Week of 3/25 Through 3/31
The 2019 CrossFit Games Open is over with at 5pm tonight! We had a ton of athletes participate in both little and large capacities who all saw improvement in their overall fitness, movement clarity, and confidence. We wrapped it all up on Saturday as a squad and had food and bevies while we watched some competitive limbo happen.
Missed out on the fun over the past five weeks? No worries- the 2020 CrossFit Games Open will actually occur in October of this year so our turnaround is actually quite fast.
Will you be ready for it?
Monday 3/25
3 rounds for time:
200m run
45 situps
200m run
30 lunges
200m run
15 hand-release pushups
Rx+ = GHDSU, overhead walking lunge (50/35lbs), strict HSPU
Tuesday 3/26
YGIG for time:
500-400-300-200-100m row
other partner holds a double kettlebell rack (2×24/16kg)
Wednesday 3/27
press 8×3, then
every :30 for 20:00 do 1 power clean & jerk, 102/70kg
Thursday 3/28
5 rounds for max reps:
bench press, BW/.7BW
Friday 3/29
2k row for time
EMOM for 7:00
4 squat cleans (61/43kg) then max reps shoulder-to-overhead in the remaining time. Score = total s2o.
Saturday 3/30
with a partner, for time:
20 thrusters, 43/29kg
20 sumo deadlift high pulls
20 push jerks
20 OHS
20 front squats
Both part athletes must do 4 burpees at the top of each minute.
Sunday 3/31
for time:
waiter’s walk around the block
then 2 rounds of:
20 burpee-swings
30 pushups
40 situps
50 walking lunges
waiter’s walk around the block
40:00 cap. Advanced uses a 25kg plate, Intermediate uses a 15kg plate, Novice uses a 5kg plate.
+ CGO 19.5 Preliminary Analysis & Strategies – Beyond the Whiteboard
+ Lifting Heavy is a Great Stimulus… But Not For Everybody – Invictus
+ Is Beer Actually a Good Post-Workout Drink? – BarBend