Week of 1/28 Through 2/3

As we see January come to a close we can look forward to this weekend’s FCF Post-Holidays Party at the Garage as well as the CrossFit Games Open (and therefore the FCF Intramural Open 2019) coming in less than four weeks!


Monday 1/28

every :90 for 21:00
2 snatches + 1 overhead squat

Tuesday 1/29

AMRAP in 12:00
75 double unders
50m db farmer’s carry, 2×50/35lbs

AMRAP in 12:00
75 single unders
50m kb farmer’s carry, 2×16/12kg
25 ab-mat situps (anchored)

Wednesday 1/30

establish a 1RM clean & jerk, but must run/jog/walk 200m between every attempt, then

3-5 rounds of
1:00 of L-sit holds
15 controlled, no-momentum back extensions

Thursday 1/31


establish within 15:00 each:
– 1RM back squat
– 1RM strict press
– 1RM deadlift

Friday 2/1

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
15 strict pullups
30 pushups
45 squats

Saturday 2/2


3 rounds for max reps:
1:00 wall ball, 20/14lbs
1:00 sumo deadlift high pulls, 35/25kg
1:00 box jumps, 20″
1:00 push presses, 35/25kg
1:00 calorie row
1:00 rest

Sunday 2/3

7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time:
strict muscle-ups
single-leg squats, right leg
single-leg squats, left leg


+ Married People Walk Faster and Have Stronger Grip, New Study Says – CNN
+ What Happens To Your Body When You Hate Your Job – HuffPost
+ Scientists Kept Rats Sober by Deleting Memories of Cocaine – Futurism