Saturday 6/5
WORKOUT for Saturday 6/5/2021
Some planks, some lunges, then a HSPU Strength Ladder of 2 rounds of 1-2-3-2-1
Nov – Strict Pushup, (Banded) Mountain-Butt Pushup, Pike Pushup
Int – Pike Pushup, One-leg Pike Pushup, HSPU Negative
Adv – HSPU Negative, 2/1 ab-mats HSPU (strict > kip), Parallette, (RING)
Five 3:00 AMRAPs of:
300m row
Max wall ball in remaining time, 8/14/20lbs
Rest 1:00 between rounds. Post score to whiteboard!
WATCH: This weekend’s Semifinals event for the CrossFit Games is the Granite Games in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Here’s the Day 1 and Day 2 feeds