SKILLS for Thursday 9/1/2022 is the SQUAT

CompEx AM for Thurs 9/1

A. Warmup flow (cardio/banded squats/cardio/wall slides/cardio/DEEP squats)

B. 5×2 tempo squats

C. snatch progressions, 8 sets building

CompEx PM for Thurs 9/1

A. EMOM x 20:00

(even) 20-35 UB double unders
(odd) 9 deadlifts + 6 hang power cleans + 3 push jerks, building in weight

B. for 5 total cycles

2:30 on, 2:30 off
10/15/20 calories
20 box jump overs
max chest-to-bar pullups

C. for time

35 thrusters
25 power clean & jerks
15 overhead squats
25 power snatches
35 thrusters

Rx = 20/35/50kg

WORKOUT for Wednesday 8/31/2022

for time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 toes-to-bar
20m overhead walking lunge, 5/15/25kg

Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Wed 8/31

AMRAP in 15:00
15 sandbag step-down
15 sandbag step-down, other leg
200m sandbag run

then 5:00 double kettlebell clean & jerk


15+ scap rows
15+ chest-supported row
15+ bicep curls

2:00 rest. Repeat 3-4 times

20 v-ups
20 alternating v-ups
20 reverse crunches
1:00 superman. Repeat 3-4 times

READ: CrossFit Photographers Share Their Favorite Images From the 2022 Games – MCU

SKILLS for Tuesday 8/30/2022 is the CLEAN

Gymnastics for Tues 8/30

EMOM x 12:00
4 k2e + 3 t2b + 2/1 pullover

Mobility for Tues 8/30

WORKOUT for Monday 8/29/2022

AMRAP in 7:00
800m run and in the remaining time max cleans, 20/40/60kg

AMRAP in 7:00
800m run and in the remaining time max jerks, 20/40/60kg

AMRAP in 7:00
800m run and in the remaining time max clean & jerks, 20/40/60kg

Post total reps completed to whiteboard!

READ: How to Do Weightlifting Once Per Week and Make It Count – BarBend

MOBILITY for Sunday 8/28/2022

SKILLS for Saturday 8/27/2022 is the DEADLIFT

WORKOUT for Sat 8/27

in teams, for time:
30 burpee ring muscle-ups
60 burpee bar muscle-ups
90 burpee-over-partner

Post times to whiteboard!

WORKOUT for Friday 8/26/2022


For time:
100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats

Score = time. Super Rx is bearing a 10/20lbs slam ball the entire time (between legs for pullups, on back/legs for pushups, in hands for situps, goblet/shoulder for squats)

ENGINE for Fri 8/26

10 rounds for time:
17 wall ball, 8/14/20lbs to 10′
35 double unders

25 minute cap.


4x 8+ bench press

4x 10+ close-grip bench

12+ JM press
10+ ring pushups

GYMNASTICS for Fri 8/26

a. 6 circular t2b
b: 4 box pike walk

a. :30 (freestanding) handstand
b. 6-8 strict pullup

:20 alt v-up
:10 rest
:20 alt arch up
:10 rest

SKILLS for Thursday 8/25/2022 is the SNATCH

CONDITIONING for Thurs 8/25

MOBILITY for Thurs 8/25:

WORKOUT for Wednesday 8/24/2022

4 rounds for time:
400m run
3 (legless) rope climbs
7 squat snatch, 29/43/61kg

Score = time

ENGINE for Wed 8/24

5:00 KB snatch test

6x 500m row, 1:00 rest

5:00 double KB clean & jerk test


4 sets
10+ DB bench press
10+ DB pull over
2:00 rest

4 sets
10+ DB pec flys
10+ one-arm DB bent-over row
10+ one-arm DB bent-over row, other arm

SKILLS for Tuesday 8/23/2022 is BENCH

CompEx for Tues 8/23


Gymnastics for Tues 8/23

a. 6 kipping pullup (:03 hold at top)
b. 5 SHSPU (:02 hold at top and bottom)
c. 4 strict dip (:03 hold at top and bottom)

then hollow rock and L-sit conditioning

hanging and support levers

CONDITIONING for Tues 8/23