Tag Archive for: coffee

Front lunges for days

IN-GYM WORKOUT for Thursday 2/18/2021

a. Warmup

3:00 row
3:00 burpee Complex
3:00 slam ball + pogo hop
3:00 inchworm + scorpion + pushup

then BURGENER WARMUP. 3-5 reps of each:
– Down & FINISH
– Elbows High & Outside
– Muscle Snatch
– Snatch Landing
– Hang Power Snatch

b. Strength

EMOMx6 do 1-2-1 pullups

Every :90 complete 3 front squats + 1 jerk (Challenge? Pull barbell from ground)

c. Conditioning

5 rounds for time:
20 hang cleans
20 front lunges
20 push press
20 situps

This is a high volume barbell workout so preference is Hyperlite/20/30kg for novice/intermediate/advanced respectively. Situp is BW. Alternatively you could use a single DB/KB and simply do 10/side.

Post time to your journal or comments!

READ: Dirt and Corn? Test Reveals Hidden Coffee Ingredients – Live Science

CONDITIONING for Monday 11/30/2020


AMRAP in 20:00
14 hang (MB)  cleans
14 plank drags
14 toe taps
14 (MB) Russian twists

Ideally you’re using the same object (medicine ball, kettlebell, dumbbell, back pack, etc) the entire time for all of the exercises. Try to stay consistent on the time it takes you per round. Post score to comments!

READ: The Power of Coffee – Inverse

Sore from last week? Those situps and lunges got me!


Click to embiggen!

Foundation Barbell: Powerlifting Cycle 3, October Block, Week 2 PDF

Foundation Barbell: Olympic Weightlifting Cycle 3, October Block, Week 2 PDF


+ Why Eating Meat is Good For You – Chris Kresser
+ 16 CrossFit Athletes Over 50 Who Think Readers Digest is Full of Sh!t – Morning Chalk Up
+ Changes to 2019 Events, Publishes Quad Calendar – USA Weightlifting


Didn’t have any relevant conversations about stuff this week so here’s one I like

At home I enjoy making coffee through my AeroPress. It’s the closest thing to espresso (or cold brew) you can make if you have ground coffee/tea and hot water. No large machine necessary!

It’s superior to a french press for solo drinkers, and also fantastic for travel. The one thing I don’t like is that you use paper filters per use. Recently through Instagram I got to talking to one of the owners of Caffeine & Kilos and they mentioned that I should pickup a Fellow Prismo: it replaces the cap/filter portion of the AeroPress with a cleaner cap option and reusable stainless steel filter.

So good.


We’ll be sponsoring The OUTwod Power of Pride along with our friends at Rocket CrossFit, CrossFit LOFT, and FUELhouse Gym:

Check it out, save the date, call out a swole mate and register!

Kelsi A

Thrusters are coming. Every last workout of The CrossFit Games Open has ALWAYS included thrusters.

The question is what will it paired with? A lot of people are guessing double unders. I think it’ll be a couplet of doable work- the difference will be who wants it more. Who gets into the pain cave and thrives in there.

Any thoughts?

Find out at http://games.crossfit.com/ at 5pm


+ The NBA’s Secret Addiction – ESPN

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/23

push press 5x4x85%, then

2 rounds for time:
100 double unders
75 situps
50 pushups
25 overhead bumper lunges (R)
25 overhead bumper lunges (L)

Post time to whiteboard!

HellaFit WOD

Come and see!