Tag Archive for: movement library

SKILLS for Saturday 10/29/2022 is the SNATCH


EMOM x12
a. the following complex for load: deadlift + hang clean + clean
b. hspu/strict pushup practice


AMRAP in 20:00
5 muscle-ups
10 thrusters
200m run

Rx = 2x 20/35/50 dumbbells. SupeRx = 2x 8/16/24kg kettlebells. Post results to whiteboard!


SKILLS for Thursday 10/20/2022 is the CLEAN

CompEx for Thurs 10/20

row, plank taps, sprint starts, plank lateral taps, hip/shoulder prehab

EMOM x 3 do 1-3 clean Sotts press
E2MOM x 7 do a clean & jerk (Sets 1-3 do 3 reps @ 60-65, Sets 4-6 do 2 reps @ 70-75%, Set 7 do 1 at 80%). Not touch and go.

Intervals! Every 5:00 complete
250/300m row
6 power cleans, 34/52/70kg
200/250m row
9 burpee over rower

MOBILITY for Thurs 10/20


SKILLS for Tuesday 10/18/2022 is the DEADLIFT

CompEx for Tues 10/18

shoulder prehab, heaving snatch balances, snatch complexes, handstand pushup density tests

AMRAP in 10:00
5 power snatch
10 deadlift
15 toes-to-bar

GYMNASTICS for Tues 10/18

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 hang: pullup, ring row, knees-to-elbows, toes-to-bar, muscle-up, glide kip, etc
10 push: pushup, handstand pushup, freestanding handstand pushup, wall walk, etc
15 squat: air squat, single leg squat, box jump, box jump over, clear over, front scale to back scale, etc

MOBILITY for Tues 10/18

SKILLS for Saturday 10/15/2022 is the DEADLIFT

WORKOUT for Sat 10/15

bench press 10 sets of 3, building to a heavy for-the-day

Kinda “LYNNE”

5 rounds for max total reps:
max rep bench press, 35/55/84kg
max rep pullups

Post heaviest 3-rep bench & score (total bench/total pullups) to whiteboard!

SKILLS for Tuesday 10/11/2022 is the BENCH PRESS

CompEx for Tues 10/11

scap pushups, bench press, glute bridge

snatch progressions to build to a heavy snatch balance

Every 4 minutes for 6 sets:
1000m row
1 (legless) rope climb (or 3 strict pullups)

3 sets for time:
30 calories
10 sandbag squats
10 sandbag clean & jerks
10 burpee over sandbag
30 calories
2:00 rest

Death By Bench Press

GYMNASTICS for Tues 10/11

stretching, core work
elbow lever development
bar muscle-up drills and skills

SKILLS for Saturday 10/8/2022 is PRESS/JERK

WORKOUT for Saturday 10/8

for time:
300 double unders
200 walking lunges
100 situps
100 hand-release pushups
50 target burpees
25 wall walks

Partition however. Score = time.


SKILLS for Thursday 10/6/2022 is the SQUAT

MOBILITY for Thurs 10/6

SKILLS for Thursday 9/22/2022 is the PRESS, PUSH PRESS, and JERK

MOBILITY for Thurs 9/22

SKILLS for Tuesday 8/30/2022 is the CLEAN

Gymnastics for Tues 8/30

EMOM x 12:00
4 k2e + 3 t2b + 2/1 pullover

Mobility for Tues 8/30

SKILLS for Thursday 8/25/2022 is the SNATCH

CONDITIONING for Thurs 8/25

MOBILITY for Thurs 8/25: