It’s Champagne Friday! Join us at 6:30pm on Zoom- address in ZenPlanner.
SESSION for Champagne Friday 5/1/2020
– Cossack squats, static squat stretch, ankle mobility
– 3-5 sets of 5-8 push-ups with a 5-second tempo down then quickly locking out
– 3 sets of a 1:00 gymnastics-style plank
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
– 10 push-ups
– 15 sit ups
– 20 air squats
– The workout essentially repeats itself after the break, but with a shorter time domain and simpler movements. This should allow you to continue moving through each exercise even if fatigued from the first 10 minute AMRAP. 18:41:172020-04-30 23:40:29Again, But Nicer
Puori: 10% OFF sitewide + 50% of the profits donated back to our gym.
Don’t forget to use code RECOVERY1436 at checkout, and pass the message along to help spread the word. We believe in these brands and what they’re doing to help support our community!
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, O2, Born Primitive, Puori, and Bear KompleX will be offering a combined $100 gift card ($25 per brand) for all members who maintain active memberships through the month of May. Gift cards will be distributed in the month of June.
Just a friendly reminder that we have a SHOOT THE SH*T THURSDAY tonight at 6:30pm. Ask questions in the comments, on Instagram, on Facebook, or by email and we’ll talk about it tonight Live on Instagram and Facebook!
Review and practice the movements from the workout to ensure quality technique and confidence in ability.
every :90 complete:
12 Burpees over object (ideally DB or KB)
max overhead DB/KB lunges in remaining time
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 8 rounds.
every :90 complete
12 Burpees over backpack
max overhead backpack lunges (use both arms to hold object overhead)
Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 8 rounds.
Share total amount of lunges to comments!
Ideally the burpees and the lunges should go for about :45 each. If it takes them longer than 1:00 to do the 12 burpees, scale the number back to 10 or 8. You can bear the loading overhead however you want. No alternating sides required. Focus on your midline stability, especially as you get fatigued.
2nd Serving – Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)
Walk briskly for two to three minutes to wake up your muscles.
Run five minutes at an easy, conversational effort to warm your muscles.
Run at a moderate to hard effort for three minutes (not all out).
Run six 15-second accelerations (progress the speed of your runs to close to a sprint and then walk it out to recover).
Finish with four 15-second skipping drills (focusing on pushing off your toes and reaching your body forward versus up in the air).
Set your stopwatch. How far can you run in 25:00?
HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute for 5 rounds do 1-2-1 handstand pushups (or variable)
– Jump rope for 5:00, going through different variations (or jumping jacks/penguin jumps/squats depending on your equipment and neighbor situation.
– Kettlebell RDLs
– Cover set up and points of performance for KB swing. Make sure you are starting the swing with a flat back and picking the KB up in front of you.
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 reverse crunches
20 American KB swings, 24/16/12kg
30 double unders
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 reverse crunches
10 Romanian deadlifts + 10 push presses (using a heavy backpack)
30 jumping jacks
This is a workout where athletes *should* be able to put it in cruise control and just go, doing all the sets unbroken. That said scale appropriately so that not taking a lot of breaks during this workout. An athlete who scales correctly should be able to do 8+ rounds.
Share rounds and reps to comments!
2nd Serving – Need More Work? (Strength-Bias)
every 2:00 on the minute x3 do 8-12 front-loaded good morning and 8-12 bent over row
every 2:00 on the minute x3 do 12-15 overhead situps & 8-12 z-press
every 3:00 on the minute x3 do 50 banded bicep curls
HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x5 do 1-2-1 reps
The blog has been acting funny recently so you’re all just going to get text!
Join us at 8am on Instagram Live and Facebook Live- we will have a quick workout and stretch session with Andrew
And remember that Dave’s Midday Ab Challenge will be daily at 2:05pm PST for the next 13 days!
SESSION for Tuesday 4/28/2020
Shoulder prep. In addition to stretching, have them do some strict presses and push presses with their weight to prime the movements.
Do 10 good mornings and 5 double pushup burpees at a steady pace for 5:00
Get their heart rate up for 5:00 before the workout! Dealer’s choice on which movements you use.
for time:
40 speed skaters
10 single DB devils press, (5 right side then 5 left side)
40 speed skaters
20 alternating DB hang clean and jerks
40 speed skaters
30 alternating DB snatches
for time:
40 speed skaters
10 (burpee + American backpack swings)
40 speed skaters
20 backpack hang clean and jerks
40 speed skaters
30 backpack thrusters
15:00 time cap. Speed skaters to keep the heart rate up. DB sets are small enough that you can go unbroken.
