Tag Archive for: RS

WORKOUT for Wednesday 6/29/2022

for time:
400m run
40 line-facing burpees
20 knees-through-elbows
10 DB devil’s press, 2×20/35/50lbs
800m run
10 DB devil’s press
20 chest-to-bar pullups
40 line-facing burpees
400m run

Compare/contrast to Mon 6/6/2022. Post time to whiteboard!


WORKOUT for Friday 3/25/2022

establish a heavy rack jerk DOUBLE in 12 minutes, then


for time complete 100 burpee box jump overs (12/20/24″) using a 1:00 work/1:00 rest clock

Compare to 1/6/2022, 6/4/2021, 4/19/2021, and 3/18/2021. Post completion to whiteboard!


Robyn S, early morning CompEx coach

To test myself physically and mentally as well as seeing others push themselves harder than they would in the normal circumstances of a class and the smile/feeling of accomplishment they show after they finish a Open WOD. I also love the nervousness, excitement and the “oh, shit” of the Open workouts and being able to share that with the Crossfit community. For me that is “FUN”! 🙂

Ron H, afternoon/evening coach

Many of us do CrossFit for the fitness family it fosters. There’s no other time where that’s better displayed than the Open.
I go into the Open looking to gauge how far I’ve come in my fitness journey. That might translate to wondering where I land on a leaderboard of hundreds of thousands, or how I stack up to that one person I’m always comparing my scores to.
What you don’t realize though, is that every rep along the way you’ll have an entire gym community of sweat & support. In the Open, more than any other time, our community comes together, it lifts you up, & it challenges you to reach the best version of fit you have to offer.

Robyn at the 2019 Cascade Classic

CrossFit WOD for Christmas Eve Tuesday 12/24

for time:
120 unbroken double unders
60 push press, 61/43/29kg
30 box jumps, 32/24/20″

READ: Landmine Squats: A Great Alternative to Traditional Squats – Bruno Strong

Guess who’s bringing another GOLD home?

Look at our last post to see our lifting schedule at the American Masters WL Championship down at the DoubleTree in SeaTac this weekend.

CrossFit WOD for Champagne Friday 11/15

With a running clock, every minute perform 1 lift and add 1-5kg.

  • Start with an empty barbell and snatch for as long as possible.
  • Once you cannot snatch the weight, clean for as long as possible.
  • Once you cannot clean the weight, deadlift for as long as possible.

Post heaviest load for the snatch, clean and deadlift to whiteboard!


READ: I’m the Google Whistleblower. The Medical Data of Millions of Americans Is At Risk – The Guardian

WATCH: Sustainable Travel Accessories

One of the most-wanted skills in a CrossFit gym is the muscle-up. In the realm of CrossFit a muscle-up is where you hang off of a bar or a pair of rings with completely extended arms before pulling yourself up and over to a support position with arms fully locked out.

On paper it’s simple: pullup + dip = muscle-up. For anyone who’s attempted the skill knows there’s a lot more to it. The body control required and the positions you need to be in take tons of practice. The timing of when to transition between positions also needs to be respected, otherwise you get “close” (but “close” is still a no-rep!)

In classes we do our best with the time allotted to gloss over the positions and the skills. If you are paying attention and varying your practice (strength vs skill vs timing) in classes you should be increasingly closer to the end goal. The last variable is desire: how bad do you want it? This dictates your practice and hopefully the quality of that practice.

It takes tremendous strength and power to accomplish this and we love celebrating the first rep.

Robyn has been working hard on developing a solid foundation of strict pullups and strict dips, both with their fullest range of motion. She’s also been working on being more powerful with her kip (for torso elevation) and her timing of shooting the knuckles, elbows, and chest over the bar.

Congrats Robyn!

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 10/16

5 rounds for time:
200m kb/db farmer’s carry, 2×24/16/8kg or 2×50/35/20lbs
10m kb/db lunge, 2×24/16/8kg or 2×50/35/20lbs
10 kb/db burpees

Post time to whiteboard!

READ: Howard Cohen American Masters Weightlifting Championship 2019 – Hosted by Fortis Sports USA
REGISTER: Carl Paoli’s Last-Ever Muscle-Up Master Class presented by Foundation CrossFit – Freestyle Connection
WATCH: Travis Mayer does 20.1 for the 3.5th time! – Training Think Tank

A couple of quick hits:
– Robyn S competed at the National Masters Weightlifting Championships in Buffalo, NY. Took a Bronze home.
– Tony L also competed at the National Masters Weightlifting Championships in Buffalo, NY. Also took a Bronze home.
– Paul S competed in his first-ever Weightlifting meet at the Industrious WL Championships. PR’ed his snatch, his clean & jerk, and his total.
– Adrian T also competed at Industrious and PR’ed his clean.
– BONUS: Nathan M, Lauren B, and Nathan’s parents ran an easy 10k.

What’d you do this weekend?


