Week of 1/21 Through 1/27


Monday 1/21

21-15-9 reps for time:
dumbbell clean & jerks
strict pullups

21-15-9 reps for time:
dumbbell clean & jerks
jumping chest-to-bar pullups

Tuesday 1/22

The Ocho Chipper – Rx (from the 2019 Wodapalooza Individual Events)
for time:
30/20 bar muscle-ups
30 hang power cleans, 70/45kg
30 deficit HSPU (4/2″)
30 front squats
30 toes-to-bar
30 shoulder-to-overhead

Wednesday 1/23

back squat 3×10 then

establish a heavy deadlift in 5 attempts

then practice handstands for 20:00

Thursday 1/24

5 rounds of continuous movement:
3/2 rope climbs
20 controlled, slow ab-mat situps

Performance does legless rope climbs and GHDSU

Friday 1/25

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 strict pullups
10 honest pushups
15 squats to a target below parallel

Saturday 1/26

every two minutes do the complex then add weight. establish a heavy weight for
– snatch + OHS
– clean + front squat + jerk

In honor of all the athletes competing in the Armor Classic weightlifting meet in Tacoma!

Sunday 1/27

bench press 5×5 then

for time:
30 clean & jerks, 65-75% of your 1RM


+ Is Sunscreen the New Margarine? – Outside
+ The Tipping Point of Progress (And the Trap of Commission Bias) – Training Think Tank
+ What About Cardio [Graph] – CrossFit