And we’re open! Guided Training athletes are welcome to RSVP via Push Press and attend a session today.

Classes begin tomorrow.

STAMINA & CONDITIONING for Wednesday 7/1

CRUELLA DE VIL – “Oh yes, I love the smell of near-extinction!

EMOM for 10:00 do 10 medium-weight back squats (odd object, kettlebell, dumbbell, etc)

Try to add 1 additional back squat per interval!

then AMRAP in 10:10
25′ bear crawl
10 pushups
5 burpees

Rest 1:01 then 101 butterfly situps

Post results to comments!

Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 1 of 12)

EMOM x 4 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: The Minimalist Strength Workout – Pocket
WATCH: the Interim CEO sits down with Tommy & Sean

This credit expires tonight!

Click the banner above to claim it now

WORKOUT for Tuesday 6/30/2020

SCAR: “Life’s not fair, is it?”

EMOM 5:00 of 5 strict HSPU (or pike push-up), then

AMRAP 25:00
2:00 toe taps (Run around the block)
10 burpees
10 air squats

Post results to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

2 rounds of a 20:00 run at 50-60% effort. Active rest (stretch or do some bodyweight movements) of 5:00 between. Cool down with an 800m jog.

Pullup Strength Ladder (Week 1 of 12):

EMOM x4 do 1-2-1

READ: You’re Showering Too Much – The Atlantic. I had asked our resident dermatologist about this and they said they more or less agree with the article. “WASH YOUR BITS” was the main take away.
WATCH: Taking B(l)ack Pride

Tons of emails in your inbox from us…

… Expect another one mid-morning today! We’re starting a WORKOUTS WEEKLY newsletter to fill all of our active members in on the news, the programming, and all the media we’ve been working on through the week. It will also contain the links to all of this week’s Workout Prep Videos, our Stretch videos, a preview of the In-Gym STRENGTH workouts, and more.

Otherwise the blog will continue to sharing the CONDITIONING workouts for at home or outside.

WORKOUT for Monday 6/29/2020


a. every minute on the minute for 10:00 do 10 odd-object cleans

b. as many reps as possible in 20:00 of
5 odd-object deadlifts
10 pushups
15 burpees

Quiet-Neighbor Option: do step-burpees and ensure you don’t drop the odd-object!

Post results to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

E4MOM x 3
20 Pogo Burpees
20 Deadlifts

Rx – 61/43kg Find good flow with the burpees and hammer the deads. Weight should be very doable for 20 reps, maybe 1 or 2 breaks at max.

Pullup Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x3 do 1-2-1 reps of your best strength progression

READ: Oatmeal Is Still the World’s Best Performance Breakfast – Outside Online
WATCH: Marsha P Johnson is a hero

John, Caitie, and Alex taking one of Scott’s test classes last week.

Join us on Zoom at 10am for Yoga with Ivan!

WORKOUT for Sunday 6/28/2020


Tabata reverse crunches (:20 work/:10 rest, x8), rest 1:00 then
Tabata rocket launchers, rest 1:00 then
Tabata arch-ups, rest 1:00 then
Tabata penguin jumps

Post lowest score of each tabata to comments.

READ: An Entire Pro Softball Team Quit After Their GM Tried to Use Them as Racist, Pro-Trump Propaganda – The Mary Sue
WATCH: A workout of 10 sets of 10 swings + 10 pushups

Check back here at 6pm for the HIIT workout this weekend!

WORKOUT for Saturday 6/27


5 rounds for max reps:
1:00 toe taps
1:00 v-ups
1:00 pushups
1:00 OH squats with broomstick or band
1:00 rest

Post time to comments!

READ: Tabata Songs Honors the Memory of Victims of Racial Violence with Peaceful Tribute – Morning Chalk Up
WATCH: Miles With Miles #4 – Grass Angels


Wear your mask!

SESSION for Friday 6/26

21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlifts, loaded suitcase
Pike push-ups

Equipped Option:
21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlifts, heavy barbell or double 50/35/20lbs dumbbells
Pike push-ups

Post scores to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

150 perfect pushups. No bending, no breaking, control both ranges, full lockout.

Pullup Strength Ladder: EMOM x4 do 1-2-1

READ: The Psychological Importance of Wasting Time – Quartz via Pocket

Check your inbox for any news lately?

