Week of 4/22 Through 4/28

Monday 4/22
5 rounds for time:
50′ walking lunge, 50/35lbs
40 ab-mat situps
30 box jumps, 24/20″
Tuesday 4/23
Rx Division: AMRAP in 12:00
double kettlebell deadlifts
double kettlebell front squats
double kettlebell hang to overhead
40 double unders to begin each round.
Scaled Division: AMRAP in 12:00
double kettlebell deadlifts
double kettlebell front squats
double kettlebell hang to overhead
60 single unders to begin each round.
Wednesday 4/24
establish a press 1RM in 10 minutes
establish a push press 1RM in 10 minutes
establish a jerk 1RM in 10 minutes
Thursday 4/25
for completion, not time:
1-2-3-4-5 overhead squats
2-4-6-8-10 bar muscle-ups
Friday 4/26
E2MOM for 40:00
a. 80 sprint skips
b. 40 calories row/bike/ski
c. 20 single leg squats
d. 10 bar-facing burpees
Saturday 4/27
YGIG 6 rounds for time:
50 wall ball, 20/14lbs
10 clean & jerks, 61/43kg
Sunday 4/28
50 burpee pullups for time
(Rest 5:00)
50 burpee box jump overs, 24/20″, for time
(Rest 5:00)
50 bar-facing burpees for time
+ Should You Be Eating Eggs? – NY Times
+ Austin Malleolo Deadlifted 600lbs then Ran a Marathon – MorningChalkUp
+ Intermittent Fasting 101: A Guide to Benefits, Muscle Gain, and More – BarBend