Tag Archive for: back squat 1RM

WORKOUT for Monday 10/10/2022

establish a back squat max in 20 minutes, then

“Almost CGO 20.1”

10 rounds for time:
8 ground-to-overhead, 29/43/61kg
10 burpee-over-bar

15:00 cap. Post max and time to whiteboard!

Read this if you want to get a jump on setting a new PR: Establishing a Max Lift

ENGINE for Mon 10/10

EMOM x 25
a. :40 calories- Choose one: bike, ski, row (in order of preference)
b. :40 single DB hang clean and jerk
c. :40 plank drag
d. :40 running single under
e. :40 DB half squat

The goal is to establish a good number of reps in :40 on the first round. In the second round the goal is to match the reps in the first. Repeat until you fall off then re-establish your numbers using the :40 work. You should always get a moment to breath before moving onto the next exercise. Push your effort a little harder knowing you’ll get a moment to rest before the rotation.

BODYBUILDING for Mon 10/10

3-4 rounds:
10 Pendlay rows
20 hip extensions
1:00 rest

2-3 rounds:
15 ring rows
15 lateral raises
1:00 rest

2-3 rounds:
20 DB hammer curls
10 crush-grip KB Romanian deadlift + bent-over row

Cash out with 100 band bicep curls as fast as possible

Thinking of a strict press as a leg exercise will give you an even more solid base through your feet, legs, glutes, and abs.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 5/26/2021


Until told otherwise:
15 jumping air squats / goblet squats
10 pushups / HR pushups
6 pullups / strict
:30 double unders
:15 Samson/side”


STRICT PRESS every :90 x 12:00 (5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1)
BACK SQUAT every :90 x 12:00 (5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1)
DEADLIFT every :90 x 12:00 (5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1)

Post results to whiteboard. Report any and all Personal Records by banging the gong then writing them on the PR Window!

READ: Weight Vest & Carrier Options – FOUNDATION


In most sports and activities coaches should have developed short and concise cues with their athletes as specific reminders to execute when needed.


One that gets some eye roll for some reason in the Olympic Weightlifting community is “REACH!” as it’s not as specific with direction or what the athlete should be activating.

We’d prefer a cue like “push back” if lacking upper back activation, “head through” if missing alignment, or “keep pushing” if arms or shoulders looked weak.

What do you think of when locking out overhead?

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 1/9/2020

EMOM power snatch + OHS/snatch balance
0:00-3:00 use 70% of max power snatch
4:00-7:00 use 75% of max power snatch
8:00-12:00 use 80% of max power snatch

the 10:00 to establish a heavy back/front/overhead squat.

Share loading to whiteboard. Post-workout should be banded back extensions and Pigeon supersets.

READ: Korean Beef Bowl by Feeding the Frasers on instagram

Coach Dave at the 2019 Cascade Classic

Have you ever tested your fitness in competition?

CrossFit WOD for Wednesday 11/13

back squat 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1, then

Start with an empty bar and press every minute on the minute, immediately adding 1-5kg after each successful lift.

Post loads to whiteboard!

READ: Top 8 Things I Learned From My First Weightlifting Competition – Nick Hetzler

WATCH: Are Your Shoulders Limiting Your Squatting Power?

Going to try something different with the blog this week. I’m hoping our athletes are better than cherry-picking their workouts.

It’s Retest week so here’s to improvement and many of you writing on the PR Board!



Monday 8/13

push press 3-3-2-2-1-1-1, then

3 rounds for time:
50 medicine ball cleans, 20/14lbs
800m run

Post loads and times to whiteboard.

Tuesday 8/14


5 rounds for time:
400m run
30 box jumps, 24/20″
30 wall ball, 20/14lbs

Performance does box jump overs and 30/20lbs wall ball.

Post time to whiteboard!

Wednesday 8/15

weighted pullup 5×2, then

15-25-35 rounds for time:
power snatch, 35/25kg
4x double unders

Post pullup loads and times to whiteboard!

Thursday 8/16

2k row, then

for time:
40 kettlebell snatches
40 kettlebell cleans
40 handstand pushups

Post times to whiteboard!

Friday 8/17


3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 perfectly-vertical kettlebell swings, 24/16kg
12 pullups

Performance does 5 rounds for time.

Post time to whiteboard!

Saturday 8/18

establish a back squat 1RM in 15 minutes, then

in partners of two, AMRAP in 12 minutes:
front squats, 52/38kg

Post load and scores to whiteboard!

Sunday 8/19

for time:
2k row
100 toes-to-bar
100 muscle cleans, 20/15kg

for time:
50 hang muscle cleans, 40/25kg
100 knees-to-elbows
2k row

Post times to whiteboard.


