Tag Archive for: MURPH

If you didn’t catch it, check out our PREPARATION email here.

WORKOUT for Memorial Day Monday 5/30/2022


for time:
1600m run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1600m run

Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats however you like. If you have a 14/20lbs weight vest or ruck WEAR IT for Rx+! Post times to whiteboard.


I just sent this email to everyone RSVPed to tomorrow’s lone 10am class for Memorial Day MURPH. Tips, tricks, and general recommendations… Read more

Tomorrow is Memorial Day and that means one thing:


for time:
1-mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1-mile run

Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats however needed. If you have a 14/20lbs weight vest or backpack, wear it!

From CrossFit.com on 8/18/2005:
“In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.”

+ + +

We will run our holiday schedule with three class times– 8am, 9:30am, and 11am– with two class types:
1. Single-Occupant Lanes (Limit of 6 per class time) and
2. Open Lanes (Limit of 12 per class time)


To scale down try doing the full run to start and end the workout, but cut the reps in half: 50 pullups, 100 pushups, 150 air squats.

To scale up try doing this UNPARTITIONED. That means completing the workout as written above. Do all 100 pullups before moving onto the 200 pushups before completing the 300 squats.


Instead of running 1-mile you can row a 2k, bike a 3k, or do 200 jumping jacks

If pullups cannot be done unassisted let’s do ring rows or toe-assisted pullups on short bars.

If pushups are tough or you risk complete failure, try pushups with hands on an elevation (box, bench, ramp) to decrease leverage.

If full range of motion squats are too difficult (or you have a muscular issue below the belt) then try squatting to a target like Dynamax medicine ball or even the bench.


Unless you opt for the unpartitioned version it’s all about what level of stamina you’ve got when it comes to the pullups, pushups, and squats. The goal is continual movement and not hitting failure.

Option 1
Becoming a more popular option is 2 pullups, 4 pushups, 6 squats x 50 rounds. You’ll most likely never hit failure in this version but you need to stay on top of transition times. And counting.

Option 2
Another popular method gaining traction is 3 pullups, 6 pushups, 9 squats x 33 rounds. You’ll buy in with a 1 pullup, 2 pushups, 3 squats round, but this reduces the amount of transitions from the previous option down.

Option 3
The classic “CINDY” benchmark volume of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats x 20 rounds is popular because it’s the most practiced option. That said there’s a chance that 10 pushups is too much, so I’d suggest the pushup-break variation of 5 pullups, 5 pushups, 15 squats, 5 pushups for 20 rounds.

Option 4
10 pullups, 20 pushups, 30 squats x 10 rounds is nice when you’re a bodyweight movement specialist. Again you can pushup-break variation with 10 pullups, 10 pushups, 30 squats, 10 pushups to keep the chest and triceps from hitting the wall.


Make sure your hands are okay and the calluses aren’t close to ripping.

Sticking with grip (GET IT?!), you should be mindful of chalking your hands and ensuring a good grip on the bar or rings. Gymnastics grips are a great idea- and we sell a limited quantity at the gym if you need any. Use tape for a more budget-conscious option.

There is a high cardio element to this workout so it’s important to get the heart rate up, your breathing worked up, and a light sweat started prior to starting to avoid potential issues later.

I’d recommend your most stable-for-squats running shoes for the workout to take care of the impact of the runs and the drops from the pullup bar.

If you plan to wear a vest or ruck then a breathable tee underneath would be good. You think ab-mat situp butt rash is gnarly? All those contact points of the vest, especially ill-fitting ones, spell trouble for your shoulders, obliques, and legs.

If you’re reading this well ahead of the actual workout then you need to be HYDRATED as you are going to sweat. A ton.

Also get some glycogen from carbs in the muscles the day before because this will be a very long workout (45-70 minutes) for most people. We don’t want anyone bonking out.

Remember that benchmark workouts like these (HERO WODS) are designed to be brutal to honor the sacrifices many of these military, firefighter, and LEO have made. We don’t program them often so that when they show up you can feel free to go full send.

Otherwise sleep well and we’ll see you for MURPH!

Pushups should be performed in an arch-body position!

WORKOUT for Friday 5/28/2021


Practice your MURPH strategies! We’re going to do a 10-minute AMRAP of pullups, pushups, and squats. You can also choose one of the following:

a. 10/20/30
b. 5/10/15
c. 2/4/6
d. max pullups, max pushups, max squats (if you plan on going unpartitioned on Monday)

Since pushups will be the first movement to hit failure you can also try splitting that respective number in half and doing it as a transition between the squats and pullups. Instead of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats you could try 5 pullups, 5 pushups, 15 squats, 5 pushups, etc.


5 front squats every 2 minutes for 6 sets


5 rounds for overall time:
12 Devil’s presses, 2×10/25/40lbs
40 ab-mat situps
1:00 rest

Post time to whiteboard!

LISTEN: MURPH Strategies on Memorial Day – Turbo Geeks

MURPH is coming on Monday 5/31!

+ + +

We plan to have a handful of sessions to complete this long workout:

  • 8am
  • 9:30am
  • and 11am
  • (If we max out RSVPs we’ll add more sessions.)

Speaking of RSVPs you’ll notice TWO classes per session. One session has a limit of 6 athletes, while the other session has a limit of 12.

