Tag Archive for: cleanHSPUbob

WORKOUT for Wednesday 9/14/2022

2 rounds for time:
20 cleans, 20/40/60kg
30 handstand pushups
40 burpee over bar

every minute on the minute for 10 minutes: push jerk + power jerk + split jerk

Scores = time and max weight.

ENGINE for Wed 9/14

1:00 to complete 25 calorie row
1:00 to complete 50 double unders
1:00 to complete 25 toes-to-bars
1:00 to complete 50 double unders
1:00 to complete 25 slam ball


AMRAP in 5 minutes:
5 pullups
10 dive-bomber pushups

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 dips
20 twisting Zottman curl

WORKOUT for Wednesday 7/6/2022

EMOM x 10 minutes:
clean + push jerk + power jerk + split jerk

2 rounds for time:
20 cleans, 25/45/70kg
40 burpee over bar

Post time to whiteboard!