Hanging out, waiting to watch the 2019 CrossFit Games

CrossFit WOD for August 1st

5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 box jumps, 24/20″
30 kettlebell swings, 32/24kg

Rx+ should do alternating kettlebell dead cleans at 20/12kg. 29:00 cap.

Post time to whiteboard.


+ How to Watch the 2019 CrossFit Games – CrossFit Games
+ Understanding Chi Running vs Pose Method – Run to the Finish

Here’s your new challenge for this week. Regular barbell DIANE next Wednesday.

CrossFit WOD for July 31st


21-15-9 reps for time:
two-in-hand kettlebell deadlifts, 2×48/32kg
strict handstand pushups

Post time to whiteboard.


+ PrEP Made HIV Prevention Easier- And Now It’s Getting Even Easier – WIRED
+ After Legalizing Marijuana, Colorado Saw ‘Significant Decrease’ In Opiod Prescriptions – Marijana Moment

If you pre-ordered one of these badass double-walled stainless steel shaker bottles, then you can pick it up in the gym!

If you haven’t, order one now for delivery in early August.

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/30

for time:
15 hang power snatch
15 push press
15 clean & jerk
15 push press
15 hang power snatch

Run 200m after each movement. Rx = 50/30kg. Post time to whiteboard!

HIIT, 12pm & 6:30

Mobility, 6:30pm

Gymnastics-style stretching, shoulder extension, chest openers, groin, and forearms.


+ How to Watch the 2019 CrossFit Games – Morning Chalk Up
+ Mat Fraser: The Loss That Launched a Legacy – CNN

The double under requires a tight, quick spin and an adequate straight-body jump

It’s a SKILLS week, meaning we’ll be focusing on sharpening technique and putting you some familiar work with some twists.

We retest “MURPH” on Saturday so prepare for that- make sure you have your own vest/ruck if that’s in your cards.

CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/29

10×3 tempo back squat 32XX, then

3 rounds for max total calories:
1:00 double unders
1:00 lateral shuffle, 10′
1:00 banded plank walk
1:00 box jump, 12/8″
1:00 calorie row
1:00 rest

Post total calories to whiteboard!

Barbell Club

NEW CYCLE is here! The August cycles will focus on pulling and positions in Olympic Weightlifting and range-of-motion control in Powerlifting. Download the PDFs. GET STRONG!

> 2019 08 Olympic Weightlifting, Week 1 (PDF) <

> 2019 08 POWERLIFTING (PDF), Week 1 <


+ JP Crawford Delivers An Unbelievable Throw – Twitter Moments
+ Ben Smith Gets the Nod, Recieves Wildcard – Morning Chalk Up

Send out positive vibes to Andrew S who is competing at the USA Weightlifting’s American Open Series II in Albequrque, NM.

He’ll be lifting tomorrow at 12pm in the -73kg Men’s D Session on the RED platform.

Click here to watch the action!

CrossFit WOD for Friday 7/26

for time:
40 deadlifts, 90/65kg
30 front squats, 80/55kg
20 hang cleans, 70/45kg
10 (full) snatch, 60/35kg

Compare and contrast to Monday. Post time to whiteboard.


+ Why You Should Compete in Olympic Weightlifting – Catalyst Athletics

The 2019 CrossFit Games are almost upon us! #TBT to the FCF Crew at the 2012 Games

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 7/24

for time:
70 burpees
60 dips
50 box jump overs, 24/20″
40 handstand pushups
30 single-leg squats, alternating
20 burpee pullups

Compare to 6/20/2019. Post time to whiteboard!


+ First-Aid, CPR, and AED Training at FCF on Saturday 8/3 – Seattle CPR
+ The Games Goodie Bags – Morning Chalk Up
+ Watch 19-Year-Old Kristof Milak Break Michael Phelps’ 200m Butterfly World Record – Bleacher Report


CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 7/24

Establish a 1RM strict press in 10:00 then on a running clock do 1 strict press when the clock reads 1:00, 2 presses on 2:00, 3 on 3:00, etc. continuing for as long as possible. Barbell to be loaded at 60% of the established 1RM.

Post successful minutes completed and meters rowed to whiteboard.


+ What is Evidence-Based About Myofascial Chains? – Anatomy Trains
+ Imbalanced Microbiome Related to Symtoms of Pain and Mood – Clinical Advisor

Green Team!

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 7/23

for time:
10 snatch, 60/35
20 hang cleans, 70/45kg
30 front squats, 80/55kg
40 deadlifts, 90/65kg

Use one barbell. Post time to whiteboard.

CompEx WOD, 5:50am

Barbell skill warmup into clean & jerk on-the-minute lifts.

for time:
4 thrusters, 1 rope climb
8 thrusters, 2 rope climbs
12 thrusters, 3 rope climbs

10:00 cap.

accessories: good am, strict pullups, db rows, mb chest pass, lateral raises, etc.

Mobility, 6:30pm

stretch hip flexors, glutes, and hamstrings. tissue mobilization for TFL, piriformis, infraspinatus, traps, triceps.


+ There Are Worms in the Blackberries You Just Picked – KUOW
+ CrossFit Affiliate Become Community Lifeboats to Combat Childhood Obesity – Morning Chalk Up

Community Class, Saturday 7/20

This week is TEST WEEK so we’ll establish a time for today’s workout for a retest in the future, a barbell race, strict press max, Death By Presses, a row effort, a retest of a gymnastics chipper for late June, MURPH retest on Saturday, and EMOM snatch/clean & jerks. Rest, recover, and make sure you sleep well and eat well!

CrossFit WOD for Monday 7/22

back squat 10×2 at 32X1, then

21-15-9 reps for time:
thrusters, 52/38kg

Run 400m at the end of each round. Post time to whiteboard!


It’s Test Week in our Barbell Classes! Let’s max out some snatch doubles and clean & jerk doubles and set a benchmark for the rest of Summer.


+ Behind Closed Doors with the City Council and Pro Sports – Ann Davison Sattler for City Council
+ Should We Replace Mental Health Meds With Exercise? – Big Think

CrossFit WOD for Saturday 7/20

5 rounds for time YGIG:
30 wall ball, 20/14lbs
30 sumo deadlift high-pull, 35/25kg
30 box jump, 20″
30/20 calorie row
30 burpee
20 power clean, 35/25kg
20 front lunge, 35/25kg

Post partners and time to whiteboard!


Covering SLIPS (Scales, L-sits, Inversions, Planks, and Stretching) as a means to improve your gymnastic abilities, as well as provide a framework for practice before and after classes.

Community Class at 12pm.

Every body is free to join- just show up 10 minutes before class to fill out a waiver.

CrossFit WOD for Sunday 7/21

for time:
800m run
50 pullups
100 pushups
150 air squats
800m run

Partition the pullups, pushups, and squats as needed. If you have a vest/body armor, wear it! Post time to whiteboard!


+ On His 80th Birthday, This CrossFit Trainer Finished a Workout That Would Humble Anyone – BarBend