUT for Monday 11/29/2021

20 minute AMRAP:
15 unbroken double unders
10 calories (in order of preference: bike/row/ski)
5 wall walks

Post score to whiteboard!


YOGA for Sunday 11/28/2021


Saturday 11/27

  • 9am, 10am, 11am CrossFit
  • 12pm Skills: SNATCH
  • 9am-1pm Guided Training

Sunday 11/28

  • 10am Yoga (online)

As usual, make sure you RSVP for classes via PushPress! Drop-ins welcome to those fully-vaccinated.

WORKOUT for Saturday 11/27/2021

In groups of 2-3, for time:
100 push presses, 15/20lbs
90 barbell step-ups, 20/24”
80 push presses
70 barbell step-ups
60 push presses
50 barbell step-ups
40 push presses
30 barbell step-ups

Post teams and times to whiteboard!



Friday 11/26

  • 9am, 10am, 11am CrossFit
  • 12pm Winter Training Camp
  • 9am-1pm Guided Training

Saturday 11/27

  • 9am, 10am, 11am CrossFit
  • 12pm Skills: SNATCH
  • 9am-1pm Guided Training

Sunday 11/28

  • 10am Yoga (online)

As usual, make sure you RSVP for classes via PushPress! Drop-ins welcome to those fully-vaccinated.

WORKOUT for Friday 11/26/2021

50-35-20 reps for time:
wall ball, 14/20lbs

Post time to whiteboard!

READ: The Best Thing For Back Pain Is Actually More Movement – Popular Science


Thursday 11/25:

  • 9am, 10am, 11am CrossFit
  • 9am-12pm Guided Training

Friday 11/26

  • 9am, 10am, 11am CrossFit
  • 12pm Winter Training Camp
  • 9am-1pm Guided Training

Saturday 11/27

  • 9am, 10am, 11am CrossFit
  • 12pm Skills: SNATCH
  • 9am-1pm Guided Training

Sunday 11/28

  • 10am Yoga (online)

As usual, make sure you RSVP for classes via PushPress! Drop-ins welcome to those fully-vaccinated.

WORKOUT for ThingsTaken Thursday 11/25/2021

“12 Days of Thankfulness”

1. 250m row/run
2. muscle-ups
3. DB thrusters, 35/50lbs
4. burpee box jumps, 20/24″
6. chest-to-bar pullups
7. kettlebell swings, 16/24kg
8. single-arm DB/KB alternate snatch, 35/50lbs
9. toes-to-bar
10. DB walking lunges, 35/50lbs
11. ring dips
12. DB manmakers, 35/50lbs

Post time!

Jump then twist in the wrist!


  • Thursday 11/25:
    • 9am CrossFit
    • 10am CrossFit
    • 11am CrossFit
    • 9am-12pm Guided Training
  • Friday 11/26
    • 9am CrossFit
    • 10am CrossFit
    • 11am CrossFit
    • 12pm Winter Training Camp
    • 9am-1pm Guided Training
  • Saturday 11/27
    • 9am CrossFit
    • 10am CrossFit
    • 11am CrossFit
    • 12pm Skills: SNATCH
    • 9am-1pm Guided Training
  • Sunday 11/28
    • 10am Yoga (online)

As usual, make sure you RSVP for classes via PushPress! Drop-ins welcome to those fully-vaccinated.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 11/24/2021

4-5 rounds for time:
40 (unbroken) double unders
30 burpees
20 alternating DB hang snatch, 35/50lbs

If you can go unbroken all the way do 4 rounds- if you break you have to do 5 rounds. Post time to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Tuesday 11/23/2021 is PRESS & JERK (shoulder-to-overhead lifts). Classes at 7am, 1pm, 4:30pm, and 7:30pm!

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 11/23/2021

WORKOUT for Monday 11/22/2021

for time:
20 burpee (ring) muscle-up
40 burpee pullup
60 burpees

Post times to whiteboard!