(download PDF of Week 3)


(download PDF of Week 3)


:30 on, :20 off for 12 intervals

:45 on, :15 off for 6 intervals

:50 on, :10 off for 10:00

each midline set for 5:00 or less with reps counted aloud



Monday 8/13

##Warm Up
**3rds, 10 reps each**
– KB Halo’s
– Goblet cossack squats
– Single leg deadlifts, left & right
– Bent over rows
– Side bends

– 5 min DBKB rack hold

**Crazy Ivan**
For time:
– 25 Burpees
– 25 Goblet lunges
– 10 KB S2OH
– 50 Russian Swings 24/16
– 20 Burpees
– 20 Goblet lunges
– 8 KB S2OH
– 40 Russian Swings 24/16
– 15 Burpees
– 15 Goblet lunges
– 6 KB S2OH
– 30 Russian Swings 24/16
– 10 Burpees
– 10 Goblet lunges
– 4 KB S2OH
– 20 Russian Swings 24/16
– 5 Burpees
– 5 Goblet lunges
– 2 KB S2OH
– 10 Russian Swings 24/16


Wednesday 8/15

**10 minutes**
– 10 good mornings
– 10 single arm (press 5 per side)
– 10 air squats
– Down and back sand bag drags

**12 min AMRAP**
– 10 Double Swings
– 8 DB front squats
– 6 DB Jerk

**For 25 minutes**
– 24/16
– 5 Dead Stop KB Snatches R
– 5 Dead Stop KB Snatches L
– 7 Burpees

Dave gets ‘set’ by bracing and mentally preparing himself before the squat


+ How to Do Wall Balls and Why It’s Worth Putting Yourself Through the Agony – Coach Mag

CrossFit WOD (and ) for Tuesday 6/19

establish a back squat max in 20 minutes, then


150 wall ball, 20/14lbs to 10/9′, for time

Post maxes and times to whiteboard!

HIIT WOD – 12pm

3 rotations, 1 min work / 1 min rest
Dbl Db front rack lunge steps
Dbl Db push press
Dbl Db bent rows
Dbl Db front rack squats
Dbl Db deadlifts

– then –

ball slams
jumping jacks

– then –


HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

(A) agility ladders

(B) :55 work, :15 rest/rotation of
– mountain climber runner
– kettlebell swing / alt one-hand kbs
– blast off pushup
– stir the pot
– plank running (hand/elbow/shoulder/hip)

(C) 4 rounds of :45 wall sit, :15 rests

(D) ABmaggedon



It’s also “KAREN”! (see video above!)

There are two great options for your overhead squat grip-width:

  1. Use the same grip you use for the snatch
  2. Use a grip slightly-closer than (1.). Although it requires more mobility, it’s definitely more stable.
  3. (Bonus) Front squat if the overhead position isn’t stable. You’ll still have to keep a vertical torso to be successful for the volume of reps required today.

Elise and Michi


+ “Own” the Weight: Moving Beyond PR-Dominated Thought – Beyond the Whiteboard

CrossFit WOD for STAR WARS DAY Friday, May the Fourth (Be With You)


5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 overhead squats, 43/29kg

Performance: 52/38kg
Fitness: front squats, 35/25kg

Post time to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Buffer Week, Day 3/3

squat (of choice) max, rack jerk max

Come to the Foundation Barbell Town Hall Meeting this Saturday 5/6 at 10am.

Gymnastics Strength WOD

still rings, hamstring development

Kettlebell WOD


Simple & Sinister


+ 18.1 Workout Description and Scorecard – CrossFit Games
+ CGO 18.1 Tips w/ Matt Chan – TrainFTW

CrossFit WOD for Friday 2/23

CGO 18.1 – Rx

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
8 toes-to-bar
10 hang clean + shoulder to overhead, 50/35lbs dumbbell
14/12 calorie row

CGO 18.1 – Scaled

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
8 hanging knee raise
10 hang clean + shoulder-to-overhead, 35/20lbs dumbbell
14/12 calorie row

Post score to http://games.crossfit.com/ and the whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 3/3 (Max Week)

snatch max, clean & jerk max

Powerlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 3/3 (Max Week)

Lower MAX (back squat, front squat, OHS, deadlift, etc)

Gymnastics Strength WOD

handstand pushup development!

Kettlebell WOD


So sign up now so you can get drafted to one of the three teams for the Intramural Open!

It’s Presidents Day and we’re open regular hours. If you have the day off come workout early then go see Black Panther!


+ Speal: A David and Goliath Story – Chris Spealler

CrossFit WOD for Monday 2/19

100 pullups for time (attempt your max set), then

establish a 1RM clean & jerk in 20 minutes, then

6 sets of max dips

Post all three results to whiteboard!

Olympic Weightlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 1/3

snatch max

Powerlifting WOD – Week 7/7, Day 1/4

back squat 1RM

Kettlebell WOD

1k row, then

10-to-1 reps of:
strict sit ups
push ups
goblet squats

3 rounds, 10 reps each:
kb halo
prying squats
single leg deadlift, left + right

Andrea during the Seattle Affiliate League 2014


+ Your Life Is Not an Endless PR. Stop Treating Your Training That Way – Athlete Daily
+ Olympic Weightlifting and Powerlifting programs begin this coming Monday. Registration for the either cycle ends IN ONE WEEK so you have a chance to try out the class and see the new formats. If you’d like to continue past the first week you must be registered. Overviews coming soon.
+ The Foundation CrossFit Post-Holiday Party is on Saturday 1/27 at The Garage (on Broadway). 6pm until last call probably…

CrossFit WOD for Friday 1/5


for time:
1000m row
50 thrusters, 20/15kg
30 pullups


20 minutes to establish a back squat 1RM

Performance = unbroken thrusters and c2b pullups. Post results to whiteboard!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

single leg strength development!

Kettlebell WOD

Movement patterns, Rack and OH work, Shoulder and hip mobility, Swings, presses and squats.