  • SINGLE-OCCUPANT LANE: For the 6-athlete session each athlete will be put into a lane like we currently do in our ongoing Strength & Conditioning classes.
  • OPEN FLOOR PLAN: For the 12-athlete session each athlete will be able to use the pullup rig on the other side of the gym however they need to, without the need of the current lane system.

RSVPs are open now on PushPress. Reserve your spots and keep training to be better prepared!

CONDITIONING for Tuesday 5/11/2021


10 rounds of
:30 rocket launchers
:30 T-pushups

Double up if you’d like! Post results to comments!

READ: How the MURPH Workout Became the Most Legendary Fitness Challenge Ever – Men’s Health

Manny with the bar in rack position


+ Dwayne Johnson Does MURPH With John Krasinski– BarBend

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 5/30

snatch deadlift + hang snatch + overhead squat

clean deadlift + hang clean + jerk

Post heaviest load for each complex to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 1/3, Day 2/3

below-the-knee hang snatch + snatch 75 / 1 (3)
pause-at-knee snatch pull 100 / 2 (3)
back squat 75 / 5 (3)

knee jumps 3×7-10
single leg hip ext 3×10/side
kettlebell z-press 3×10″

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/3, Day 2/3

4×10 mb throws

bench 60% / 5 (10)

back ext 3×12
front raise 3×12
bent-over row 3×12
dips 4×10+

Kettlebell WOD

10-to-1 reps:
renegade row
strict sit up


Simple & Sinister

Our SINGLET SATURDAY CREW (minus a handful who couldn’t stay the entire session):

We want you super prepared to take on the volume and intensity (and soreness) that MURPH will bring next Monday, so we’re planning to start each class with some stretches so you know what we’re looking to accomplish as a post-workout treat.

On tap this week: weighted pullups, power snatches & double unders, Week 2 of our 5×5 back squats, tabata front squats, burpee box jumps, CHELSEA as a prep workout- see if your timing is on point, dumbbell thrusters & running, the TRIPLE 3, a “20” chipper, bench pressing, and a deadlift & step-up workout. Both the Powerlifting and Olympic Weightlifting MAY CYCLES also finish this week. You can register for the next series here.


+ 10 CrossFit Trainers Give Their Best MURPH Tips – BarBend

Anyone else spend part of their weekend watching people run on treadmills?!

CrossFit WOD for Monday 5/21

weighted pullup 5×2, then

15-25-35 reps for time:
power snatch, 35/25kg
4x double unders

1st round = 15 power snatches + 60 double unders. 2nd round = 25 power snatches + 100 double unders. 3rd round = 35 power snatches + 140 double unders. This workout contains the same volume of power snatches as the hero workout RANDY, but with double under “breaks”. Scale the double under multiplier (3x, 2x, 1x). If double unders are too difficult use single unders and stick with the original multiplier of four.

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 3/3, Day 1/3

hang snatch 50/3, 65/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85+/1 (3)
snatch pull 105+/3 (5)
pause back squat 85+/5 (3)

box jump + depth drop 6×3
GHDSU 3×15
barbell bicep curl 4×25
bonus: max banded plank

Powerlifting WOD – Week 1/3, Day 1/3

back squat 60/5, 75/5, 85/3, 95/1+

dip 5×15
chinup 5×10
bicep opener complex 5×5

Kettlebell WOD

Week 12 (last week): Deficit deadlift 10×1 @85-95% of 1RM
– should be as heavy as possible, but you should not fail during the sets
– rest 1:30-2 minutes between sets


For 15 minutes:

300m row
3 kb cleans
3 kb squats
3 kb push press
30 crunches

Summer competitions are coming! Test your CrossFit stuff in teams or as individuals. Look at the FCF Level 2 / Foundation Barbell group for news and updates.

“Handles” going overhead at last year’s Battle at the Ballpark


+ Coaches Corner: Prepping For Murph – Beyond the Whiteboard

CrossFit WOD for Friday 5/18


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 push presses, 52/38kg
10 kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
10 box jumps, 24/20″

Post total reps completed to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 3/3

hang snatches 80/3 (3)
hang cleans 80/3 (3)

GHR 3×12
ab-rollouts 3×12
lat flys 3×12
50 banded good mornings

Powerlifting WOD – Week 2/3, Day 3/3

deadlifts 90/3+

db chest press 5×12
db row 5×12
reverse hyper 5×12

Kettlebell WOD

A) Rack pull deadlifts 10×2 @ 85-90%

B) 50-40-30-20-10 reps ft:
goblet squats
kb swings

The June 2017 Foundations Graduates!

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/4


Regionals NATE

10 rounds for time:
4 strict muscle-ups
7 strict handstand push-ups
12 kettlebell snatches, 32/24kg

Time cap is 20 minutes. Test the original version of NATE this Friday.

Post time/rounds to whiteboard.



5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts, 70/50kg
9 hang power cleans, 70/50kg
6 jerks, 70/50kg

Performance can attempt Double DT or Heavy DT. Time cap is 30 minutes.

Post time to whiteboard.



for time:
1600m run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1600m run

Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats as needed. If you have a 20lbs vest/backpack/ruck WEAR IT! No time cap.

Post time to whiteboard.