Our APRIL FOUNDATIONS crew graduated this past Saturday! Say hi and introduce yourself to the new faces in classes!
JUNE FOUNDATIONS is up and ready for registration! If you’ve been interested in starting up with us this is your chance. The program runs 3 classes/week for 4 weeks.
COMMUNITY CLASS – Saturday 5/18
Monday 4/29
Choose your preferred order of the following:
a. power snatch + snatch balance
b. power snatch + OHS
c. power snatch + hang snatch
Then EMOM for 6:00 (7 sets)
Set 1&2 60% using one of the complexes above
Set 3&4 70% using a different complex from above
Set 5&6 80% using the last complex from above
Set 7 is a snatch at 80%
then SNATCH up the ladder as far as possible
Tuesday 4/30
AMRAP in 20:00
5 strict L pull-ups
10 ring dips
15 single-leg squats
Wednesday 5/1
(Same format at Monday)
a. power clean + thruster
b. power clean + front squat + jerk
c. power snatch + hang clean + jerk
then CLEAN & JERK up the percentage ladder
Thursday 5/2
back squat 1RM then
3 rounds for max reps of:
1:00 goblet squats, 32/24kg
1:00 sumo deadlift high pulls, 32/24kg
1:00 step-ups, 24/20″ holding 32/24kg
1:00 hand-release pushups
1:00 calorie row
1:00 rest
Friday 5/3
40-30-20-10 reps for time:
wall ball, 20/14# to 10/9′
deadlifts, 61/43kg
Saturday 5/4
3 rounds
15 push press, 43/29kg
15 bar-facing burpees
Alternate with a partner and repeat for 3 sets.
Sunday 5/5
for time:
800m run
1000m row
40 burpees over rower
rest 5:00 then
for time:
400m run
500m row
20 burpees over rower
rest 5:00 then
for time:
200m run
250m row
10 burpees over rower
+ How Do You Want To Do This? – Bombsheller
+ Woman With Cerebral Palsy Opens Up Her Own CrossFit Gym After Beating Expectations and Cancer –
+ Is Sleeping Naked Better? – REM-Fit
+ The Whole30 Program – Whole30
+ A Grain, A Green, A Bean – No Meat Athlete