Post time to comments!
2nd Serving: Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)
Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
Run two miles in the yellow zone (easy effort).
Run one mile in the orange zone (just outside your comfort zone).
Finish the final mile in the red zone (hard, but controlled).
Run one mile at just outside your comfort zone, or a place where you can no longer talk in sentences (at the upper edge of the orange and red zone, your “red line”).
Follow with walking two minutes to catch your breath and recover (take more time if needed).
Cool down by running five minutes at an easy effort and walking three minutes. 20:35:152020-04-27 20:38:14Two Things Tuesday 20:11:502020-04-26 02:16:54Sunny Sunday Run
This morning we have HIIT on IG LIVE with Mots of Muscle!
Sunday morning at 10am we have Yoga with Ivan on Zoom
Sunday afternoon at 1pm we have Cooking with Dave Live on Instagram!
SESSION for Saturday 4/25/2020
for time:
20 deadlifts, 1 bent over row
19 DL, 2 BOR
18 DL, 3 BOR
3 DL, 18 BOR
2 DL, 19 BOR
1 DL, 20 BOR
Every round makes a total of 21 reps. The weight should be light. Rx would be 43/29/20kg.
2nd Serving- Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)
The interval workouts build speed, but this workout will improve your stamina to run faster more efficiently. The key is to run at the right effort (your “red line”) so you can raise your threshold—the point at which your body shifts to using more glycogen for energy.
Run this workout once per week and at least two days away from the interval run. If you are new to running speed workouts, alternate this workout with the interval workout every other week so you are running one hard workout per week. Take note of your pace as you progress, as you will cover the mile more quickly as you improve.
Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
Run 10 minutes at an easy effort to warm up.
Repeat three times:
Run one mile at just outside your comfort zone, or a place where you can no longer talk in sentences (at the upper edge of the orange and red zone, A.K.A. your red line).
Follow with walking two minutes to catch your breath and recover (take more time if needed.)
HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x6 do 1-2-1 reps
Today at 4:30pm the video above premieres on YouTube. Tonight at 6:30pm will be Champagne Friday on Zoom with Ron. Tomorrow (Saturday morning) at 10am Team Mots of Muscle will be leading a HIIT class on Instagram Live. Sunday at 10am Ivan will be leading a Vinyasa Yoga class on Instagram Live. Then later that day at 1pm will be Dave’s Cooking class on Instagram Live.
I’m sure you can figure out your shopping list from the recipe below.
From Dave: This recipe is really delicious and can be used as a base for other types of muffins/breads. I’ll demo the proper mixing technique and bake a straight up banana bread and I’ll explain the different types of fillings to add to the mix.
This was the last qualifying workout for the Last Freak Standing online competition. The top athletes got into the low 300s (mid round of 20). This one is easily doable at home and if done correctly, will really get the heart rate up!
– Squat mobility for 5:00-8:00
– 3x :15/side of Elevated Samson Stretch
– Run through 3 rounds 10 reps for each of the movements in today’s workout. Medium pace the first round, moderate pace the second round, and sprint pace the third round. Evaluate how you feel and game plan your attack.
Getting your heart rate up before a short workout like this is important so the body isn’t shocked when it hits the ground running at the start of the workout.
Let your heart rate come down before starting the workout clock.
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
air squats
alternating Reverse Lunges
Share your score to the comments!
2nd Serving- Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)
– Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
– Run 10 minutes at an easy effort to warm up.
– Repeat the following three times:
a. Run one minute at a hard but controlled effort in the red zone followed by one minute easy walk or jog.
b. Run two minutes in the red zone followed by one minute walking and one minute jogging easy to catch your breath and recover.
HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x5 do 1-2-1 reps
Jump rope for 8-10 minutes, trying to switch up your jump every :30 or so. If you don’t have a rope apply the same techniques to the Penguin Jump. Focus on keeping a straight, tight body line.
then 3:00 of nasal-breathing burpees
then 2:00 in a steady pace of 10 deadlifts and 10 upright rows with your object.
No Equipment? No Problem!
Find something heavy to hold in front of you for the goblet squats.
2nd Serving: Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)
Two-Minute Intervals:
– Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
– Run 10 minutes at an easy effort to warm up.
– Run 6 x 2 minutes at a hard but controlled effort in the red zone.
– Follow every two minutes of hard running with one minute walking and one minute jogging easy to catch your breath and recover.
– Cool down by running five minutes at an easy effort and walking three minutes.