Bring in your jump ropes! Also if you didn’t already know, members have the option to store their gym gear in our cubby system. Just sign up on the clipboard in the back and you can get one assigned. That way you don’t have to lug your stuff around every time you come to the gym.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 5/1/2021


15 med ball front squats, light
12 calorie sprint
9 hand-release pushups (or HSPU)
6 toes-to-bar
3 muscle-up (practice)

Repeat until coach says stop!


for time:
120 double unders
60 wall ball, 10/20/30lbs
30 bar muscle-ups
60 mb clean, 10/20/30lbs
120 double unders

Post time to whiteboard!


IN-GYM WORKOUT for Friday 4/30/2021


AMRAP until coach says stop
15 air/goblet squats
12 calorie sprint
9 hand-release pushups (or HSPU)
6 toes-to-bar
3 muscle-up (practice)


Tabata front squats, 25/35/44kg, then

5 rounds for time:
500m row
30 slam ball, 10/20/30lbs
30 box jumps, 12/20/24”

Post time to whiteboard/comment!


Hip extension is one of the most-common patterns we utilize in our training. Like the photo above the hips go back with a flat back and bent legs then you stand quickly and powerfully into good posture.

CONDITIONING for Thursday 4/29/2021


AMRAP in 15:00
12 one-arm deadlift
9 one-arm hang power clean
6 one-arm shoulder-to-overhead

Alternate sides each round. Post results to comments!

LISTEN: Sex Education Often Leaves Out Queer People. Here’s What You Need to Know – NPR’s Life Kit

Are you stronger and with better technique than a year ago?

STRENGTH & CONDITIONING for Wednesday 4/28/2021


– 15 air squats
– 12 calories sprint
– 9 hand-release pushups (or HSPU)
– 6 pullups
– 3 knees-to-bar

AMRAP until coach says stop! Feel free to go hard if you’d like (there’s no conditioning today) then let’s do Tabata situps


Every 90 seconds, starting with an empty bar
– HANG SNATCH for as long as possible until you reach or max or total 3 misses then
– HANG CLEAN for as long as possible until you reach a max or total 3 misses

Focus on reaching the FINISH position of each lift to ensure maximum elevation of the barbell, then dive under as quickly as you can.

Post both lifts to whiteboard!


Make sure you have your jump rope on you this week!

Better yet, why not sign up for a free cubby in the shop room where you can store your gym-specific gear? That way you don’t have to lug your stuff in every time.

Ask a coach about it next time you’re in.

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 4/27/2021


10-20-30-40-50 reps for time:
pogo hops
push press
reverse crunches

Ideally done with a bumper plate, but use whatever you’ve got! 20:00 time cap. Post time to comments!

READ: Knee Noise? – Kneesovertoesguy

For many hanging exercises (kipping pullups, toes-to-bar, muscle-ups) moving into a global arch shape can initiate the kip speed up the rep.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Monday 4/26/2021


15 air squats
12 calories
9 hand-release (or handstand) pushups
6 pullups
3 toes-to-bar

Repeat until coach says otherwise!


EMOM for 30 minutes:
a. 12-18 calories
b. 5-8 deadlifts
c. 12-18 pistols / step-downs
d. 5-8 (c2b) pullups
e. 1 clean + 2 jerks

Focus on completing the Rx work within the minute with some time (10-20sec) to rest before the next interval. We’d prefer you maintain the most-complex version of the skill and adjust the reps in terms of scaling.

Go heavy on the jerks! Post results to your journal and the whiteboard.

READ: Inconsistent on the Rings? – CrossFit Journal
WATCH: 2-Part Follow-Along Kettlebell Workout

Join us for our regular Sunday double header: HIIT (video below) at 9am and then join us on Zoom for Yoga with IVAN.MVMT at 10am!

RSVP via PushPress for meeting info.


IN-GYM WORKOUT for Saturday 4/24/2021


EMOM x 15
a. 5-8 calorie sprint
b. 5-8 pullups (work into kipping skills)
c. 5-8 dips (or bar/ring muscle-up into dips)
d. 5-8 pogo burpee
e. Up to SNATCH PULL + SNATCH x3, increasing in weight each round


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 toes-to-bar
10 hang power snatch, 20/35/50kg
20 box jumps, 12/20/24”

Then 5 attempts at a heavy 3-rep snatch-grip deadlift


– Lower body: CHAIR STRETCH
– Upper body: SINK STRETCH
– Extra challenge: German hang

READ: How Exercise Improves Your Sleep – PerformaSleep

In chest-to-bar pullups focus on pulling the elbows back after reaching hip extension, or the straight-body position you see here.

Notice the elbows go through the body, legs locked, ankles together, chest up and chin up.

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Friday 4/23/2021


every minute on the minute x 3 rounds
a. 5-8 calorie sprint
b. 5-8 pullups
c. 5-8 dips
d. Up to 3 CLEAN & JERKS, increasing in weight


every :30 for 15 minutes:
2 pullups
4 pushups
6 MB squats


for time:
1000m row
50 alt pistols (depth step-up)
15 muscle-ups OR 30 jumping c2b

Post time to whiteboard!

READ: Peloton Treadmill Accidents Spark Push to Change Product Safety Law – The Verge

#tbt to when the AM crew came MATCHING in Seattle shades: grey, blue, and black

CONDITIONING for Thursday 4/22/2021

for time:
50-40-30-20-10 double unders
25-20-15-10-5 sumo deadlift high pulls

for time:
50-40-30-20-10 jumping jacks
25-20-15-10-5 sumo deadlift high pulls using a bag/backpack

for time:
50-40-30-20-10 calf raises (weighted = Rx+)
25-20-15-10-5 sumo deadlift high pulls using a bag/backpack

8:00 time cap. Share your time to the comments! We’ll take you through some lower leg prep, the workout, then a cool down. Post results to comments!

READ: How to Not Suck at MURPH – Eo3 Fitness