Tag Archive for: chipper

SKILLS for Saturday 11/19/2022 is the DEADLIFT

WORKOUT for Sat 11/19/2022

for time:
80 walking lunges
70 burpees
60 calorie row
50 chest-to-bar pullups
40 dips
30 wall walks
20 bar muscle-ups

Post time to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 10/21/2022

3 rounds for max total reps. 1:00 stations of
– wall ball, 8/14/20lbs
– KB SDHP, 2×8/12/16kg
– box jumps, 12/20/24″
– KB jerk, 2×8/12/16kg
– calorie row
– rest

Post score to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 10/21

15 strict pullups
70 calorie row
50 toes-to-bar
50 ring rows
70 hip extensions
15 strict pullups

BODYBUILDING for Fri 10/21

AMRAP in 7:00
7 DB hang muscle clean
7 Gorilla row/side

AMRAP in 7:00
7 push press
7 weighted (or ring) dips

AMRAP in 7:00
7 Viper press
7 dive-bomber pushups

GYMNASTICS for Fri 10/21

hamstring mobility, hip flexor strengthening, press handstand work, headstand development

EMOM x 12
4 HSPU/HSPU negative
8 burpees

SKILLS for Saturday 10/8/2022 is PRESS/JERK

WORKOUT for Saturday 10/8

for time:
300 double unders
200 walking lunges
100 situps
100 hand-release pushups
50 target burpees
25 wall walks

Partition however. Score = time.


WORKOUT for Monday 9/19/2022

for time:
100 double unders
80 ab-mat situps
60 dips
40 kettlebell SDHP, 12/20/32kg
60 toes-to-bar
80 hand-release pushups
100m farmer’s carry, 2×12/20/32kg

Post time to whiteboard!

WORKOUT for Monday 7/18/2022

for time:
15 clean & jerks, 32/47/70kg
30 burpee-over-bar
45 wall ball, 8/14/20lbs to 9/9/10′
60 ab-mat situps
120 double unders
2:00 rest
(Repeat in reverse)

Post times to whiteboard!

WATCH: Especially after our discussion before and after the rope climb workout

WORKOUT for Wednesday 6/29/2022

for time:
400m run
40 line-facing burpees
20 knees-through-elbows
10 DB devil’s press, 2×20/35/50lbs
800m run
10 DB devil’s press
20 chest-to-bar pullups
40 line-facing burpees
400m run

Compare/contrast to Mon 6/6/2022. Post time to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Monday 5/9/2022

2 rounds for time:
70 air squats
60 kb SDHP, 8/12/20kg
50 situps
40 kb snatches
30 dips
20 pogo burpees

*Rx+ if you muscle-up into your dips, kettlebell is 12/16/24kg. Post time to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 3/18/2022

for time:
400 single unders
300 air squats
200 situps
100 hand-release pushups
50 burpees

Partion however. SupeRx = unpartitioned. Post time to whiteboard!


The crew from 22.2

This weekend is the FINAL CrossFit Games Open workout of the 2022 season and we’re going to finish it with a bang! We’ll be grilling and we’ll have a keg for those completing/judging/watching the 22.3 throwdown.

We’ll also finish this season out with two more events for those present!

WORKOUT for Monday 3/7/2022

AMRAP in 15:00
15 toes-to-bar
10 thrusters
5 cleans
15 chest-to-bar
10 thrusters
5 jerks

then in 7:00 establish a 1RM snatch

Rx = 24/35/53kg. Post both score and max weight to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 2/11/2022

for time:
100 wall ball, 8/14/20lbs to 9/9/10′
80 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swing, 12/16/24kg
60 calorie row
40 burpee over kettlebell
20 bar muscle-up

Post time to whiteboard!