Week of 5/6 Through 5/12



It’s an EASY week! We’re going to deload specifically from heavy loading and focus on taking the time to prep the joints prior to our skill sessions.

Monday 5/6

3 push presses every :30 for 5:00 then
3 push jerks every :30 for 5:00

3 rounds for time:
800m run
25 kettlebell swings

Tuesday 5/7

for time:
100 double unders
3/2 rope climbs
50 toes-to-bar
100 double unders
3/2 rope climbs
40 alternating single-leg squats
100 double unders
3/2 rope climbs
30 hang power cleans, 43/29kg

Wednesday 5/8

back squat 12x3x60

100 gymnastics-style pullups for time

Thursday 5/9

5 rounds for max score:
1:00 max meter row
1:00 max hang power cleans, 61/43kg
1:00 rest

Friday 5/10

CGO 19.5

33-27-21-15-9 reps for time:
thruster, 43/29kg
chest-to-bar pullups

Saturday 5/11

between three people complete the following for time:
6k row
150 single-leg squats
90 hang cleans, 70/50kg

Sunday 5/12

5 rounds for time:
10 power snatches, 43/29kg
15 ring dips
200m run

Barbell Club: Week 1 of the May block


+ Should You Do Kipping Pull-ups? – ActiveLifeRx
+ Why Does Exercise Guard Against Cancer? Inflammation May Play a Role – NY Times
+ Why Is Eating Right So Hard? – No Meat Athlete