The double under requires a tight, quick spin and an adequate straight-body jump
It’s a SKILLS week, meaning we’ll be focusing on sharpening technique and putting you some familiar work with some twists.
We retest “MURPH” on Saturday so prepare for that- make sure you have your own vest/ruck if that’s in your cards.
CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/29
10×3 tempo back squat 32XX, then
3 rounds for max total calories: 1:00 double unders 1:00 lateral shuffle, 10′ 1:00 banded plank walk 1:00 box jump, 12/8″ 1:00 calorie row 1:00 rest
Post total calories to whiteboard!
Barbell Club
NEW CYCLE is here! The August cycles will focus on pulling and positions in Olympic Weightlifting and range-of-motion control in Powerlifting. Download the PDFs. GET STRONG!
Establish a 1RM strict press in 10:00 then on a running clock do 1 strict press when the clock reads 1:00, 2 presses on 2:00, 3 on 3:00, etc. continuing for as long as possible. Barbell to be loaded at 60% of the established 1RM.
Post successful minutes completed and meters rowed to whiteboard.
This week is TEST WEEK so we’ll establish a time for today’s workout for a retest in the future, a barbell race, strict press max, Death By Presses, a row effort, a retest of a gymnastics chipper for late June, MURPH retest on Saturday, and EMOM snatch/clean & jerks. Rest, recover, and make sure you sleep well and eat well!
CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/22
back squat 10×2 at 32X1, then
21-15-9 reps for time: thrusters, 52/38kg toes-to-bar
Run 400m at the end of each round. Post time to whiteboard!
It’s Test Week in our Barbell Classes! Let’s max out some snatch doubles and clean & jerk doubles and set a benchmark for the rest of Summer.
5 rounds for time YGIG: 30 wall ball, 20/14lbs 30 sumo deadlift high-pull, 35/25kg 30 box jump, 20″ 30/20 calorie row 30 burpee 20 power clean, 35/25kg 20 front lunge, 35/25kg
Post partners and time to whiteboard!
Covering SLIPS (Scales, L-sits, Inversions, Planks, and Stretching) as a means to improve your gymnastic abilities, as well as provide a framework for practice before and after classes.
Community Class at 12pm.
Every body is free to join- just show up 10 minutes before class to fill out a waiver.
CrossFit WOD for Sunday 7/21
for time: 800m run 50 pullups 100 pushups 150 air squats 800m run
Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats as needed. If you have a vest/body armor, wear it! Post time to whiteboard!