+ Patagonia vs Donald Trump – GQ Magazine

CrossFit WOD for Monday 4/9

4 rounds, each for time:
5 HSPU/muscle-up/or some other hard skill
15 burpee box jump overs 24/20″
75 double unders

Rest 2:00 between each round.

Post slowest and fastest time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 6/7, Day 1/3

back squats

Powerlifting WOD – Week 6/7, Day 1/3

back squat
bench press
weighted pullups
weighted hip extensions

Kettlebell WOD

Week 6: deficit deadlift 10×2 @ 85-95% of 1RM, then

1 minute of work/:15 second rest
Single leg dead, left
Single leg dead, right
Side bends, left
Side bends, right
Renegade row, alternating

Repeat for 3 rounds!


Tony and Robyn are both in Buffalo, NY to lift at the 2018 Masters Nationals Weightlifting Championships!


* Robyn lifts Friday 4/6 at 7am Pacific/10am Eastern
* Tony lifts Saturday 4/7 at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern

Support and watch online!

Today is also a special Champagne Friday. We’ll be celebrating the hard work and efforts of those that participated in the Nutrition Challenge! Everyone is welcome. Come workout at 6:30pm and hangout afterward as we’ll be providing food and kudos!


+ Live From New York, It’s the Stream of the 2018 Masters Nationals Weightlifting Championships! – Masters Weightlifting

CrossFit WOD for Friday 4/6

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 52/38kg
35 double unders

10 rounds for time:
9 thrusters, 35/25kg
35 single unders

25 min cap. Compare/contrast to 24MAR2017. This is heavier than 17.5 so it is not CGO 17.5.

Post times to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 3/3

clean & jerk
front squat

Powerlifting WOD – Week 5/7, Day 3/3

back squat
power clean

Kettlebell WOD

Banded Deadlift 10×2@ 50-55% of 1RM


From CF Kettlebell:
Perform the following complex every 90 seconds for 21 minutes:
3 double kettlebell snatches
7 double kettlebell front squats
100 ft farmer’s walk

Robyn S

What’s the difference between “power” and “full”/”squat” versions of the olympic lifts?

From Catalyst Athletics:

Coaches and athletes sometimes have different definitions of what constitutes a “power” receiving position. Most commonly, anything received with the thighs horizontal or higher is considered a power lift. Others will require the knee to be bent to no more than 90 degrees, and others will count only lifts with the thighs above horizontal (i.e. a lift with thighs exactly horizontal is too low). Some lifters will also intentionally receive power snatches with a much wider foot stance than in the snatch. This makes arresting the downward movement easier, but also means that the lift cannot continue into a full squat if the bar isn’t elevated adequately.

REGISTER FOR THE UPCOMING OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING or POWERLIFTING CYCLES NOW! The programs begin next Monday 1/8 and you must registered to attend.


+ Maybe It’s Not Just a Sandwich: A Nurse and Her Friends Take a Simple Idea to Seattle’s Streets – The Seattle Times

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 1/2

every minute on the minute for 24 minutes:
– 5 ring muscle-ups
– 10 power snatches, 61/43kg
– 15 two-for-one wall balls, 20/14lbs

This is essentially high-skill interval training. The skills are most important: clean up your existing movement or challenge yourself to the next level of performance.



for 20 minutes:
10 touches 4-cone drill
7 clusters, choose weight
6 c2b/4 bmu


21-15-9 rft
hang power clean, 61/43kg
strict ring dips (can you muscle-up to high ring dips?)

5:00 max wall ball, 20/14#

Gymnastics Strength

pressing development

hollow/arch/plank, wrist prep, scap flow, Jefferson curls, dips & deficit handstand presses, straddle handstands, straddle handstand press negatives


Long Interval


a. for max reps:
1:00 row
1:00 burpees
1:00 double unders

1:00 rest

b. for max reps:
1:00 bike
1:00 mountain climbers
1:00 single unders

1:00 rest

repeat for 3 rounds


4:00 on, 2:00 off, for 3 rounds
20 slam ball
30 rotational lunge
40 curl-up


for 7 minutes:
30m death march
60m bear crawl

Robin S in a hip bridge.

Hip bridging is a great exercise to activate the glutes and hamstrings, while it forces the hip flexors to relax and stretch open. Try it before the next time you lift and see if you feel like you hit better positions.


+ Chris Hinshaw (Aerobic Capacity Coach) AMA – Reddit

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 6/28

front squat 5×8, ascending

3 rounds:
row 0-250m @ 2:08 pace
row 251-500m @ 2:03 pace
row 501-750m @ 1:58 pace
row 751-1000m @ >1:53 pace

Rest 1:1

Post best round time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

clean complexes! accessories.

Powerlifting WOD

box squats, push presses, sumo deadlifts! accessories.

Kettlebell WOD

– Primal mobility warmup
– Snatch skill work. We will be working on adding more volume to sets
– Pressing and lunge ladder to finish