Tag Archive for: Chris V

In most sports and activities coaches should have developed short and concise cues with their athletes as specific reminders to execute when needed.


One that gets some eye roll for some reason in the Olympic Weightlifting community is “REACH!” as it’s not as specific with direction or what the athlete should be activating.

We’d prefer a cue like “push back” if lacking upper back activation, “head through” if missing alignment, or “keep pushing” if arms or shoulders looked weak.

What do you think of when locking out overhead?

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 1/9/2020

EMOM power snatch + OHS/snatch balance
0:00-3:00 use 70% of max power snatch
4:00-7:00 use 75% of max power snatch
8:00-12:00 use 80% of max power snatch

the 10:00 to establish a heavy back/front/overhead squat.

Share loading to whiteboard. Post-workout should be banded back extensions and Pigeon supersets.

READ: Korean Beef Bowl by Feeding the Frasers on instagram

Yesterday we had four WODclub celebrations: Rachel (50), Chris (300), Rachael (500), Ann-Marie (1000)


+ Father Saves Baby Son’s Life with CPR – BBC News

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 5/1


AMRAP in 15 minutes:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-etc of
back squat, 1.5BW/BW
strict press, .75/.5BW
deadlift, 1.5BW/BW

Post rounds completed to comments.

HIIT WOD – 12pm

1-to-1o nose breathing burpee ladder

5:00 on, 1:00 off, for 3 rounds:
– lateral step-up
– med ball wood chop
– bear hug kneel-to-stand
– side-to-side rotating plank
– lateral mountain climber


10-to-1 for time:
lateral hurdle
squat thrust


HIIT WOD – 5:30pm

1:00 on/:15 off
agility ladder
battle ropes
toes through rings
banded hip extensions
repeat for 3 rounds

:40 on/:20 off for 10:00
knee tuck and hollow
bench up and over
alternating front scales
*hold active squat position for last round

max Chinese plank hold