SESSION for Thursday 6/25/2020


AMRAP 15:00
10 medium-weighted alternating forward-backward lunges (total)
15 push presses with backpack
20 pogo jumps

Equipped Options:
AMRAP 15:00
10 weighted alternating forward-backward lunges
15 push presses
20 pogo jumps
-20/16/8kg kettlebell or 50/35/20lbs single dumbbell

Post results to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

E3MOM x 4
12 Wide Grip Deadlifts
12 Unbroken Power Snatch

Go for 61/43/29kg if possible.

Pullup Strength Ladder: EMOM x4 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Bruce Lee’s Never Before Revealed Letters to Himself About Authenticity, Personal Development, and the Measure of Success – Brain Pickings. Many Asian-Americans don’t have too many role models that look like themselves to look up to. One of those few would be the legendary Bruce Lee. Known for his martial arts, he was very much a philosophical person and wrote a ton. If not for him maybe I wouldn’t pursue physicality the way I have. When I was younger I found The Art of Expressing the Human Body and that guided much of my own fitness research.

We keep showing the other side of our facility- here’s the side most of you are familiar with. We’ve repaired the impurities in the ground and will be reorganizing this side as well.

WORKOUT for Wednesday 6/24/2020

20 rounds for time -OR- 25:00 time cap (whichever comes first)
3 jumping jacks
6 out & overhead, with light object (holding squat)
9 plank object drags

Post time or score to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

2 rounds of 6-8 close-grip bench press
2 rounds of 8-10 skullcrusher
3 rounds of 10-12 tricep pressdown
4 rounds of 12-14/side one-arm underhand pressdown

Pullup Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x4 do 1-2-1 reps

RESEARCH: And just like a new statewide order means that we’re now required to wear masks, even inside the gym!
WATCH: Max El-Hag is, in my opinion, one of the better thinkers in the Competitive Exercise space. He owns Training Think Tank, a name that should be familiar if you consistently read the blog, as he’s built a team of fantastic coaches as well as athletes over the years. Coach Dave was even under their programming for a long time.

Did you check those emails? We covered a handful of important items as we come back.

The equipment photos will continue until I have athletes in the gym.

I’m still looking for volunteers for some of these test classes! Comment below and I’ll get in contact with you.

WORKOUT for Tuesday 6/23/2020 – LUMINARA

Accumulate quality candlestick rolls within 6:00. Goal is 30, then

60 pushups + 2 shoulder taps, start & EMOM 8 jumping lunges

Post time to comments.

2nd Serving: Need More Work?

10x 100m run at 80-90%, resting 2:00 or more between efforts. Push hard, but don’t go completely all out (if you can finish all 10 rounds and feel good about your effort you did it correctly!)

Pullup Strength Ladder: EMOM x3 do 1-2-1 reps.

READ: Opinion: America Is Too Broken to Fight the Coronavirus – NY Times
RESEARCH: What are you doing to prevent yourself from getting COVID-19? What precautions are you taking- think about the new habits you have, how you dress, how you socialize, and what you do when you go outside of your residence. Do you wear a mask to protect not only yourself, but others? Are you taking this seriously? What kind of methods do you use when washing your hands or using hand sanitizer? Do you know some of the complications that arise from those “who’ve recovered from Coronavirus”? The gym will open up soon- we’re going to do everything possible to keep everyone safe! Just remember your responsibility to do the same. Respect the rules we’ll have in place and we’ll get through pandemic together, stronger and healthier than we have before.

Keep your ear to the ground as we get ready to reopen for operation!

King County officially entered Phase 2 the past weekend, which allows us to run in a very-limited capacity. We plan to reopen for classes beginning in July. In the meantime we are available for 1-on-1 personal training.

AND I’m looking for athletes who are interested in being filmed for our WORKOUT PREP VIDEOS! Please comment below if you’re up for it, or feel free to email me direct.

We appreciate your patience as we prepare for a new era here at Foundation. Be on the lookout for more information, including our new membership and class options very soon.

WORKOUT for Monday 6/22/2020

4:00 AMRAP, 2:00 rest between each
A) Speed skaters, EMOM 10 v-ups
B) Dips, EMOM 10 Bulgarian split squats (5 per side)
C) Sit-ups, EMOM 10 rocket launchers

Use this timer. Post lowest amount of reps per section to comments.

Pullup Strength Ladder: EMOM x3 do 1-2-1 reps. We’re at the beginning of a new 12-week cycle. If you cannot do a pullup, then you can do a row (rings, bar, table, bent-over, seated, with dumbbells/kettlebells/barbell, etc.)

READ: For Black CEOs in Silicon Valley, Humiliation is Part of Doing Business – Bloomberg
WATCH: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man – Ep 2 with Matthew McConaughey