SKILLS for Tuesday 11/1/2022 is the SNATCH

CompEx for Tues 11/1

nasal running warmup, shoulder prehab

EMOM x5 heaving snatch balance + snatch balance @60-70%
E:90 x4 hang power snatch + hang snatch @70-75%
EMOM x5 4 tng snatch @55-60%

AMRAP in 14:00
7 overhead squats, 57/84kg
200′ KB rack carry, 2×12/24/32kg
7 KB front squats, 2×12/24/32kg
200m run

finisher if time allows

GYMNASTICS for Tues 11/1

rotator cuff strength work, stretches

hip flexor strength work, stretches

core: obliques (dynamic, static)

E:90 x15
a. 1 strict pullup + 2 kipping pullups + 3 t2b + 1 (or more) bmu
b. 1 wall walk + 2 HSPU + 3×10′ HSW

MOBILITY for Tues 11/1

WORKOUT for Halloween Monday 10/31/2022

front squats 50/5, 50/5, 60/3, 65/5, 75/5, 85/5+

for time:
50-40-30-20-10 air squats
10-20-30-40-50 ab-mat situps

(Rx+ goblet squats @5/15/25lbs)

Post time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 10/31

1:00 row for distance
:30 rest
1:00 burpee box jumps
:30 rest

Repeat for 24:00+

BODYBUILDING for Mon 10/31

complete the following superset:
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 bench press
10 seated DB tricep extensions

This means you start an unbroken set of 20 bench press, rack the bar and then pickup a dumbbell for 10 tri ext. If you have a partner let them do the same. Your next set would be 18 unbroken bench + 10 tri ext. Work down to 2+10. Done!

MOBILITY for Sunday 10/30/2022

SKILLS for Saturday 10/29/2022 is the SNATCH


EMOM x12
a. the following complex for load: deadlift + hang clean + clean
b. hspu/strict pushup practice


AMRAP in 20:00
5 muscle-ups
10 thrusters
200m run

Rx = 2x 20/35/50 dumbbells. SupeRx = 2x 8/16/24kg kettlebells. Post results to whiteboard!


Champagne Saturday tomorrow!

We’ll have some light refreshments and more for all our athletes at all of our classes to celebrate our team.

WORKOUT for Friday 10/28/2022

Strict press max, then 3 sets of 3 @80-85%, then

“CGO 12.1”
as many target burpees (6″) as possible in 7 minutes!

Post max and time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Fri 10/28

4-5 rounds
8 devil press
20 pogo hops
20 Gorilla row
1:00 rest
8 devil press
20 pogo hops
30 alternating hammer curls
1:00 rest

BODYBUILDING for Fri 10/28

6 rounds for each exercise do :45 work, :45 rest

a1. Viper press
a2. one-arm row, heavy (alternate sides each round)

b1. BtN snatch-grip push press + hold
b2. Meadows row (alternate sides each round)

c1. wide-grip pullup negatives
c2. DB hammer curls

d1. pausing Z-press
d2. crush-grip KB RDL + bent over row

GYMNASTICS for Fri 10/28

core, stretching, handstand/headstand test

E2MOM x18
a. :30 handstand skill
b. 10+ kipping skill


SKILLS for Thursday 10/27/2022 is BENCH PRESS


hip and shoulder prehab

EMOM x3 do 3-5 jump to split
E:90 x7 clean + jerk dip + jerk
– Sets 1-2 do 3 reps at 65-70%
– Sets 3-4 do 2 reps 70-75%
– Sets 5-7 do 1 rep at 75%+

for time:
20-16-12-8-4 c2b pullups
10-8-6-4-2 cleans, 43/61kg

2-3 sets
8-10 single leg squats @3111
20 tuck ups

CONDITIONING for Thurs 10/27


WORKOUT for Wednesday 10/26/2022

EMOM x12
2 power snatches

5 rounds for time:
250m row
15 wall ball shots, 8/14/20lbs to 9/9/10’
15 box jumps, 12/20/24

Post time to whiteboard.

ENGINE for Wed 10/26

in 4:00 complete 30 double kettlebell clean & press. in remaining time complete as many box jump overs as possible. Repeat until done!

BODYBUILDING for Wed 10/26

tabata floor press

300 banded pull aparts (in sets of 30-50)
300 banded face pulls (in sets of 30-50)

3 rounds of
5-5-5 bicep openers
12+ plate flips

8x 3 chinup negatives

READ: Why Athletes Need a ‘Quiet Eye’ – BBC Future

SKILLS for Tuesday 10/25/2022 is the PRESS/PUSH PRESS/JERK


warmup flow, shoulder prehab

EMOM x3 do 5 tall snatches, 20-30%
E:90 x5 do hang power snatch + power snatch + snatch, 55/60/65/70/75%
E:90 x3 do 2 touch-and-go pause snatch, 75%

for total time:

800m run + 150′ HSW/10 wall walks/150 HS march + 20 GHDSU
2:00 rest
2 rounds of 400m run + 100′ HSW + 15 GHDSU
3:00 rest
4 rounds of 200m run + 50′ HSW + 10 GHDSU

3 rounds of
20 back extensions
200′ odd object carry

GYMNASTICS for Tues 10/25

core conditioning, stretching, stall bars

EMOM x 15 minutes
a. 3-5 muscle-ups/10-15 pullups
b. 5-10 box jumps, high
c. 10-20 single leg squats

more core

WORKOUT for Monday 10/24/2022

30:00 to establish a max front squat then 3 sets of 3 reps at 85%, then

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
12-15-18-21-etc of
hang power cleans, 20/35/50kg

Post max and time to whiteboard!

ENGINE for Mon 10/24

6 rounds, as unbroken as possible:
15 sandbag ground-to-overhead
20 sandbag overhead lunge
60 sandbag pogo hop

BODYBUILDING for Mon 10/24

2 rounds of
10 barbell bent over row
10 reverse grip barbell bent-over row
10 Chinese lateral raise
16 alternating dumbbell curls
16 alternating hammer curls

Rest as needed between sets, but each set should be completed unbroken and the loading should challenge the prescribed number.

MOBILITY for Sunday 10/23/2022